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Approved For Release 200l-OWT CIA-RDP75-00149R000300130028-8
bc era[b
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VOLUME IX, Number 1
February 11, 1966
On who have arrived here from Sebastopol."
S I, C
y u - ommittee made public Part #1
of "State Department Security 1963-65," co -
taining the testimony of John R. Norpel, J .
who had been with the F. B. I. and State De
partment Security Section. In it is mentioned
the name of Michal Goleniewski. Much ha
been written about the mysterious Col. Go -
eniewski who had been in Polish Intelligence
at a high level and who supplied valuable in-
formation to the Western Free World on th
operations of communist intelligence agent
from which sensational spy cases resulted.
Very little has been written about the man
known as Col. Goleniewski personally, his
true identity, operations and motivations. W
wish to present such information in this
strange case.
It has been generally accepted as historic 1
fact that Czar Nicholas and the Russian roya
family were murdered by Bolsheviks at Ekat
Tho N. Y. "Times" on Dec. 28, 1918,, page 4,
column 5, stated, "Says Czar And FamilyAre
In Neutral Land--Nephew of Skoropadski As-
serts Their Whereabouts Is Known To Allied
Government - Warsaw, Dec. 21. (Associated
Press)--'There is no doubt that the Czar and
his entire family are alive. I am positive of
this,' was the declaration made to the corres-
pondent today by Michael de Tehlhatchef,a neph-
ew ofGeneral Skoropadski, who has just es-
caped from the Ukraine after a recent trip to
Petrograd, Dyinsk, Vilna, and Rovno.
"'I cannot reveal where the Czar is because
he does not wish it,' he added. 'He does not
care to be bothered and he wants to be left
"His whereabouts is known to allied govern-
ment. It is in a neutral country. Accounts of
is murder at Ekaterinburg were manufactured
y Trotsky and Lenine for propaganda purposes.
erinburg, Siberia, on July 16, 1918. Invest - OW IT HAPPENED -
gations made thereafter supposedly confirm d The N. Y. " Times" on January 9, 1919, page 3,
the execution, but much of the informatio :olumn 1, stated, "Again Report Czar To Be Still
came from questionable sources. Through false live --Grand' Duke Cyril Given As Authority For
claims made by pretenders the world came to 3tory That OfficeWas ShotInstead--His Family
accept the stories of the murders as accurate. k 'so Living- -News Said To Have Been Conveyed
Evidence exists to prove that the individua
n Letter From Ex-Autocrat's Daughter Tatania. I
known as,Michal Goleniewski is Aleksei Nich On March 16, 1919 the N. Y. "Times" ran a
olaevichRomanoff, born at Peterhof, Russia tory on page 10, column 2--"Believes Czar
August 12, 1904, the son of Czar Nicholas I Lives--Russian Prince Thinks Royal Family Is
Confidential records of the CIA would con- Hidden in Northern Russia--Rome, March 14 -
firm this if made public. To prove that he is ccording to an interview with Stefania Turr, a
actually the Tsarevich and Grand Duke, t aughter of a noted Hungarian General, printed
things are necessary--first to show that the oday in the G iornale d' Italia, the belief still ex-
alleged assassinations never took place an sts that Emperor Nicholas and his wife, as well
then to establish his identity. s some of the Russian Grand Dukes, were not
ut to death by the Bolsheviki.
NEWSPAPER REPORTS IN 1918 - "The interview quotes a conversation between
The N. Y. "Times"of December 19, 1918, on Miss Turr and Prince Obolensky, former Captain
page 3, column 2, in an Associated Press di - f the R ussian Imperial Guard, in which the Princt
patch from Warsaw, Poland, stated:"The moth expressed his firm belief that the Russian royal
cr of former Emperor Nicholas of Russia, who mily is still alive. He is reported to have re-
is living near Livadia in the Crimea has been rd- flised to give any details as to the basis for his
ceiving letters everyten days purported to co a elief, except that the former Emperor and Em-
from the former ruler, ac ort n to Pootj 11
Approved ~or e~ease l1U
T4# ro IfRrN fpas@R( IO 4 :
ThAmerican" o Philadelphia, Pa.
lated July 21 , 1918, quoting from Bolshevik
fireless dispatches, stated, "ShootingOfEx-
zar By Order Of Soviet Council Confirmed --
Execution Followed Discovery Of Plot To Res-
cue Him--Wife And Son, Former Heir Appar-
nt, Are Taken To Places Of Safety. " As we
have read in the N. Y. "Times" article, an of-
ficer was reported shot in place of the Czar;
so that would make the whole family safe.
to a tremendous amount ot intelligence -
mation which included data on the operations of
Soviet and satellite intelligence networks' and
agents, as well as their programs, methods of
operation and traitors in the Western World
who worked with them.
In 1917 Emperor Nicholas IIhad established
by a secret ukase, #22-1917, signed at Tobolsk,
what was termed "The Obligations of the Rus-
sian O rthbdox Christians to Fight in the Under-
Czar Nicholas was in correspondence with ground the Bolsheviks Anti-Christ." Another
aiser Wilhelm after his alleged death, copies" secret ukase was entitled "The Russian Ortho-
f the correspondence being in the possession. , dox Church in the Underground. " Aleksei re-
f a committee checking on the case. The ` ceived the protection of this underground in
andwriting is reported asbeing authentic. Poland.
HE ALEKSEI STORY - Having reached a high position and having ac -
After being rescued, the Czar and his family cumulated much intelligence data, Aleksei mad
settled in Poland as did many other Russians. contact with the West. From April 1958 until
There the Czar was known as Raymund Turgnski. December 1960 he voluntarily served the United
is identification papers in Poland were preparedStates at great personal danger. He personally
through the aid of Marshal Joseph Pilsudski, who prepared 160 pages of typewritten secret re-
ad Col. Alexander Pryston and Col. Waclaw ports and sent them through to the West. He
SzAlewicz prepare them. In 1924, for security also sent over 5, 000 pages of top secret docu-
reasons, the Czar changed his name to Michal . ments on microfilm having to do with Soviet-
Goleniewski. Young Aleksei went with his fam- satellite espionage, Polish and East German in-
ilyto the Don Basin, central Crimea, Constanti- telligence services and agents in Western Europe
nople, Vienna and finally to Warsaw, Poland. and the U. S. Army--military, economic, polit-
ical, intelligence and counter-intelligence mat-
His mother, Empress Alexandra, died of a ters regarding the Soviet block. He also sent
cart attack in Warsaw, Poland, in 1924. His over 8 00 pages of Soviet and Polish intelligence
father died in 1952 at the age of 84 in a village reports which showed the results of their intel-
near Posen in Poland. The Grand Duchesses ligence operations in the Free World, 80% of
Olga, Maria and Anastasia are still living. Al- which were found to have come from secret.
eksei suffered from malariawhichhe contracted Free World sources.
in Siberia and from hemophilia. From 1918 to
1928, while living in Poland, he was sick much As a resultofa particular discovery by the
of the time. KGB Aleksei and his wife were forced to flee to
In 1930 Aleksei was taken into the Imperial All
Russians Anti-Bolsheviks Underground which
had been established by his father and from then
on worked continuously' as a secret underground
member of this anti-communist force. In 1944
he was poisoned and almost died. This prevented
a planned family move to Portugal. In 1945 the
Red Army moved in and sealed the borders.
Aleksei entered the Polish Army in 1945 as part
of his anti-communist work and in 1948 was as-
signed to Polish Army Counter Intelligence.
He held posts in the technical and scientific
branches and also in the analysis and inspection
sections of Polish Army Counter Intelligence.
From 1953 to 1956 he held positions as Deputy
Chief and Vice Director of these counter intel-
ligence branches, and by February 8, 1957 he
headed a branch of military intelligence where
65 staffo
the West in January 1961. On January 12, 1961
they arrived in the United States on a Military
Air Transport plane, accompanied by Homer E.
Roman of the CIA. From this date until De-
cember 14, 1963 (almostthree fullyears) Alek-
sei was briefing U. S. authorities on the reports
and microfilms already sent through. He also
brought with him complete data on 240 persons
theii names, identifications, assignments, lo-
cations and operations. These individualswer
intelligence agents of the industrial, scientific
and technical bureau of the Polish Secret Ser-
vice and were located in Western Europe and
the United States.
Aleksei also worked with U. S. Intelligence au{
thorities here on over 2, 000 cases of new mat-
ters involving agents of Polish Military Intel-
llgence, East German Secret Service, the KGB-
GRU, etc. He detailed for U. S. 'authorities
gfrGlep9..t army mobil
d &q%-bbb & 4 ft6GO'o1W028-8 ciavinb w uo witin Eneir operations through- ist -Polish Nationalists as having really been
t E
astern Europe and the satellite countries. created, inspired and directed via the MGB by
agents throughout Western Europe and in U. S. activities. This money was actually used to
formation supplied oyr.leksei was of great im- and other American intelligence groups. Over
World and resulted in the breaking up of spy entrapped and imprisoned
those jail
rings in several countries and the arrest and were an additional hundred members of the All
gence officials and agents. had,been fighting against the Stalin regime after
The illegal resident of the Soviet GRUin Eng- While still in Poland Aleksei transmitted full
land, Soviet Col. Melody alias Gordon Lonsdale, details of a Communist-Nazi underground move
and his four agents Houghton, Lee, and Peter ment created prior to 1944 by Martin Borman
and Helen Kroger alias Cohen, were uncovered and other high Nazis who realized Germanywas
h Al
s information. From this case going to lose the war. It had started as Nazi
developed, through Houghton, the case of KGB but became an instrument of KGB and GRU.
(copted)agent VassalofBritjsh Naval Intelligence. Aleksei gave details of officials of this group
From Aleksei's information was developed
the case of Col. Beer alias Bieber who was the
military adviser to the Israel government. Also
was developed the case of Col. Wennerstrom
of Sweden yiho was actually a KGB General
who included Martin Borman, Gestapo Chief
Heinrich Muller and SS Chief Gottleib Berger,
and stated that they are all still alive and work-
ing in this Nazi-Bolshevik underground move-
me nt.
(He had been in the United States for five years ALEKSEI'S INFORMATION ACCURATE -
as a spy undetected.) As to how accurate Aleksei's information was,
there are the actual cases cited, plus state-
Aleksei's information caused the unmasking ments made by U. S. officials in the Senate In-
of hundreds of White Russian nationalists who ternal Security Sub-Committee Hearing, "State
had been supporting the West but who were en- Department Security 1963-65.',' We find on page
forced into involuntary service for the KGB. 624 where Chief Counsel Mr. Sourwine is ques-
Another case was that of George Blake, a very tioning John R. Norpel who had been in the FBI
high British intelligence official connected with and State Department Security:
MI-6 in London. Through Blake the U. S. CIA "Mr. Sourwine. Do you know whether any in-
lost 1,200 intelligence cases in the anti-Soviet formation furnished to the U. S. Government--I
sector due to his being in on high level access will put it an other way: do you know of any in-
to secret information. formation ever furnished to the U. S. Govern-
mentbyGoleniewski which turned out to be un-
Aleksei's information resulted in uncovering true or inaccurate?
Felfe, Clemenz, Fuhrmann and others in West Mr. Norpel. I do not; no, sir.
German intelligence who were actually working Mr. Sourwine. Do you know whether the in-
under KGB orders and who for ten years threat-formation which has been furnished by him has
ened the security of England, West Germany been checked out in all or in a substantial part? \
and the United States. Their activities neutral- Mr. Norpel. Substantial--
ized the activities of the CIA in thousands of Mr. Sourwine. Iwould have to make that with
cases, I
In Denmark the case ofBlekinberg and in
France the case of Bitonski resulted from Al-
eksci's exposures; as did details of KGB gene-
, tration which uncovered part of Aleksei's ef-
forts in the East and fullyuncovered Col. Oleg
Pcnkovskiy in the Soviet Union in 1961. This
is the same man whose experiences are de-
tailed in the book, "The Penkovskiy Pagers. "
to t e portion o
it that you know about.
Mr. Norpel. Yes, sir; it was checked out.
Mr. Sourwine. And it proved true in every
Mr. Norpel.
Every case that lam aware of."
Over one hundred people in U. S. Government,
in the FBI1 CIA, State Department, etc. know
either all or part of the Goleniewski story, and
n n t of thegP lrnnw-hia true '7Y0ntity.
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000300130028-8
GPYRGHT l ? CIS4qZDP7 1MR(10D 1,3D0;$t. )
is more an dust the
identification of the legal heir to the throne of
Russia. A sum of some four hundred million
dollars held in Western banks would belong
to Aleksei upon proper idei tification. He has
.stated the money would be used for the most
part in combatting the International Communil
Conspiracy and freeing the one billion people
held in the most tyrannical rule the world has
ever known. Once his identity were establishe
he would rallyto the anti-communist cause mil
lions of people who would take new hope and
start liberation movements and intensified un-
derground resistance. He would definitelybe
the focal point of the anti-communist cause.
This could be the reason that, although proof
enough to satisfy even the most skeptical per -
son exists, those who are in possession of the
documents remain silent.
The Washington "Daily News" of January 19,
1965, published a United Press International
dispatch which stated, "A former Central In-
telligence Agencyofficial challenged the agency
today to disclose evidence that a Polish spy who
defected to the West in 1960 is actually the son
of the last Russian Czar.
"Herman Kimsey, who was chief of analysis
and research for CIA and more recently was
assistant chief of security for the Republican
National Committee, said the agency has made
exhaustive tests to establish the true identity
of Col. Michael Goleniewski.
"He said he is convinced the tests proved the
mysterious Pole is Grand Duke Alexei, only
son of Czar Nicholas II.... "
York, N. Y. shocked thirteen million viewers
by announcing that the TsarevichAlexei Nichol-
aevich of Russia is alive and his identity has
been verified by scientific evidence which in-
cludes fingerprint and dental comparisons. Be-
cause of their disappearance, history has inac-
curatelyassumed that the last Russian Tsar and
his family were massacred in 1918.
"Mr. Backster, who founded the polygraph
section of the Central Intelligence Agency and
trained the initial polygraph staff for the Na-
tional SecurityAgency, was introduced to the TV
show panel in several of his capacities including
that of Chief Investigator on the reappearance of
the Romanoffs,the Russian Imperial Family."
(from an authorized release of the Academy for
Scientific Interrogation, dated Dec. 23, 1964)
Cleve Backster has been a consultant to the
U. S. Army, U .S. Navy, French Surete, West
German Army and the Japanese Police among
any others. One might say he is an "expert.
To sum it up, there is evidence of Aleksei's
dentity consisting of fingerprints, sole prints,
lood tests, dental comparisons, physiognomy
omparisons, series ofphotographs, affidavits,
nvestigation reports, intelligence information
I s nd more, all of which could be made available
o that he rr~iight prove his identity and legally
sume his rightful name. The anti-communist
ovements and the Free World would have much
o gain in finances and morale by seeing that the
ruth in this case is made public. Members of
ongress should be urged to demand that the
IA releas
"Ido not know why the CIA has withheld the +'
necessaryproof of identity from a person who xtra copies 50c, 5 for $1.00, $10. 00 per 100
has done so much for this country and who only wishes to live under his ,own name and claim ' Church and State Under Communism" - fifty
what is rightfully his ' Mr. Kimsey said ... " cents, 3 for $1.00 (large quantities-see booklet)
"During the months of 1961 when Col..Gole-
niewski's antecedents were under CIA scrutiny ooks by Frank A. Capell-"The Strange Death
with the aid of information from British intel- f Marilyn Monroe"($2. 00), "The Threat From
ligence, Mr. Kimsey was head of CIA's re- ithin"($1.50), "Treason Is The Reason"
search section.... " ($3. 00), DIEW-"The Strange Case of Jacob "Mr. Kimsey said he had knowledge of com-
parisons of fingerprints, sole prints, and dental HE HERALD OF FREEDOM
harts of Col. Goleniewski and the Czarevich. AND METROPOLITAN REVIEW
"Dr. Alexander S.Wiener, co-discoverer of i published everyother Friday by The HERALD
he RH-blood factor, ran blood tests on Col. o FREEDOM, P. O. BOX 3, Zarephath, N. J.
oleniewski and found he suffers fromhemo- S bscription $10. 00 per yr. , $6. 00 for 6 mos.
hilia, as did the Czarevich. Col. Goleniewski Frank A. Capell, Ed. & Publisher, Tel. - 201,
imps from a hemophiliac leg malformation. So 4 9-2088, Office, Zarephath, N. J. Counsel &
id the Czar's son. " gal Adviser, Dr. Bella V. Dodd, 100 West 42
? S reet, New York, N. Y.
On the December 23, 1964 CBS Television *
etwork's afternoon program, 'To Tell The tr -ed as Second Class Matter at U. S. Post
ruth,' Cleve Backster
"nG~ a : CIA-RDP75-001498 013002 8--8