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Document Release Date: 
February 18, 1999
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Publication Date: 
January 15, 1966
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THE OVERSEAS PRESS BULLETIN Sanitized - Approved For]Refiee 'T GfAGRDP75-00149R PE?PL & PL -AL 0ZS CPYRGHT of AP World Services, back from a vaca- tion trip to St. Maarten in the Nether- land Antilles . . Clayton Willis home from two weeks in Brazil . .. 'Arky Gon- zalez off to Caracas and Mexico City for Time-Life International. The Gon- zalez byline is currently appearing in the January issue of Signature (formerly Diner's Club) Magazine, on a track story and in American Legion Magazine on a piece about the Navy's Floating White House. He's also now editing the bi- monthly American Express travel news- letter which goes to all AmEx credit card holders. .9 in New York Jan. 12. SICK BAY.; Dorothy Ducas -scrammed the University Hospital at noon on Christ- mas day and is recuperating at her horn in South Salem, NY, after an operatio on Dec. 14. HONORS: Shortly before Mayor Wag- ner left New York's City Hall, his cer- tificate of appreciation was presented to Harr ,4._$.runP, rQt1e. latter's contri- butions to the city and the Department of Public Events over the last 12 years. Col. Pat Young did the honors. BOOKS: David Schoenbrun's "Three Lives of Chafles'deGaulle" is now in CHECKING IN: Frederick B. Opper book stores, as is "Flood Tide in from Greece . . . George''Barris' fror?i' Europe" by Don Cook, of the. LA Times. London . . . Mrs. Anna'Brady from Italy. ARTICLES: Alan'Levy, father of two, is the author of "How to Breed Genius Babies" in February Cavalier. ... Stella Margold's piece on "Shopping Centers Abroad Sell US Goods" in the Dec. 27 issue of Business Abroad and another, on "The Mosque," appeared in View- points. NEW POSTS: George B. Eager named assistant to the`"pres"ident"of Cornell University. Head of Cornell's PR office in New York for the last 18 months, he will continue to be based in Manhattan. . . . Freeman Fulbright, v.p. and assist- ant to-the,president' bfSelvage and Lee, upped to executive vice president of the PR counselling firm Robert T. Hart- mann appointed editor' of the House Republican conference. RADIO & TV: A half hour color spe- cial on Sir Edmund Hilary's conquest of Mt. Teawache in the Himalayas, produced SPEAKERS: Gene Burke is 'heading up a course in practical public relations open to both men and women, at the YWCA in NY. Among the speakers will be Admiral Harold B. Miller and Thomas F. Greene. . . . Emily Nathan, as education chairman, and Rosalind Massow, as president, succeeded in arranging a series of off-the-record backgrounders for the Newspaper Wom- en's Club of New York. Among top names included in sessions are Deputy Mayor Robert Price, City Council Presi- dent Frank O'Connor, District Attorney Frank Hogan, and Mrs. Arthur Goldberg, wife of the UN ambassador . . . William Randolph Hearst Jr. presents an Ameri- can flag in honor of his late, father to the Floyd Gibbons Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars at the OPC Clubhouse Jan. 26 (this is the only post named after a newsman). Club board member Ed Talbert will emcee. FOIAb3b Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000200910037-3