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STATINTL Sanitized - Approved For Release STATINTL NEW YORK TIMES fIILBRICHTSGORES ORB1I' COiVCGRN OVER U9S. SECURITY Mr. Fulbright advocated a full-scale national program to attack human misery, including A `Stunt' Pelting Says PEKING, April 5 (Reuters) expansive economic -The Chinese Communist news- public works and, above all, (paper Jenmin Jih Pao dismissed. education and tvaining. President Johnson, he said, today as an "election-year stunt"'l has made a constructive start the recent speech by Senator, with his "war on poverty," but. Fulbright calling for a new look Mr. Fulbright described this as "only a strt." at American foreign policy. The ___ eiefy." ? Some of this deserves priority newspaper said the speech rep- -P, was the Senator's first"over some defense expenditures, resented no change in basic the Senator said and all of it is U ?ted State olio toward APR 6196 Mr. Fulbright, who Is clrair- nt:tn of the Senate Foreign Re- 'W; 'us Committee, delivered the address that opened a week- long symposium at the Univer- jsity of North Carolina, The Synlposiln`s subject is "Arms and the Man: National Security Says It Induces Blind FaithNventure out of Washington. Important m s p y a, "good heal more Communist China. since his controversial addrers'than a voyage to the moon." in Military and Diverts about the "Myths" that governi Jagan Praises Speech the Country's Energies discussions of foreign policy in Nixon Scores Fulbright View the United States. Newspapers!, sppclat to The New York Times special to The Now York Times have been divided for and! MANILA, April. 5 - Richard GEORGETOWN, 13ritish Gui:- Ry MAX FRANKEL against that address in the . M. Nixon took sharp exception ana, April 5- -Premier Cheddi B. Special to The New York Times Senate, but a public response of I! today to Senator Fulbright's Jagan praised Senator Ful- more than 3,000 letters and tole- ibrigh.t last night for having CHAPEL HILL, N. C:, April 5 last week that the -- Senator J. W. Fulbright said grains has been running about Statement urged a revaluation of policy 4 to 1 in approval. ;Communist countries do not toward Cuba. D1'.Jag tonight that the cold war had an also con-1 become "an excuse as well as a' In tonight's address, titled' necessarily present a unified gratulated President de Gaulle1 genuine cause" for the diversion "Individual Frecdr,m and Col- threat to the rest of the world. of France for having recognized of national energies and rejective Security," Mr. Fulbright The former Vice President Communist China, s rid on his arrival here from sources. conceded that the cold war had ' ` Y- r. The Arkansas Democrat, who had some beneficial results in Hong ikon ,: ?This kind of naive, Bundy Expresses Dissent last week kindled a controversy stimulating ii111.e11ectual and wooolly-headed thinking is what,. McGeorge Bundy expressed scientific achievement and in; has plagued United States policystrong disagreement yesterday Washington with a and breaking' the shell of Amer- at times in the past." ! with Senator Fulbright over the about what he balled myths anI "All free peoples in I free issue of Cuba, calling it a "cen- .c ies in American foreign ica n. isolationism (governments must stand fir;ni: ter of infection and a menace" poli 1policy, expressed similar com But the country has paid aI (plaints about national priorities "'high price indeed" for that1for do so what there is is no rightq, for uestion if they about ist domestic affairs. war, the Senator said, in the1do future Is ffreedom," a de- Ne complained about "nor-neglect of domestic needs, in"dared at a news conference at bid" preoccupation with thea fixation on foreign policy, in,el airport. wMr. s cosif n, in a.t-the idaa,;;ers Df Communist aggres_ the Stifling of diversity at home, tacking Senator Fulbright'a slon abroad and subversion atin a yielding to apprehension statement about American for- home. 't'hat preoccupation, he;and tension and in indifferences?eign policy, said that "if we gait], did not end with the Me-i to vulgarities' in popular tasi:e, adopt this kind of line we could Cart.hy era of a decade ago. Too neatly kmericans, Ile t be going down the road., to h ll e been eager to deter r s,disaster. The overriding concern with ; , ntial welfare programs Tor', security, Senator Fulbright as-Itlle sake of security measures" of se,rted, produced a blind faith in,Congress, he said, "tends ? 1,0: military, an inclination to ;over-represent those of our cit- permit the vast military estab-17,01s who are extraordinarily lishment to run itself, a refusal agitated about national secur-. In Congress to supervise and, The. Senator contended that; even debate the defense budget' armaments were only one as properly and a "splendid indif- pest of. national security and' fercnce" to the size and content, that safety did not automatical- of that budget. jly increase with more axma- mcnts. He also urged the coun- Resources Called Wasted 'try to distinguish carefully between "necessity and pref-i A11 this is going on, Mr. Fut- erence" in the allocation of bright declared, , while the resources." nation's hunla.n resources are; Americans, he asserted, "must country's human resources areturn some part of our thoughts "being extravagantly wasted and neglected." _. , _ . turn back in on America it-`, and our creative energies awayt from the cold war that has en-; gaged them for so. long and to democratic regimes in the Western Hemisphere. Mr. Bundy, special assistant to President Johnson on inter- national security affairs, spoke' on "Issues and .Answers," an ABC television program. He dissents from, the Senator's as- sessment of the Cuban Govern- ment as a "nuisance" rather than a menace to the United ' States. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP7-5-00149R000200920140-7