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November 11, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 23, 1999
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Publication Date:
March 15, 1966
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WJ 151965
curity checks, and passed t h e
IIE SAID IIE worked with oche
CIA agents in Miami named Joa
quip Power, Alberto Fernando
Casas and Antonio Salado bu
that his chief was an Americ
lieutenant colonel who calle
himself "Smith."
Felaifel added that his work a
a double agent for Castro wa
made easier because his brother
Aonis, was chief of intelligent
for (he Revolutionary Recove
Movement (MRR), a Cuban exil
group headed by Manuel Artime
Anis Felaifel in 1959 unsuccess
fully attempted to assassinate Er
nesto (CHE) Guevara, and es
taped to Miami after machine
gunning the wrong car. '
CUBAN EXILES in, Miami ac
knowledge. that Anis worked for
the MRR, and A hat 'Juan also
lived here and was involved in
intelligence work. .
The exiles, however, doubt that
Juan was a double agent.
They contend it would have
been impossible for him to pass
eight properly administered lie
detector tests. They believe Juan
Felaifel confessed under torture:
They do not believe Castro
would expose ?a double agent s
well placed in a trial where his
evidence was not needed. The
plotters, the major of. whom was
Rolando Cubela, had confessed.
JUAN FELAIFEL testified that
his last CIA mission in February
began in Key Largo, ? where he
left aboard a "mother shlp." He
said he was'transferred to a small
boat two miles off the Cuban
coast and captured when the In-
filtration party was surprised by
a Cuban patrol.
Whatever the truth of the del
tails of his testimony, it confirms
again the secret war between Of
United States and Cuba in which
the CIA regularly infiltrates Cubq
for the' purpose of gathering in
telligence and Carrying out sped
lie missions.
Castro combats this by sendi
over double agents who try to
Saniti jed - Approved For Relea "atCYANM. ft 5e-O.01
Infiltr ated
States and Cuba unfolded last week in the trial of si:
men accused of plotting to kill Fidel Castro.
Chicago Daily News Service
MIAMI, March 15
secret battles of the cold
~. _ The key testimony came from
claimed he infiltrated the opera-
tion of- the Central Intelligence
Agency in Florida as a Castro
Felaifel testlicd he was a mcm-
ber of the Cuban Communist
Party, and worked for three years
I with the CIA in Miami as a
' He said he made more than 17
missions into Cuba for the CIA,
! ? and that the last was less than
a month ago (Feb. 21).
FELAIFEL'S testimony put Mi-
anmi in the front lines of the cold
war, and acknowledged wide-
spread CIA operations inside Cuba
that have no links with Cuban
exile political groups.
He ? claimed he l made contact
with the CIA in Miami through
an 'agent named Tito Herrera,
and that he was trained for nine
months at a naval base near Mi-
ami in arms handling, explosives
and intelligence.
He said he was a? radar expert
with one of the infiltration teams
the. CIA sends into Cuba.
Felaifel further testified that
he had taken 'eight lie detector
1-tests as part'. of CIA internal se-