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A Wroved For Release 2000/06/13 :CIA-RDP75- L "WYRGHT I find It dlMcul't o h?. asserts ; this,, las to. be s'ead in p wow of wlnnintr the cold war e u more b v to - _dt hearings on Sovte and' ,Amer- "Thetis t; a materialistic so- aid to undeveloped countries scan economic will, and ciety. They assign a low prior. and thus keeping them away t h c from communism. Although fknl~d lesti ity to . those endeavors wa particularly mony, as would lead ao a fuller life for Mr. Dulles did not,go Into this "refresh flt_g ? ? their people. The attitude they 'aspect In his testimony, other To me the take fts automobiles Is a leading personalities, notably and the committee" ~ 'gd illustration of thls'pollcy. Governor Rockefeller, have sot ed far ,,far away Roars 2 r. Khrushchev was 'itpdoubt? frequently . dwelt on it. tunic soul-searichiig. ? t?~tA - wily Impressed .by the yiew" he When reason dawns, It be- peared to, me, a ren } gained of our over-all-economic comes obvious, that? while we vival of the E ]f11i. itrength. He. was by,nb means have a moral duty to help with- tite practice of'' Ain.rsuaded that he shmild emu- in our means others who are .liver auguries to d ens- late .us in the automotive field. less fortunate -than we, yet we (ions of poll r n an address at, Vladivostok falsify our duties to ourselves cbttduct. r. bout. a month ago; he said and our fellow men when we The ttner tl that it was `not at-all our aim use aid as a means of persuad- .._~..: . A4-' In rmmnete with the Americans tog people to become "rice d..,tAtast -Up t tvar.. a,yaaa~ ca~,.ww,. +?r n . ... - _ ---- o .I...- -:.rt `` ?n:as -About the nature. of 'Russian stringy attached. wades-q tfi tbiitl ` form. the furious ~4r W If aty- wars site f they As for combating the errors and were ob red to;-. Will be elthet bids w" of communism which. we be. Christianity at the point of the or nuclear wars. NaI ? type nave to 'be destructive of civ- sword. As everybody knows to. of war will be der that used values, that can property tiant that indlees of over-all uetrial be done only by diffusing ' Ch i i t t decisive., lead In. the race for to lose out ultimately yin the. Wbetha ,;onC . gars p economle : growth with Russia. ystcuggle.for military survival, ?country; or another adopts the The first aasuoPtion Is sim?. elcpresse$ the nfa r1*U Ue in? R si an N'tehnique of indus- tioa does not affect our liar to the assumption behind terpretation of ton'Xr , fn the tnedle alWtary " `erttdest and most less military survival-in a nuclear r a t wash day, y was spread in this fashion, but production. And yet Mr. Dulles-. through the example of our a travesty of Christianity. solemnly ' warned is . in his' own lives.a devotion to higher And now we learn from Mr. -testimony that unless we In- and more - spiritual truths. Dulles' testimony that it, 3a a drease our Industrial produc- When we Authorize the state travesty of spiritual , values (ion rate, the gap between the to. combat the errors of com- that we wish to spread ,by the Russian' and Amerlciiijleecono? mun by governmegtpropa- economic and propaganda tech- mica 'by 1970 "will be` danger- ganda -and economic warfare nlques of the cold war. The ously narrowed" And he ex? tactics, we merely serve to CIA director cites as proof of platned in answer to Senator propagate these same errors his contention thit -the Has. Javlti' question that he meant, in, tap,, gulag of combating ate rival versions' of materialism. ample,.In so far as these coup- Eiseuhower's apd `;scot ,_ ~...~ ? ..y . n..t.... .,.n .,,.r e-f/ts&fanak. rawa are trlltina to follow that uu ? vv? i J~w . pvy " order to asatire rbe - :indication that the cold war is developed sections of the freedom and, f,P ues not a struggle of , spiritual world it so much by economic over .the system. '?o! eas `values vs. material m, . but charity, but by the slow con- s 1 n p dedt . rather a struggle betttieeti. two tagion . of our' economic ex rt Amer icann Liver Augury?.', - _ yea- w.u........~ ... .._ .-_. -__- Ink gage is his testimmon, which gospel of increased economic duction is preached as a r es; ,', L version Df materrausm a example. u any 'OK wesa cvuu- _t-___.-_l 11.r _ 't i want- to fellow .the cx- ritua r es . ? - The second assutnptttln. that stiaple of Russia, common sense wage the cold war tjv '~ and prepare effectively for fie we have to win the economic as' well as morality tells us hot war, ,we must maintain a race with Russia in. order not that we should let them. develo ed sians are a . materialistic p-' by this that our natignal it- them. . ciety their. Xailure and lack of curlty" would be en fingered. IBF.11SAMl'v GIYZBt3RG. -......^- t * rlington,- Vs ? -":?,-_ I e . ts to Approved For Release 2000/08/13 :CAA=kDF 7v-''D 1'49Rd~0300090011-1