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Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000300140087-2 NEW YOItK' JOURNAL ANIERWAN N DO'S SEPIA Ti By GUY RICHARDS uopyriglit IM, N.Y. Journal -American "I am flying up to see you for in- formation on the whole story which ob- CPsf can't be given over the tele- With these words, Rep. John Milan tls!lbrook, (R.-Ohio) announced his ar- rival later today in the offices of '.the- N. Y. Journal-American. was to 1ea1rn he said His ur ose , p p , all details and background about the ,been .a victim of a. Soviet "poli- convincing when he bared the tical murder dressed up as a existence of these agents,?and sensational disclosures by. Soviet secret'suicide.") named names. police defector and former high-rank- "It is vitally important," Rep Thus, both branche of the Government may be speaking ing official, Lt. Col. Michal Goieniew- Ashbrook continued, "that Col. ' Golenicwski appear before my in good faith with what they haven't ublished in ll h t ries l t ki t d d ave, or y ua p s , an re a e o S committee.' "It is high time ac this newspaper. the whole State Dept. and its learned, from the Polish-born the . policies be brought to account. defector a member of Ashbrook Rep ., , . It has consistently lied about BALANCE OF POWER House Un-American . Activities Com- such Communist penetration The case bids fair to become rnittee added: as those made in Warsaw. a classic in the balance of f -1 wane to get every pal tilde o Rep. Ashbrook's sudden de- information I can get about Goleniew cision to make a `trip to New ski's charges of .KGB.. agents in the York mirrored the stepped-up Agency. lowed publication of stories " I note that the Federal agencies this week In the Journal-Amer- _ . -- ican. A number of members or in- vestigators from -Senate and House panels called this news. ,Paper yesterday, seeking help and information. They wanted directions for finding , Col. Goleniewski, who is still in a CIA hideout. of the touchiest aspects of this unique case-the conflict of versions of the defector's story Approved For Release 2000/08/21 CIA-RDP75-001498000300140087-2 n or s own safety, claims he was once highly useful, but is now unde- `?pendable. The Executive branch, which REP. ASHBROOK. is holding. the erstwhile spy- "I Want All Information" master in sequestratio f hi as relayed 'by spokesmen of the Executive and Legislative branches of the Government. MAR 4 1964 S SEE-it M classic maneuver they used o; ov iLiang Jensen, trying t, Infer that o, o eniews i s gone off his rocker." vas a former Danish dipjonma dismissed from the United N - ea n Alley Pond 7 ark Queens, on Thanksgiving Day 1959. Although New York polic officially list his death as. RC 1 TY"A It also claims he never in- formed it of the KGB agents in the State Dpt. and the CIA. Col. Goleniewski said the rea-. son high CIA officials may not have received the information was that it had been quashed before reaching them by some o its own agents. Emissaries of the. Legislative branch, Including a Congress man, and two aides who inter-1 viewed him-one of them twice Continue$ A nrnvcrl Pnr Rclcacc 9fVVl/f1R/97 - f _IA-RIlP79-ll1AQPflflfl' flfl140087-2 branches of Federal govern- Congress must, nevertheless, meat. . l approve It on a pig-in-a-poke Will the Executive branch ever let any of the Senate oi- l House committtecs take the basis, sight unseen. As related in Monday's Journal-Aiyerican, Col. Gel testimony in secret session ieniewski said that about $1.2-, which Col. Goleniewski v' ants imillion in CIA funds was' to deliver? Or will it become a channeled to the Reds in Vien-; Mexican standoff, destined fore na and elsewhere. This misuse bitter debate in the upcoming of government money, which Presidential campai^n? finds us paying for our own Strong indications that more subversion, is a very definite field for Investigation for thei will be heard about Col. Crolen- ~ lewski came from many sources. Operations Committee. '.l'he House Armed Services Even agents for the Warrenl Committee is reportedly anx commission investigating the sous to get more information,; ssassinationn of President Hen- :uud possibly direct testim who, ilke to talk to Col. Goleniewa now' regarding the 10 Marines ony, were compromised by beautiful Polish girls acting as Informa- tion-collectors for Soviet agelas. A DIM VIEW A State Dept. spokesman has shrugged this off as nothing more than "boys will be boys." However, members of the sub- committee take 'a .dimn view of this lighthearted approach. . This Is because the defector has been able- to supply an interesting'-hit of Informations to a Congressional aide-name- ly, the fact that there is a 0RU assassin school in Minsk, The GRU Is considered a key agency in the operation of world-wide Soviet espionage. After Pres. Kennedy's assassi-' nation on. Nov. 22, the Congres- I. They know that Marine de-'(,sional aide established his third tachments guard all our lm- contact with Col. Goleniewski, portant Embassies around the ,-world. The case in Warsaw in- volved girls coming into dormi- tory-barracks type quarters which the Marine enlisted men occupied, spending night after night there, and gathering a great deal of Information. The girls listened carefully to ask him this pointed qucs-, tion: "Did the KGB operate a school for assassins - better: known as Dept. 13-in Minsk?" This is the city where Lee Os- wald spent most of his time in, Russia, the city where he met and married Marina, now his questioned knowingly, but with widow. seeming innocence, and turned ESPIONAGE ARM ,over detailed reports of every- The Colonel replied that al- thing they gathered to their though the KGB did not main- Red spymasters. taro a school for assassins there, GRAVE INDISCRETION the GRU, the military espio- That this could happen with'.nage arm, did have such an in- knowledge of the Marine de- stitution in Minsk. tachments' commanding offi-! This doesn't necessarily means cers, or In the naive belief that':that- Oswald attended . tine:, school for assassins, but It' Communists weren't' making doesn't rule out the possibility, studied use of material gath ered, is regarded as grave in- either. ,discretion by' the very unit; The colonel's knowledgeable' charged with the security of answer, while it proved, nothing our embassies. Other 'Congressional commit- tees that may enter the case are the powerful Government Operations Committees of the House and Senate. These are among the several. groups that concern themselves with the multi-million-dollar budget of the Central Intelligence Agency. The size of this budget, and its breakdown, are secret. In fact, the sums are so carefully agencwrs that it is- doubtful whether half-a-dozen members of Congress actually have any Idea how much the CIA is ac- tually, costAppri wd-f d* A about Oswald, is dust another reason why. so many people want to have. a chat- with the colonel... .. \