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Publication Date: 
December 11, 1966
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FOIAb3b . DEC 1 1 7,7A roved For Release. 2000/06/13 i>'aci T: 1 f iltwb'Jt'eft e t t 0 ~ `R]!E?'y g still n 1 heard ness In 1957. He had worked all pertinent discussions. "Tian, )agent (1935-37), insurance in- Gillen told his client, pointing vestigator, personnel director, to a transmitter, the size of a management at Hofstra Uni-?i tnrer's marks, hanging on a versity. Then, several former s: iing behind a painting In,. hair of pre-employment in,' Though Gillen removed that !, \\// -big, intense, curly-haired: (Answer: Inside a Saks gift' man of 57 who speaks box.) !slowly and softly when de-" Was a "prominent physi- scribing his profession, then clan," who often left his enters a phone booth to go to wealthy young fianede in an work and instinctively shouts: automobile while he raced in- "Stick on him, you hear!" side hospitals on' "urgent Gillen's job primarily is to : calls," really a graduate of ? follow people and ferret out Harvard Medical School and personal information that an outstanding surgeon? (An- most individuals would prefer' swer: He was not even a doc- to keep dormant. He is a pri- tor and already had a wife vate detective-the one who ; and three children on Long ;investigated Ralph Nader, the . Island.) automobile critic, for General And, finally, who keeps Motors, and whom Nader has stealing those gold-lettered recently named as co-defendant name plates from Gillen's in a $26-million law suit-, front lawn and office parking and he maintains that he just lot in Garden City, L. I.? So possibly may be the best. "rve far, five have been swiped. promoted the Great Gillen's (Answer: Probably teen-agers; status to real-life Agent Gillen has turned the case 006%," he volunteers, smiling over to the Garden City po- ambiguously. "Nobody should lice.) try to outdo the famous 007.". 8"92 Not even the fictional 007 HE private-eye business has Gillen's variety of cases. has been booming In recent ,In a recent and reasonably years. "Nearly everybody's typical week he was invests- .' making private investigations gating these questions: a growth industry," says Gil- What was a mining com- ! len. 'I've worked for three- pany's motive on Wall Street fourths of Fortune's list of the in suddenly propagandizing a top 500 corporations-investi- "valuable,' but actually old gating executives' behavior, or i and inaccessible, gypsum de- l posit? (Answer: To strength- f: en its position in a proposed merger.) wants. Check on an execu- ' Who repeatedly sent vile . tive's wife or prospective son- telegrams and wrote messages in-law, or get evidence to sue on a West 41st Street side- .1 .or fight law suits. Then, law walk, signed "Idiot Turk,"''. firms hire us to get evidence about a fabric company? for everything from criminal (Answer: A "crackpot who l defenso to swindle cases." won't do it again.") New York State alone has 703 licensed detective agencies, Was an oil company's office ; twice as many unlicensed in- on Fifth Avenue wiretapped vestigators and innumerable in order to steal merger freelances such as some of the plans? (Answer: Yes.) ;2,300 ? (out of 4,700) former What were the real name F.B.I. agents listed in a bra- and address of a female Ha- 1 chure as "available to do in- waiian dancer at a mid-Man- vestigations" Still, detective ?hittan hotel who secretly took agencies, in general, remain lessons in Mandarin dialect? i known as a shadowy area (The answer was obtained heavily populated with dis- for a client Gillen believes to ~ charged policemen, incompe- represent th A r)rf, n,,,,~ tent hacks and unethical motel How could a subpoena be crashers. "When you just see .served on an evasive theatri- some of these tacky private cal figure with the expiration, eyes," Gillen concedes, "you'd i know why the investigator, Z;a.L SURFACE, a frcclance writer, ranks at the 'very bottom of flan winter. Approved, For Release 2000/06/13 ffered Gillen the New York ging area determined breed," rea franchise. With F ideli- he says. "A president of a acts' 'reciprocal arrangement,' manufacturing firm on Madi- illen could furnish nation-; son found a bug in his desk ther problems that he now dashboard. It transmitted con- as, besides his Fidelifacts versations five blocks away.., loyment case..:. year, handled their art every day. We just y 33 enipl,{ -es, his wife. found a transmitter secreted I Irene) and is son (John). Jn the pendulum of a grand-'1 ze does not begin to ap. nancial house on Wall Street. usines.s involves guard serv-, find good nntibug men that; tie of the largest strictly in- school to learn It," Gillen says. but you still can't beat the inch-by-inch physical search of .\ c rca:.;,n for Gillen's ' a suspected prep." nnaa Gn- nests for "eiebugging" ives- nd antlbug _ug r... : expand ging techniques ti N ga ons. ews about Govern- ,,by installing bugs for other lent rv.retapping and reports clients? "N, sir that's Illegal an martini olives have fos-I .~ . crooks testily draw- he said raw , , l'ed such widespread fear of; ing his hands against his tiger ;aired solely by bust bugged and don't even know sses sensing that cone- 'who installs them. Well, un, it titors or Government agen- few.'' He smiled. moving one ons, but by. husbands who ? ? Look here, Gillen Conlin th i spec e r wives have them "may n?a wives ued, throwing up his handn. t o " 'i esident called in Gillen be- `-dove concerned over possible Gov-l' use he just knew? that' ernment suits for antitrust orti other viva resident S.. his _. p vn company had wiretapped ~, ? .? .,` ??.?? premises bugged or wire- rs nhnn., to 1-1- ht.,, w... .,t - tapped, and we watch couriers pick up tapes and deliver them Gillen finds eavesdropping . right to the Government vices in 11, per cent of such agency in question. Well, that's . ce r an o ifted all important di meetings with 10 trunk lines requires 20 ore his board f Gillen is Inclined to be cap- tious about the expense and unreliability of eavesdropping .devices To monito ffi o rectors 1 transmitters and recorders hi . om to s own apartment on that cost about $200 each, plus . alreaigr Character to collect CPY~GFT P BILL. SURMCE CPYRGHT