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wr No. iv v., ????????
anirtiied - Approved For kelease : CIA-RU:15-001491000
ove Considere
etback to CL
By. Barnard L. Collier
Latin-American Cotrespondent
Under orders from President Johnson, the business o
" intelligence -collection4n_LatinAmerica, aniLm?lia s th
? t.s.Lais.oyarld as_well, is going to be.nmente..,d"`
FBI agents, the Herald Tribune has learned. "
Normally, the field of foreign intelligence gathering IS
the jealously guarded domain of the Central Intelligenc
' Agency, but sources in Washingtori"confirm that
scaja,a4.4...iires..tld_the2BI IntO at least eight key Latin
can_eities,yhere it haflrotlii5Eilfea *SIM
f World War
FBii/old act?and in some calses.is AlrE4cly act.
Ing?to give the President1....c.in" depelkilt_neweolirce of
?:421.1elligence.Sata" on matters relating to U.S. securfty.
The CIA will continue to operate more or less 8.6 it has
In the past in most countries,..saasea.said, and the 1013/
; agents, who would Work in a far less c1oak-and7dagger
' Sen. Fulbright
ords Too
ii the CIA
?.?--(;;:f.,-??? The Pik, except under the rarest circumstances, will
not be authorized to carry out coVert bperationsinvasions,
.armed 'infiltration,, secret Support of opposition to regimes
and, other 407-type projects?as does the CIA..
Only "two or 'three 'men -and' a Small staff" will make
? By Victor Wilson
? Of The Herald Tribune Stall '
Senate Foreign Relations'
f:Committee Chairman J. Wil-, the FBI team in, any country,'the sources said. The ex..
liam Fulbright, who has been ' ception to date,, however; is in the Dominican Republic,,
sniping at the Johnson ad. ,where more than' a score of FBI agents were ordered into
Santo Domingo by Mr. Johnson during the crisis last May.
;-ministration's foreign policy, ;;-? ? . .
turned.his guns yesterday on PRESIDENT DISTURBED
,two other Federal powerhouses
?the Central Intelligence' It is known, despite_AclininistAtiona, protests to the
Agea1rtrtliestoefelisii-De4-7,. contrary, that President Johnson Was sore& -disirlyintrb.
: partment- "ffirVfoll-c of the CIA during the Dominican crisis. His-dif;
. .
/-The--"Arkansas Democrat L paTor"-i ortre-IrBI-to-Santo Domingo is widely regarded as
'said that he and many others. both a repudiation and punishment for the CIA.
thought both agencies were There Is also the fact that President Alifigg was di
playing too "prominent" a role.;, turbed by the work of the CIA on an unpublicized over
in the conduct of American ',....throw attempt of a CentrlirElnerioan government which
foreign policy. was set to take place last April?the same thne the Presit
The -CIA, Sen. ? FUlbright. i dent was embroiled. in the DominiCaif affair.'"
catinuedrin an interview on -; 'Washington sources said Mr ? Johnson was made?:"uri:
NBC-TV's "Meet The Pre6ss,", alarmed" after reading, the..414?.r.pul4hig on the?po:
is"."supposed to be an intel;/,',' 'tential:coup.?He.,found..out later that much orthii-cIA'S
ligence agency only, and not ?' Melligence? was faulty ancroVeiiriejyyi.----7----7----1;
an operating agency' in the 'The FBI, on the 'other band; presented : a realistic picri
execution of foreign policy."...`.'. tnre of the threat and, just is FBI director J. Edgar Hoover::
As for the military, he said, ? personally assured Mr: :Johriton, it. wOuld,.the plot was p,
the American tradition is that ..total failure. ? I.,
. , ? '
it should be "subject to , Since that time, Mr.* Johnsen has shown considerable:
Ian policy-makers." ' , .!: 'r.; confidence ' in the FBI's reporting. alioto ;Latin America, ;
' Asked whether he ,thought and, the FBI has stepped nO its Program of sanding agents:,
the CIA the Defense Deti:' abroad. "
P.artaen t "have a decisive ;*trhe.PBrikiendingl,MankAgsnts from ateltdi
icabrpOlicy in Viet Nalligen.,i"; pectrIlLtrimi becayie'BilliffigtrioWItd
MonbiatitiEUGHT-d, .-Aforeciergirr'S ?
Z., N..
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-IRDP7-601491k0000.692601-3
Fulbright on the CI
Fulbright responded by say-
ing he thought the role of
r both was "very great."
1, "I would prefer that the
civilian agencies be the major
I and decisive influence," the
Senator said. "I think it (the
I Viet Nam situation) is largely
I a political decision." He pre-
dieted that only political and
? social settlements "Will finally
bring about /some stability in
that area.".
In a floor speech on Sept.
15, Sen. Fulbright attacked
the Administration's ,decision
to interevne with troops in
the Dominican Republic re-
volt. In another floor speech
on Friday, he told fellow Sen-
ators that about 9,0 per cent
of -the mall he had received
following the earlier address
favored his. stand. He con-
- tinued:
"Many of the letters I re-
ceived expressed concern
about the role of the Depart-',
ment of Defense and the role
of the Central Intelligence
Agency in the conduct of
American foreign policy."
? It was in response to queries
yesterday. about this that the? means under the. dominance
Senator questioned the CIA- of anybody. ..." ? ?
Defense Department roles ? in But,. 'he continued, ? "as a
any fields but their own.. matter of advice' to' him,"
? He was asked whether he he would .remind- he Frost-
thought "an imbalance': had '.dent of the .Defense "Depart-
developed between the State. tment's "Enormous influence
'and. Defense Departments, in., throughout the. country
the latter's favor, in foreign; through the great,: enormous
policy matters. '. contracts and business they
an -extremely able man, with
great persuasive powers.. It it
. a combination of these ele-
ments." ?
- He then was asked whether
he thought "The State Depart-
ment has been very willing' to
' let Defense make . . . policies
? which are really political poli-
cies." ?
-: "Well," he replied, "I. don't
know whether they (the State
Department) have been will-
ing or not, but it seems to me
the Defense Department is ex-
tremely influential.
? "I feel this very much as a
legislator and as a Senator,
when I see the way the Con-
gress responds to the Defense
Departnfent in every respect.
I mean the way they never
subject their major enormous
appropriations bills to any
serious discussion. We take it
on faith." , ?
Asked for a suggestion on
how President Johnson might
"Restore the balance between
(Secretary of State ? .Dean)
, Rusk and Mr. McNamara,"
Sen. Fulbright declared that
Mr. Johnson "has complete
control of this Administra-
tion," and "He is not by any
,"I think this has been de-
veloping," he replied. "It is reaching even into
He pointed out that the my state, which is one of the
Defense Department receives remote ones . ? this is a
more than BO per cent of the tremendous power that they
whole Federal budget. In addi- have, and I think' we have
tion, he said, Defense &ere. to be very careful that. it
tary Robert S. mcNamara isn't a , dominant one."
111111611..1filibilloirholimegliairrahilibillif' J
'sources' said other FBI offices around the U. S. are also'
, .?
being tapped. '
"They have found," said one 'source, "that many of
the contacts made 1 by the FBI during the war are still'
goOd and the reputation of the FBI has remained excellent."
While there is an obvious reluctance in Washington
o admit it, the FBI's movement into the field of intelli-
gence abroad is a blow to the prestige and Power of the
' CTA within the Administration.? ?
iver in McLean. Va.. where the huge CIA headquarters
. ?
utsecret, documents to selected .Congressinekwarning. of_
e term "across the river" means across the Potomac ;t
? - ,."There is 'a lot of worrying going on across the river ,`
siget time comes around again," said one informant.1
ds mgoaurycebse said,pn e Ovvfhtyheth.pericumaryharsearsoecensn,tltyhepawsselled-
t-directied -slander campaign and other .pressures.,..?
42discredit"-the agency,. ,
ninney they are ,going to get when the ',I
? u
re located.. '
4 ?The likelihood that the FBI's activities in the foreign- 4 '
intelligence held will be increased even more is "very 1
good," according to informed Washington sourhces. And -
It was stressed that covert or. "black" operations will re-,:`
main the sole province of the CIA. " ? 1.4
? -Among the CIA's "black" operations in the past are J
the overthrow of Guatemala's far-leftist president Jacobo .?
? Arbenz, the assassination of dictator Rafael Trujillo Molina ;
In the Dominican Republic, and, of course, the Bay, of Piga.,
There is also some evidence that the massive CIA
operationin the,Miami area may be sharplY curtailed some-
tithe-Men on the bees-that-Its "operation" franchise in the ?
area has expired with its failure to topple Fidel Castro.
%)., The CIA's continuing anti-Castro operation, of which the
?13,ay of Pigs Vas only-a part, was at one time the agency's
nly "legal? reason for operating in the Miami area, since
y statute the agency is forbidden to work inside the U. S.
Nonetheless, the CIA has how forced itself deep into
he intelligence business inside the U. S., and this has caused
soma quiet hilt' hitter' Jurisdictional .disputes-ariffillie FBI
.,( And other government agencies, which are legally responsible
Or the internal security of the nation.
ma FBI's stock, in some quarters, has been low since ;'
the, assasination of President Kennedy, The Warren Corn-
. mission's investigation criticized the organization for not
? J
telling the Secret Service that killer Leer Harvey Oswald ; 11
was in Dallas although his presence In', the oiti was hnnwh..t
for 'three 'weeks before the lissasinatione 4'
e ?Lee e. A