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Document Creation Date:
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date:
July 27, 1999
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Publication Date:
March 30, 1964
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Apfrav Release 1999/09/17 h196 - PMOI_
Arturo R. Espaillat, director
of intelligence and chief of the
:,i.cret police for Raphael Tru-
jillo, dictator of the Dominican
Republic for 30 years prior to
his assassination on May 30,
1961, charged last night that
the central intelligence agency
of the United States government
plotted the assassination. Es-
puillat siec1 he
uioiigiit the CIA ~.
did it to "balance" the abor- that the CIA was as anxious to
tive Bay of Pigs attempt to 1;;Jock off
Castro as the state
unseat Fidel Castro of Cuba. depa: tment was to t o r p e d o
lbames State Department Trujillo.
Espaillat, speaking on the "Consequently, both depart-
radio forum conducted by ments probably agreed that the
Clarence Manion, author law- the left-wing dictatorship and
yer, and constitutional author- the right-wing d i c t a t o r s hi p-
ity, described Trujillo as a would be destroyed simultane-
"staunch friend of the United ously."
States and one of the m o s t I Espaillat also charged that
militant anti-Communists I numerous United States gov-
in the western hemisphere." ernment officials received
Ile added that he does not money from Trujillo.
think the CIA was anxious to "Trujillo," lie said, "had
have Trujillo assassinated, but price lists for the purchase of
rather was acting under prey-some U.S. congressmen. It ran'
sure from the state department. from $5,000 for an ordinary
congressman up to $50,000 to
Agreement held Probable e7s nnn f
Espaillat, who admitted that
he was only speculating, said
he believes that the state de-
partment resented Trujillo be-
cause he had warned that Cas-
tro was a Communist while
the state department was say
'ing it,didn't think Castro was.
Espaillat, whose book, "Tru-
jillo: The Last Ceasar," was
published recently, said:
6"There is ho doubt in my mind.)
ant ones."
All this money was wasted,
Espaillat said, because "these
men were-all very quiet when
he [Trujillo] really needed
their help in his anti-commu-
nist war."
Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000200580009-1