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Approved For Release/0 : CIA-RDP75-0 CLAYTON FRI TCHEY G 9' a Jr ll er5N' It's hard to say 'what will in Massachusetts, which says, finally become of the Senate's "No employer shall'require or new proclamation of privacy subject any employe to any lie ..for federal employes, because detector test as a condition of the bill has yet-to pass the employment ' or continued House, but come what may employment.". Oregon, Rhode it has dealt the polygraph Island and Hawaii have machine (lie detector) a similar proscriptions. More withering blow. . are on the way. The legislation ultimately It is, reported that no court could protect federal workers in the land, state or federal, from all kinds of prying into will now permit a polygraph the most intimate recesses of test to be admitted in evi- their private lives. Even if it dence. The reason for this, falls short of this, however, it according to Sen. Sam J. has speeded the end of the Arvin D.-N.C., a'former judge, polygraph, which has been is that "the machine is of the used so indiscriminately, in -'most dubious value." It cannot government hiring and firing. interpret itself, he points out, During the Senate hearings, ''but, must be interpreted by the testimony against the lie an 'operator. The machine detector, both as to its abuse . 'merely measures physiologi-. and unreliability,. was so cal' reactions such as blood devastating that its further pressure, the pumping of use, outside of government as adrenalin by the adrenal glads well as in, will undodbtedly be into the bloodstream and the curtailed,' irrespective of like, as a result of excitement whether the House approves and stimulation." the Senate bill. While presiding over a Federal discontinuance is. ` murder trial, the former judge certain to accelerate a similar said he had given "close trend at the state and local ' study" to polygraph tests fundamental rights of Ameri- are not perpetually. held levels. A number of states, in when the prosecution tried to can citizens to personal priva- against them in our considera- statutes comparable to the one. ;-"I came -to. the conclusion,". "nor nor private employers'should ?1va7 CPYRGHT Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP75-00149R000200590006-3 w to he says, "that a brazen liar be permitted to engage in this can pass a polygraph test with sort of police state surveil- out any difficulty, but that a lance of the lives of individual nervous or excitable individ ual, or an individual who. citizens." resents being insulted, no ' Only' the CIA and the armed matter how truthful he may ' forces National ? . Security' the Warren Commission, Sen. . Hruska, . R-Neb., to which said, "In evaluating the accuse them of' being the polygraph, due consideration "greatest transgressors" in must be given to the fact that using the polygraph. "What a physiological response may ? they want," says- Sen.' Ervin; be , caused by factors other is to stand above the law." . than deception, such as fear, The Civil Service' Commis- anxiety, neurosis, dislike and sion, on the other hand, has ., . other emotions. There are no been showing '. a growing valid statistics as to the. ` respect for the private lives.of reliability of the polygraph." ? Federal employes.' It has just FBI Director J. Edgar'.. quietly, but ,efficiently, repri-. Hoover is already on record mandcd one of its investiga against the polygraph for tors for "`improperly" inquir- personnel purposes... Labor ? ing into . a. report that an unions are also beginning to., applicant had borne a child.,: protest, Against its use. out of wedlock. The AFL-CIO ` Executive ' "This fact in itself," the-,, ' Commission assured Con- Council has. "deplored" them. gress, "is not considered a ? "not only because, their claims disqualification.'? And it added, .,' to 'reliability are dubious, but ' "The youthful mistakes, of