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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000300060007-9 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000300060007-9 .FOLS1313ttized - App-uvud F-ur Rutedbv elAADP75' 00 9R00030006 i 07.-119 etqlt, n an,o?ninen o ciais found CPYRGHT CPYRGHT ly leaked classified military infox,-, n on to Der Spiegel. , Gerninr-f11rn-7YeIation evok memories of the Hitler era, whe- intelligence ageneles' 'fought for, er with murder, blackmail, and ter- One of tile-1 officials jailed in the laffilor of 'Der-S7piegel _ was Col. Adolf -nominally 4JIMilier of resigned 010e Defense Minister staff, and also_ was accused' its bitter edi most Ger acted ,On portedIypolicy i_ es tapped and their move- dosed. Defense Ministry Gerd Schmueckle iii-Bonn's Hotel agent planted tory had re- 07 A journalist ioksin hamburg. "I'm 1.0.'This Strauss story has 'I feel like taking a rest." line-tapper cut in: "You do that:" a said. "Nothing more is going to n for a while. Musa nevitably, the hue and thy over eminent spying is going to be followed by demands for more infor- mation on Reinhard Gehlen's mysterious operogons. But the chances are scarcely beffer'than 50-50 that much more will be :learned about 'Goble') than is known already-and that, js skimpy enough. Geh1enL114 been photographed since 1a44,_ he leaves his Munich compo co- nite and accompa- nied bytk and false paga e hovels on a by the German Foreign Iles have never e ifta, but he can nctiena:-In Tanilary read an intelligener.f, RiIan,strength in -.frifaTi-e-, said Hit- n who had e commit- in. The man was te 'Pfrini iotedc $focts. They ey..ser nim up ,00-61 ziosef Strauss'g'; OM," n ,agent. Wicht gbf mc er Spiegel in A .syna' on Strauss, and -wit iced Wiebt _ Gehlen re- auss's military t Germany con- 4 on Spies In t Ic quiet loch is a rounded by a Ind patrolled arm" i e do led guards with wafide-talkies.4 an police dogs: Inside is the me thd headquarters of the least known nd c most elusive official of the West Ger an Government: Gen. Reinhard Gel chief of the Riindesnachrichtendi n, (Federal Intelligence Service), the op-?, secret intelligence service respon. ble only to Chancellor Konrad Adena icr. S Mystery man Gehlen became deplyI involved in the six-week-old political; :1 scandal touched:, off when Federal, ow; thorities raided tlrg newsmagazine bet- Spiegel, jailed its top editors on cha gei' - of treason,. and ',plunged the poultry into governmental chaos., West Cer-,, v inany's press and politicians _set? ud, a p vociferous clamor when it was disclosed that one of Gehlen's agents had &lib- Sanitized - Approve .N.qfli. cad of a ? capacity,; L4 disclosure that &hien s organi- Varilifratvith _the Defense rYs OVG Military 'Intelligence vviee followed loud outcries against StlInIMMIttatfthighharidedness, partic- atlyfisfUis,Ale,, arrests in the Der iegd affair Still more ominous was ?Jel to ?ArtF, - ' rea l ization tnat west Germany s - ttisfirOnining' political scandal had 'ought about a sharp increase in sur- illatice_ activitiesAall kinds, and ap- rently"- from eywAriarter. In ffp_n&f_igiK M,unich, and Ham- rg, foreign diplomats, newspapermen, Assdclated PresS ecret warfare conventional ng to increase ?rren eie 'irtidertoil re;sed thar, ??unielt. For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000300060007-9