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WASHINGTON POST Sanitized.- Approved FXW4WIdDWeUnIA-R CPYRGHT JUN 2 4 194 I Rut riled Car 18 Clue CPYRGHT fights Aides (CPYRGHT By William Chapman Staff Reporter JACKSON, Miss., June[ 23-The' car once . drivel by three missing civil right workers was found burned in a Mississippi swamp to- day and President Johnson announced that he was deriding former CIA Direc- tor Allen Dulles into the State. There was still no trace of the men missing since Sunday night. Dulles will leave Wednesday to meet with Gov. PaulJohn- son, other Mississippi officials, the FBI "and others who have NAACP -protests . disap- pearance of three civil rights workers. Page B9. information on the law observ- ance problems that exist there and are a matter of such great concern," a White House an- nouncement said. Gov. Johnson issued a state- ment herd saying he would be "glad" to meet with Dulles. "So long as Mr. Dulles is ob- jective, I have no doubt he will find that law and order prevail and will be maintained .by State and local authorities . and that any incident or strife or civil disorder cones from the professional visiting 'troublemaker." Fiv&`?Iiour'Meeting Mr. Johnson met for five hours with Attorncy General Robert F. Kennedy, who'post- poned a trip to West Ger- many, Deputy Attorney' Gen- eral Nicholas do B, Katzen- hach, and Assistant Attorne nuri5o :u' aqlizea Jo1111so111'leugges " ""? ' ice l)partmcnt's civil.rights Help, Sends Dulles division. Earlier, the President and, To Mississippi f the Attorney General had met' tobert Goodman and Mr. and Irs. Nathan Schwerner of'New York, parents of two of the nissing men, and assured them hat the Federal Government as doing all it could to find heir sons. The White House statement ?eitorated the President's con ern as to the "whereabouts lid physical safety" of the ussing men. ledge by Governor It noted that Governor John on had premised that law en orcement facilities in Missis ippi "will he utilized to their till extent to prevent acts of. iolence or public disorder,",, nd said that the President; `called for the cooperation and! lie restraint of all the citizens a society .ree of anarchy, vio lence and disdain for the law.' The missing men are An drew Goodman, 20, and Mich ael Schwerner,? 24, both, o New York, and James Cheney, 22, a Negro from Meridian, miss. Federal and State agents identified a station wagon found burned in a swamp near Philadelphia, Miss., as the. one they had used. Fears have risen for the three men since they failed to return to Meridian from hiladelphia Sunday night. Members of the "Mississippi Summer Project" assigned to ivil rights work in Meridian, they had gone to Philadelphia to investigate reports of a burned Negro church. The first report. of a dis- overy was made here this afternoon by Gov. Johnson? FOIAb3b Johnson said the burned-ott car was spotted in a swan; about 12 miles east of Phila delphia in Neshoba County. At least 16. patrolmen; tw special agents and an undis closed number of FBI agent had been drawn to the area PYRGHT awaiting a later report tonight Asked if he feared for th three men's lives, the Gover nor said: "Offhand, I would say no But that's just something you don't guess about. It's a big state with a lot of territory. You just can't watch every- body." Spokesmen for 'the Council of Federated Organizations the compined civil rights or ganization, said. here that the three left Meridian Sunda mor.ning.to investigate the re- ported burning of a Negro church in Philadelphia a week ago. Neshoba C o u n t y Sheriff Lawrence Rainey said Cheney had, been arrested for speed. ing and fined $20 and that all Neshoba County, in-the-mid- not regarded as one of the .most dangerous counties in Mississippi f or integration work. It has a population of about 15,000 whites, 4600 Neg- roes and 1200 Choctaw In- dians. Before discovery of the car, John Lewis, chairman of the Student Non-Violent Coordi- nating Committee, issued a de- mand here for "presidential protection" of civil rights workers' in Mississippi. At least 175 Negro and white stu- dents have come into the State in the last few days to begin voter registration projects and see (Federal) marshals all across this State." The Coun- cil of Federated Organizations expects "harassment, intimida- tion and outright violence," Lewis said. He also referred to explo- sions which shook the homes of two Negro families Monday night in McComb, deep in southwestern Mississippi where a strong resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan has been ;observed. I another 300 are expected this weekend. Meanwhile, Governor John? son put before the Mississippi legislature today his tuition-. $$~~ MU l1 U stgrega.