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CB t - Approved Fqr Release : dI`A-RDP75- ,5~Q67 CPYRGHT FOIAb3b ...t'...3 'LA . d y" of disclosures had already WS'i 1 Return ArMTE7 Ah rt the American intelligence- As soon as its books are Ig thering effort. Democratic straightened out, Groves con Bader `tike Mansfield, in an-; tinued, NSA will turn back to 1 CIA about $5000 to $10,000 in her news conference, said the ! unused funds. The student !Senate panel that now super- i organization, now about $35,- r,.IN 'ses 4.he CIA is adequate. 1.000 in debt, has launched a By Cc The Republican leader inilcampn:gn to gather funds Grant from sources free of any CIA he IIouse, Gerald R. Ford of tie. -,~Mn;;ton -xt Staff Writer Iichigan said that in at leastll Schwartz pledged a "contin- Ike (D-Ind.) accused the CIA o using members of the NSA as (undercover agents in Santo Domingo during the 1965 rev olution there. In a Senate speech, Hartke said students had told him that NSA staff members ha been sent to Santo Doming ostensibly to talk dent leaders there a versity reforms. But h charged the students gathere dossiers on the local studen and sent them to the CIA. Reaction also came yeste day from the staff member Iof the Methodist Boards o Christian Social Concerns an Education, who charged th the CIA secret subsidies ma ,cast a pall of suspicion ove ' .,J W. ,.son o.ninis is- i0..'.i prciimii;ary report onj o of the eight years hey uation of the most dramatic CIAllcampaign for student serv- u H ouse ge rved on h C::\'s covertfinancing ac- ~I i atchdog committee its chair-11 ices, student Tights , student vises, was bc: Aed a "white- involvement and student pow- an, the late Rep. Clarence yestcriiay by ,racers Iiier undertaken in our history. annon (D-Mo?), and~thelate Reprank- student organization 1leanwhile, at the AFL C :ac . co -oily supported by the g Republican, the meeting in Bal Harbour, Fla., C_ ohn Taber (R-N.Y:), had ap-' president George Meany again flatly denied "any knowledge: zugenc. Groves, president roved secret CIA support oft '?c \.uional Student Asso- rivate groups. whatsoever" of CIA ties to ciaioa, asserted that the rc- on.ressional Investigation unions- port' endorsed Thursday by unions, the Los Angeles Times resident Johnson was in However, Sen. Walter F. reported. Iondale (D-Minn.) said in Asked about reports by col- effect a whitewash of the hicago last night that only a I umnist Drew Pearson that $100 CIA's role." ull congressional investiga, million a year had flowed to The preliminary report, ion could "restore the faith l' ubmitted by Under Secretar " unions through CIA conduits, s ~ nd confidence" in the CIA. 6Vleany retorted: of Maic Nicholas clr,i, Katz- At the student press confer "Drew is a liar by choice. enbach, praised the CIA j nce yesterday, Edward I The truth is not in him." all students and scholars wh travel abroad. The Methods C groups called for a thoroug - going congressional investiga- tion to clear the air. pert of cis, n!;meal, 181)0' ,Irct airs vice president, agreed) to reports that Jay Lovestone, o riticism of the ifi 's G ing with national security ,,oiicics approved by Presi- gents Truman, Eisenhower, :rc :nec:y an;; ?.Tohnson. Coves said lie continued to fcci that "CIA use of private or;;a;;1 1;tions is unjustified in a iree and o; ea society.n Asks Thorough Pro.u The 23 - year -'old former :;:,ones Scholar. called for "a n.or c thorough, indcpc,:dent in I vestigation" of the problem !raised by the exposure of th CiA's role in subsidizing a Wide rage of private organizations Groves doubted that the 3 ;; an investigating panel head !cd by Katzenbach would b :;very "critical" with the direr ;tor of the CIA, Richard M !Helms, as a member. Secreta l John W. Gardner of the Dc Ipai.tment of Health, Educatioi .it on Capitol Ilill, Repu u ,, h and Democratic leader s~.cciai i:avcstigLion of the Cl v h r ves c hdf the AFLCIO inter ea o-- church groups was in keep-' )rcliminary Katzenbach re- national affairs department, )ort. was the key link to the CIA. Schwartz asserted that any Lovestone "has nothing to nvestigation would be "trio- `do with the CIA and you can al" unless it dealt with the bet on that," Meant' snorted. central question of whether Meant' said that, based on, he CIA should use private newspaper reports and "the'%, [rgsanizations for covert activ- stories going around," he had t h' ;_2 wn t d t Society' Methods ar is o o s decide vestigation of CIA links. If Groves added that regard- less of "whatever extenuating circumstances there may have been, the use of covert means to build democratic institu- tions reflects a monumental. contradiction" in a free so-' ciety,'smacking of the meth- ods used in a "closed society." Although the NSA's credi- bility had been damaged by the exposure of its 15-year financial involvement with the CIA, Groves said, the organ- ization was not going to fold up on either the national or international fronts. Campus reaction to NSA's decision to terminate its rela- tionship with the CIA had been generally favorable, the reported. None of the 300 uni- versities which are NSA mein- Ibers have yet declared they are pulling out, Groves said. any CIA money has gone to the AFL-CIO, "I'm opposed; t:. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-001498000300300017-1