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November 17, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 21, 2000
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Publication Date: 
February 23, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000300090003-0.pdf185.77 KB
ved? For ReMeese, 2OO6!O fi 3 F l b3b.' There arc some disgusting occurrences tall: zg :,check let the sk h ir a t e student it qtioo iuesil, t alike on the Rerkelcy [`err e d rr us -the p s . nc d h .. 1 ?v.,.a.A,. cs W IM-11 -coul ardly',ser \?e-', to crut ? -, `. , ' ? I S~egistrar Cliriron' Gilliaz~a, defending the t1. e con)mu11ity'''callcd for by our Chancellor. _c. X -__ _?.- _ 1 Ih" t? nc is iie, ywVlc w uuac.'Lnrougn UIll- no one can blaille the stiidcnts tt vcrsity files, Ilas, said tale ? traist tl cM." Ye as - r? is re ct h r nAg to those wo willingly nand,, curity agencies is. a dishonorable roliey yet it over~the ri ate inf ma i l ' , p v or t on ie certaily cn t: ,na his bci,n practiced for some tizlie lid the campus include the students in his statement, because! they ha e n of hj t ? , Ill .s J~-calleu trust re-..~ r parently nothing is sacred at the University of lationship. alifor lia l rl h i ~ , particu a y t e confidence and pri- - And speaking of trust, whit lase we M think ' IJa(:l staooiil hxecutive Vice-Chancellor tive buck-passing can rcietiact' froixi the fact ` ' Cl ha 1e4 s said that Iis offi noae of sce wast awr that groups such as the FBI and,. the CIA enjoy the "o en do li f r p po cy- o securityinveti ,'.??sga- daily access- to personal records without student . tors. ?This,.we seriously :u'otibt. . ' pcrniission Lven theh theodz .. excuse tat recrs. An exiployec in '..tile 'Registrar's office ' has sti ted h t ' 1 r c a ?igcncics not only naQ access to mes the procedure; of these a encies.want s curl butwezc'even provided::with a special room i?t Approved for Release 2000/O6/?- SIP- 'PSOO F Q.?93 i ~t p f wnicll to do their "investigating" a rooila which was in use by as many as 30 agents a day. ft fi:.. v --- _ ~a e all ea ller. = .statement denying the availability of records to outside groups) has.pleaded ignorance. At this i Poll-it. we wonder which is. worse- with respect t`.' to administrative conapetencc--allolving such a: ..a policy. in the first place, -7 ~..u.,'. er it be.Oakland housewives or federal agents--=a alas an ri ht re h y g to searc the cfidil fil, ..onentaes. We are informed that the policy is now udder `review' 'by the; admissions o ice; ? we strongly.,, i' suggest that the Registrar's ofi~ice follow suit,.:: Such a practic0 oia the part of an academic in-a .sti utiofl .is deplorable, and.. should.: not; .be ol~;: f4'r" d by students o6 ada?ni'ist' ato.s?an.y loner M 1. -