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Publication Date: 
January 27, 1966
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' .~ JUN 2 7 1966 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA,RDP75-00149 FO`IAb3b ;~~LAY7ON FRlTCNEY ' President .Johnson, to. put it the clrainman; Sen. J, W. tiusua4ly so respanslble, should :? coon .nes an tcrnationai' .politely, .has Termitted Adam... ; Fulbrig'ht, D,Ark., , k'or the ' scat Qtiave let their feelings ?' organizations fo deter or it tVilliam F. Reborn Jr. to ' overvrhalmingl c o m m i t t e e inJalucnce them in ctrttirrb the necessary to defeat aggres- , resign as tl-o director . of bhe";' votes a~galnst t:ho . administra- bi1~l and hedging i't with souk- ; I, Sion Fulbright said ~CentraS Intelligence, .Agency, ,....tun's toroi~g~n aid trill indicarte rovaTd restrictions, but they, ? the committee was determined but ho also permitted I;/aborn,,?`? a' !w~ldesp~ad 'resentment .?~ too, are ~huma~t, and don't like : to avoid "any fancy rhotoric" `ors his last important pact in,.T v~gaimst Ja nson; as well as a'~? Wo be called "nervous Nellies" ,` that later might be used to' odficc, . to snub the Sena4e,.p, growing distmust of h4s ~fore3gn or have theia~ patriotism justify actions ip which it did F'orcign Relations Committee. ' Trolley.. ' ', '?.' 'questioned,- tii~recbly ?os ind{- ; not concur. And the President, sup=' , y~}ry does tips Pros{dent; ~, reo'tly. 7Chc final vote of 17 to 2, by ~{~rosedly the greatest grraoticaa choose to. a~ggr?evato this TV~o plain .Pact ins than John- ~ which tips emascu>!ated bill w~ ' ~oli,tician in snodorn American ! + son and leis secretary a? spate, ultimately reported out, indi- ~~istory, wonders w'h ghat , ~ situation; rather than, as +his ~ f y Dean Rusk nave provoked ? ,rates how suspicious this key' powerful committee has put ~ ;~~~, 'aumvtiorate it? The ~Ghe present .~rostility: While `:committee has becomo over ihe? this dvreign aid bill thmotrgir a" ,only answer seems Ito be bh~a~t,; the gaud bill was still beirHg i administration's foreign policy, t'earsome emd obviously ~ +whore Viet Na+tn is concerned,! ,. considered, Raborct.riufgnmed. ?not only in Asia but elsewhere. ;w It is hard tole derstamd Crow .: ~aoid 6s aunab a tollcontrofl hhs' ,not con~fidonti'ally b~ef an0m" ! Aside from any. personal ~thls ?rra5ter polit7cian, who +. persona4 2eell~n'gs toward those ~,bers?aE,h6a?committee,. ras it animosities, there is a genuino Ihas spent a successful lifettmo :, who .luaus oribicKized and do~es..a..so-~ca~led ,",paatchdvg'' ~ fear that Viet Nam bas serious.; yak wheoling and dea'Iing in the ; ?opposed his Asian pallcy. ,g~noup', of._,senatars ,tram the I ly imbalanced ? U.S. policy. Senate, wfio will go Ito any ; Lt i~s und'ortunate that tho, '-Ahmed Servlcas and Appa'opri- i Committee members were . 'length fb appease Sen. Ever- ~ foreign aid bill should end up ~.?,!abions committees. ?' it+ankly appalled at tho distort' '~etk Dickson, R-Ill,, the minori- . 9reing the innocent bystander. '. , It goes without saying that; tionsyinvolved in earmarking ty header, ar Son. Richard ! nn this conflict, The F'orci~ ?n ' 1 . ~ pearl ~FOO million in economic Russell, D-G+a.~' t'ho leader. of ?. R?la~tions Committee, whichgis. the ~,~I~..L?d~;ector.,~cQtild ?rota aid for king Viet~NarrY, Nh(ch is have_fiirushed?od'f ,the :Foreign ;more than is scheduled far the Southern conservatives,.', ,composed of same of the most, ; ~ + will at t`he same tune give the :yrespeeted'men im hho Senate? Rc'lationsti,.,Cam?'m~ttee? .wi~thout,l whole continents Dike Africa ,and. track of his hand to khe pres3i- :;?. rele~tted considerably at. tho ~ the concurrence or .encourage- f Latin America. " ? gious~ group of "senators who,( laxt minute, ~o bhat tore bill as ' rpent, of bhe Presi~tent,,Nobndy 1 Many of the senators share'. damin~atc the Fot~eign Relay ?: Eina~ly reported: out is not in krio~vs"'betitsr,.`thap, .'Johnson ;the views of Gen. Ne Win, the lions Committee. . ~ 4' Critical candlt3an, bwt?bherb is how . strongly Uhe committee 'Burmese chief of state, about'; ." The hostility Ehe. President~~ ono doubt lQ~at it took a mauh ; fer,Is it should ? share,~in;t6o, the unleashing of huge U.S. has ;inspired in , thFUt commit , $ng'. ' , a ~ ; ~ , ; :. ;', ',rsutvrihlance of t1Le~CIA~ ,... ?spending an Asian courrErie; like" t,ee is b'y no aneaars confined td ~ , Prxdnaps'~'~ these ." senators ~ Ituak invited trouble when his '' ,? r~.p,., '~ 1'.1~y,::.tiSA~..r.1Y.ia.i':tui.xt~Jt i4~~~y~~a~n..~.tiN+~~~wut,~?'ii.:Z.~auit:~,.~i' ~ ci ,, { he tried to suggest that pre+ ; ~ This kind of +aid," says ?Ne Sanitized'- Approved For Release :CIA-RDP75-00'149R00020.0~10028-3 i~veous V7et Nan old authorixa? iWrn, "does not help. It cripples.' lion constituted . +at least , It paralyzes. The rec7 Tents, ~` neha'tnve approval at adminls? ~ never learn to do for tphe ' m- -, trollop policy ht .tna~tarea, ;selves, They rely more and' . `.`ment of the bill's policy derL foreign-money. 1n lireycnd, they laration to say that the "fur- lose control of their country." , " nskiing of economic, military ? There are a ldt of things or other assistance under this ,wrong with Burma, but there is act, shall not be canstr?ed acs no graft or corruption among ' ~i cr