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November 11, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 22, 1999
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Publication Date:
February 18, 1967
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Approved For Release 1999/0gi 1' : = 75-00
tion operator > . "Frankly though, man.
-Hers. You see their parking per-
Lnese early-
Important people with busi- name Brown. Sometimes we
Hess at the CIA are less forte,, hare stacks and stacks of pizza
ate. They often got lost and orders for people named Brown
have to stop atthe local filling ?,? who drive up in black cars."
stations. ,you know who the CIA guys
"We're glad to tell them how.' am " said a liquor store sales-
to get there" says one gas sta "These types are swin-
Ask In Langley I they work for the CIA. Every-
Ask in Langley. They will tells one knows them."
you it's the big building behind' At Jim Foster's pizza parlor,
the "Bureau of Public Roads" ~ they call themselves Brown.
sign. Tourists reading a map1 "It's real` rough sometimes,
from the local gas station ca31 .Foster says. "They all' call in
find the CIA plainly marked,
ut orders usinC the
Government Reserve,
The guard hesitates, a blank
confused expression' one finds)
often when you ask the CIA
about the CIA. This is al
Government reserve, for the
time being ..." he says...
So?you drive around. to the
back entrance - the one that
ays "Bureau of Public Roads"
sprawling parking -lot is full of
1 -1 11 -
are wide and benches are,
spaced out; . comfortably like a
? park.
Headquarters is a modern,
concrete eight -story building,.
i handsomely, blended into them
hills and pines. It could be al
,large hotel. People coming out,
are nattily attired Ivy-League;
types with attache cases.
'There are no signs, nothing to
tell you where you are. You stop;
'world link with mystery and i -
trigue. In Langley, spies are
like crabgrass- all over the
The CIA address is top secret.
Telephone numbers are unlist-
ed. Cars are unmarked. Ask of-
ficially the whereabouts of the
CIA and the answer is silence.
V Elk J fv U
In Lanciley, Va., Everyone
Knows The `Spies'
Langley, Va., Feb. 17 (]i -Ou
here in suburban asmn ,
spy is a guy named Brown wh
drives a black car and eats piz
This rolling woodland is head
quarters for the Central Intel
ligence Agency, that super-s'
cret, hush-hush,. cloak-and-da
her operation people around tli
there are lots more people 100,i-
ing ,for Bobby Kennedy's house.
We use the CIA as a landmark.
"They go to the CIA, turn
north and.then left again at the
.-first: road." Senator Robert F.
Kennedy (D., N.Y.) lives in ad-
. jacent McLean, Va.
The. CIA' is hidden away just
__-off. a major four-lane boulevard
known as the George Washing-
ton'-Memorial parkway. Drive to
the -'guard house and a man in a
silver and blue uniform says,
"sorry, without a pass you can't
go in."
"What is, this place?" you
ask; _... .._:..... .
.a passer-by, "Excuse me, what
?, ? and spoken Greek.
(,We call it 'over there,' says
r~its. You see those chains on
their neck which hold identifica-
tion tags. They ask for foreign.
;..liquors, which only the CIA,
would know about."
The CIA lunches at a dimly lit
restaurant.with music and red
tablecloths called the Pikestaff. -
Ask who all the men are, CIand
the hostess says,
They eat here all the time. Very
big eaters; We'd be out of busi?
Hess without them."
Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP75-00149R0002Q0800008-7'