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Approved For Release 2000/08127A f [R WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: By DREW PEARSOF baggage For JFK Trip: Aid dissension WASHINGTON, June 22 -- As President Kennedy begins his tour of Europe the question of U.S. military aid for the countries he is visiting is under one of the toughest President Kennedy In making commitments to Western Europe leaders on his trip. Furthermore it's important for the leaders of Western Europe to remember it. The plain fact Is that the American public ham d b P id l t i E l d t d W t y ern urope, e res ion rt ; an es ent a o attacks in its up-and-down history. started to go lso largely responsible. Gaulle, to The current attack comes from Democrats, not Republicans the Secretary McNamala, to whom Mdse paid trlb?te as the ablest' among them Relations WommitteeFu,band ;en n o Arkansas, sf Oregon. of Defense in history, gave eloquent arguments that our heir 'n ticis s of Committee, and . Wayne Morse retgonhe e. NATO allies were increasing their i military spending. But his argu- Teir cr large U.S. of the e Amerispendingcan public. abroad represents epresents the mints made little impact on the Senate Foreign Relations Corn- r~?]in~ of f a larsegment t of lttee. "I happen to think that the greatest defense weapon we have m 1s our own economy." said Sen. Morse. in cross-examining Secretary "I want to know What effect this program is having on our of Defense McNamara regarding U.S. military aid to foreign domestic civilian economy," demanded Morse. "And when I see e'ajntries. the economy that we have built up in Europe advancing far ahead t ' d 04 4 ' c om it is about time we take a look e on h L "Therefore, I am not t'ery much impressed with your argu- ment that we ought to he able to pay this bill- with a national #ioss product of $dOO billion a year. It doesn't help me very much on my farm to hncreasi' my gross product each year if I don't balance my books. And we are not balancing our hook as ev-i- tlcnr ' by the -act \%e just got thrni,eh raisins the debt coiling.'. mte a r s e of t Y. at what I consider to be our most important defense weapon, the status of our own economy." Morse is chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Education. Referring to this fact, he said. "We have had Administration wit- -?'sew un here before my subcommittee testifying that 75 percent ens This declaration from a liberal Democrat, provably hunt'..) trs5 ?, ? ? -- by across-section of American opinion, must ne