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Sanitized - Approved For Releas fl ,97& CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE Nam afthough the President of the United States himself admits that he would just as soon have a Communist government in the nation that we are supposedly defending again Communism. I cannot support a war with my tax money when that war is being fought to put the Communists in power. As the President of the United States ex- tends his hand to the enemy, the Russians are conducting a huge arms airlift to North Viet Nam and Communist-controlled areas in Laos. This is not mere hearsay but was reported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the House Military Appropriations Subcommit- tee. The Joint Chiefs bluntly charge that if Russia is allowed to pour arms into North Viet Nain by air or sea, "thousands of Ameri- cans will die needlessly in South Viet Nam." General Wheeler said: "The Russian airlift is one of the largest they have ever operated. They are carrying every conceivable weapon." Lyndon Johnson, as official policy, now help- ing our Russian enemies to augment their airlift to destroy the flower of American youth, This is simple treason and no other word will fit the case. I cannot under any circumstances contribute tax monies to sup- port treason by the President or anyone else. The President has further shown his will- ingness to collaborate with the enemy in using economic boycotts, The President ob- viously realizes the effectiveness of economic boycott in that he has helped to use it in trying to destroy anti-Communist Rhodesia. While attacking Rhodesia with economic war- fare, he extends the hand of commerce to our enemies in Asia. (Sec Congressional Record, Oct. 17, 1966.) The Vice President, Hubert Horatio Hum- phrey, is now on official record as approving of Communism in Russia, the United States and in all countries except in China. He said on October 5, 1966: "Only In Asia does Com- munism still maintain its primitive and ir- rational militancy . . . we look ahead to the time when even Asian Communism may turn away from the path of force." Therefore we have the Vice President of the United states on record officially as approving of Commu- nism in the United States, Russia, all of its slave satellites and, eventually, all of the world. The Vice President of the United States has come out openly for a Negro re- volution in the United States. He has even said that he himself could very easily lead this revolution. The Vice President is there- fore inciting riot and revolution and I will not, under any circumstances, contribute to his treason by paying any portion of his sal- ary. The captive nations of the world, crying out for our assistance in overthrowing their Russian slavemasters, hold an annual affair called "Captive Nations Week" The Vice President of the United States, in typical Communist fashion, snubbed the Captive Nations dinner and went instead to an affair at the Communist Polish Embassy. When asked why he went to the dinner of this International Murder Incorporated instead of to the Captive Nations dinner, Mr. Hum- phrey replied: "Because I wanted to be with these kind and friendly people." I cannot pay one iota of the salary of a man who is either an imbecile or a traitor. Following the lead of the President and Vice President of the United States, various cabinet members have thrown all inhibitions Committee on Un-American Activities- and therefore Mr. Udall is now giving my coun- try's honors to an identified Communist agent. To further glorify this revolyutionst, Mr. Udall has announced that a Bonneville Power Administration sub-station in the Pacific North-. est will be named after him. Participating in this treason, and en- couraged by the President of the United States and his Cabinet, are vc...)us American businessmen. These busines : ;n are sup- plying huge quantities of soy beans and tal- low, both of which are necessary in the pro- duction of ammunition, to the Soviet bloc. If these American businessmen wish to sell the ingredients for ammunition to the Com- munist enemy then let them pay the taxes out of their sanguinary profits. Treason has become so rampant and open, with the en- couragement of the President and Vice Presi- dent and members of their Cabinet, that wheat is being shipped directly from the port of New Orleans to Communist Cuba. Also, following the President's lead in treason is former Attc ney General Nicholas Katzenbach who has used, as department policy, the covering up of the Communist influence in various racial revolutions around the nation. Although a Cleveland grand jury decided unequivocally that the riots in their city were fomented by trained Communist agitators, Mr. Katzenbach said they were caused by "disease and despair." The Attorney General of the United States, is therefore using his position to cover up Com- munist revolution and I cannot tinder any circumstances contribute to this man's salary. The Johnson Administration has withheld from the American people the fact that Communist Negro revolutionaries are planning to burn Los Angeles to the ground and kill off all white males and children. White women are to be turned over to the revolutionary army. They have large quan- tities of anti-tank guns, grenades, machine guns and bazookas ready and the Negro fanatics to man them. Instead of enforcing the sedition laws and the gun laws now on the books, which make it illegal to own such weapons of war, the Communist-con- trolled executive branch of our government Is working ferociously to beguile our con- gress into passing gun registration laws. The effect of which would be to disarm the Amer- ican people by restricting the ownership of defensive guns and rifles. It has come to my attention that the Fund for the Republic and the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions are both being favored with tax exemption. This in- creases the tax load of all sincere and pa- triotic Americans. These tax exempt groups openly advocate the abolition of private property. The Guggenheim Foundation is tax exempt and has subsidized such famous Communists as Langston Hughes and Louis Adamic. They have also given tax free money to Lee Jones, a Negro revolutionist and Com- munist collaborator. They have also given tax free monies to Allen Ginsburg, pornog- rapher and promoter of LSD among our youth. These foundations with tax im- munity, are working assiduously for the de- cline and fall of our civilization. Another tax exempt organization that pro- motes Communism and revolution is the Na- tional Student's Association. This association is subsidized with about $600 000 from the , to the winds and are now openly advocat- tax-exempt Ford Foundation and the Rocke- ing treason, riots and anarchy. The U,S, eller Foundation. Part of N.S.A, funds come Commissioner of Education, Mr. Haroldrom the Department of State and C.I.A. The acy). He has told audiences not to "quiet down" but to continue their policy of hatred, murder and mayhem. - Secretary of the Interior, Stewart L. Udall, following the President's lead in treason, has announced that the Department has given is conservation service award to Folk singer Woodie Guthrie. Mr. Guthrie has been identified as a Communist before the House Student-Non-Violent Coordinating Commit- tee, SNICC, Therefore the unwilling Ameri- can taxpayer is being forced, through his tax money, to support SNICC, the Negro equiva- lent of the KKK. Recently, Governor George Wallace- of Alabama exposed an even more blatant and arrogant example of the United States government forcing the American tax- payer to finance revolution. He revealed that the United States government was financing September 14, 1967 the Black Panther Movement in Alabama. The Black Panther Movement, is, of course, a Communist-controlled movement to mur- der white people. Any American who pay taxes under such conditions is supporting the destruction of Western civilization. The International Committee of Con- science on Viet Nam, which appealed for the surrender of the United States to the Viet Cong has tax deductibility. I demand at least equal rights with this committee which de- mands the surrender of the United States to the enemy and I therefore must insist on tax immunity so that my funds can be used to combat the conspiracy that the United States Government is financing. Professor Stephen Smale, a notorious Com- muunist collaborator, has received $91,500 in tax monies to travel to Russia. In Russia, Professor Smale denounced his country be- fore a captive slave audience. The taxpayer- financed National Science Foundation has made Professor Smale a glittering success and the average American wage earner and taxpayer would have to work 122 years to make the income to pay the taxes that made this traitor's trip possible. Any American who will put up with this by paying taxes does not deserve freedom, An ex-convict by the name of Edward G. Partin was even forgiven $5,000 in back taxes because be acted as an informant for the Justice Department. He was under federal indictment for embezzlement and, if con- victed, faced 78 years in prison terms. Mr. Partin has not only failed to go to prison but has not even been made to pay back taxes. A law-abiding citizen would go to jail for much less. Why should not the Communists be happy with the United States Government since the end of World War II? From June 30, 1946 through June 30, 1965, American taxpayers were forced, through an illegal tax process, to contribute a grand total of 193 million dollars of economic assistance to Communist Czechoslovakia, 573.6 million dollars in eco- nomic assistance to Communist Poland, 186.4 million dollars in economic assistance to the Soviet Union itself, and two billion, seven hundered sixty-one million, four hundred thousand dollars of economic and military assistance to Communist Yugoslavia. (See the CONoezesiONAL RECORD July 20, 1966 page 15716.) How much in taxes does Polish slave boss Gromulka pay? How much in taxes does the butcher of Yugoslavia J. B. Tito pay? As a sovereign and free American citizen r de- mand at least equal rights with these Com- munist strong men. I will no longer allow you to force me to pay tribute, blackmail and bribery to various Communist mobsters around the world. By paying this tax I would not only be participating in de facto treason, but I would be participating in defacto blackmail. And speaking of blackmail, massive and brazen shakedowns have now become common with the federal government. The government threatened the Anheuser-Busch _ Company with an anti-trust suit but the company paid $10,000 in blackmail to Lyndon Johnson's campaign fund and the suit was promptly dropped. When my case comes to trial before a jury of my peers, I will demand equal rights -%ith certain Communist collaborators in the United States government. I will demand to see the tax returns of the following: Harry Bridges; Gus Hall; William Mandel; Judge Constance Baker Motely; Robert Mc- Namara; Lyndon Baines Johnson; Hubert H. Humphrey; Adam Yarmolinski; Walt Whit- man Rostow; Arthur Goldberg; Abbe Fortas; Dean Rusk; Llewellyn Thompson; Harold Howe, II; Orville Freeman; Nicholas Katzen- bach; Walter Jenkins; Bobby Baker; Jaynes Harland Cleveland; Wilbur J. Cohen; Living- ston Merchant; Dean Acheson; Abba Swartz. . Leonard Unger; Mrs. Esther Peterson; Earl Warren; William O. Douglas; Ralph Bunc]:e: Philip Jessup; Thurgood Marshall; Robert C. Weaver; Foy Kohler; Adam Clayton Powell; Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000200380005-7 Sepem'ber Sanitized - Approved Folr~Releae }}~ iJ 00149R000200380(?71 7 ~.. 1 ?~ 67 CONGRESSIONAL ~.1 CV, -" F1VlJ former SEC Chairman, James M. Landis; the estate of Albers Barclay, former Vice Presi- dent of the United States; the estates of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt; the tax returns of Harry S. Truman; the returns of the tax dodger, Dwight D. Eisenhower; child killer Francis M. Medaille alias Michael J. Hanlon; Coin- Inunist collaborator Ronald Ramsey, who takes broadcasts to Hanoi urging American soldiers to "lay down your arms"; Edward Clark, Ambassador to Australia; Angier Bid- dle Duke; Ambassador Walter Feldman; Treasury Secretary Henry Fowler; Assistant Attorney General Edwin L. Weiss, Jr.; Judge Anthony Celebrecze; Theodore Tannenwald; Howard F. Corcoran; Harold F. Linda; Chairman of the Export-Import Bank, C. Douglas Dillon (alias Lapowsky); Anthony Akers, former Ambassador to Australia; Stokely Carmichael; former Indiana Gover- nor Matthew Welsh, (Mr. Welsh receives $500 a week as a payoff from Lyndon Johnson. For this money he does nothing-his title is U.S. Representative of the American-Canadian Border Commission) ; Leonard Wolf; Donald Magnuson; Cory Knutson; Former Repre- sentative Merwin Coad former Representative Catherine Granahan; former Representative Joseph Barr; farmer Representative James Quigley; Mr. Denver Hargis; Earl Hogan; Frank Kowalski; Frank E. Smith of the Ten- nessee Valley Authority; Mr. Fred Wampler of the Department of the Interior; Mr. Wil- lard Wirtz, Secretary of Labor; General Hugh Hester; General Harry Vaughn; K. Penfield, Ambassador to Iceland and William Butter- worth, Jr., Ambassador to Canada; (Both of these men are dangerous security risks; But- terworth has been named by a Chinese spy as a collaborator with Soviet intelligence.); Senators Gruening, Douglas, Saltonstall, Stephen Young of Ohio, McGee, Javits, and Kuchel of California. Edwin M. Martin, Am- bassador to Argentina, and Daniel Frank Margolies, a Communist collaborator who is on special assignment from the State De- partment as Advisor to the President of the United States. Many of the above are known security risks and Communist collaborators and it is clearly evident that it is official policy of the United States Government to maintain known and identified Communist enemy agents and Communist collaborators in key policy-mak- ing positions in the various departments of the United States Government. (See Defense Department Policy Paper entitled, "A Study of Historial Perceptions Concerning Allega- tions of Subversive Influence on the Far Eastern Policy of the United States Prior to 1949" and also CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Of August 30, 1966.) In 1962 the United States government spent two and one-half billion dollars for economic and financial assistance to for- eigners, two hundred and twenty-two million dollars for "foreign information and ex- change", five billion dollars for farm income support and control of the American farmer, eight hundred and sixty-six million dollars to finance and control American aviation, five hundred seventy-five million dollars for subsidy and control of American business, six hundred seventy-five million dollars to buy houses for voters, five billion, one hun- dred million dollars for the illegal Depart- rrient of Health, Education and Welfare and a billion and a half for aid and control of American education. All of the above enu- merated expenditures are totally unconsti- tutional and I refuse to contribute one penny to the support of unconstitutional federal enterprises. Another of these unconstitu- tional federal enterprises is the so-called anti-poverty program, the objective of which is to totally demoralize the United States. As an example: one-man hired recently at $8650 a year, has been arrested as a pimp, forgerer and grand larcenist. Another man, hired at $4140 a year, is a sex criminal, as well as a larcenist. A. Christine Bard has been hired as liason officer for Project Headstart. Mrs. Bard is a prostitute who at one time ran a house of prostitution, This is only a few examples of the types of criminals, per- verts and subversives that are being used in the Poverty Program to demoralize and destroy the United States of America, I will not under any circumstances and,. no matter what the penalty, support these peo- ple in any fashion whatsoever. The Department of Commerce is allowing the shipping of grinding machines to Russia (necessary for modern warfare), computer machines, electronic equipment of all types, oil, chemical plants, machine tools (which are the very heart of any industrial warmak- ing capacity) and such weapons of war as diesel engines, electronic computers and rocket engines. Instead of being paid a sal- ary by American taxpayers, why hasn't the Secretary of Commerce been tried for trea- son? (See the Congressional Record, Oct. 17, 1966) The Internal Security Subcommittee of the United States Senate Judiciary Committee on July 30, 1953 reported "The Soviet Inter- national Organization has carried on a suc- cessful and important penetration of the United States government and this penetra- Addition for underpayment of estimated tax: 6 percent per annum computed on 70 per- cent of tax liability ' for the period of underpayment----- $72.15 Total ------------------ 3,422.17 I have enclosed Form 870 which reflects the tax, penalties and additions, We have pre- viously discussed the significance of execu- tion of this form. If there are any points you would like to discuss please phone me at 955-6335. After giving the matter your consideration, it would be appreciated if you would contact me by January 25th to let me know whether you are in agreement with the proposals out- lined herein, or, alternatively, that you in- tend to avail yourself of your rights to appeal. Very truly yours, B. I. DAVIS, Internal Revenue Agent. [From the Butler County American, May 13, 19671 IRS DIRECTOR WARNS TAXPAYERS Letter to the EDITOR: From time to time, particularly during the tax filing period, a few individuals make pub- lic statements expressing their views about Federal Income Taxes. We are most fortunate to live in a country whose constitution guar- antees the privilege of freedom of speech. It is unfortunate, however, when a few indi- viduals in exercising this right make state- ments which can be misleading and, if not carefully examined, might persuade people to lose confidence innthe administration of pub- lic laws, including our Federal Tax laws. Some individuals are heard to say that they neither file a return nor pay income taxes and in fact encourage others to do likewise. Others say they file an income tax return but do not include their tax pay- ment. Actually these individuals do pay the full tax for which they are liable and the public should know that they do. However, because of the strict statutory provisions which rightfully protect the tax matters of an individual from disclosure, individual cases cannot be discussed. People making these statements generally fall into one of the following categories: tion has not been fully exposed." What has been done to expose this conspiracy since 1953? Nothing. In fact, these very Communist and Communist Collaborators are now per- secuting American patriots through the In- ternal Revenue Service; the Justice Depart- ment; the Department of Agriculture; the Department of Health, Education and Wel- fare; the Department of the Interior; the Department of Labor and the Department of Urban Affairs. I will not be party to the harrassment of American patriots through the paying of part of the salaries of these Communists and Communist Collaborators. The Internal Revenue Service, unknown to most Americans, has become the federal mafia (along with the CIA.) The Internal Revenue Service places "bugs" in public tele- phones, runs a snooping school at which a set of lock picks is given as a graduation present, employs wire taps against patriotic Americans, uses prostitutes and convicts for informant purposes and teaches its agents to lie under oath. I do not promote and defend .criminals in my private life and I refuse to be forced to support government promoted criminals. You did not answer my last letter, Mr. Fowler. Will you answer this one? Yours sincerely, we WILLIAM CAMPBELL DOUGLASS, M.D. U.S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, IN- TERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, OF- FICE OF THE DISTRICT DIRECTOR, Sarasota, Fla., January 19, 1967. Re Federal Income tax, 1965. WILLIAM C. DOUGLASS, M. D., Sarasota, Fla. DEAR DR. DOUGLASS: I am sorry that I missed you when I visited your office yester- day. I have outlined below the results of the examination of your books and records for the year 1965. Net profit from medical prac- tice ------------------------ $13,464.15 Interest income--------------- 45.03 Dividends (after exclusion)--_- 0 (a) Those who do not have sufficient in- come to incur a tax liability, (b) Those who pay by means of taxes withheld from their wages, and (c) Those who do not remit payment with their tax return, but either pay it upon re- ceipt of the first notice of tax due, or in- clude a note stating where the money is on deposit for tax collection. 97% of the income tax in the United States is voluntarily reported and paid. This is a tribute to the integrity and patriotism of the American citizen which is unmatched by any other country in the world. This over- whelming majority who believe in supporting a government which insures their freedom should know that those few individuals who say they feel no such obligation are dealt with firmly and in no way escape the pay- ment of income tax when a tax liability is incurred. Public confidence in the integrity of our Adjusted gross income--------- 13, 509. 13 tax system and in equitable enforcement of Standard deduction------- --- (500.00) the tax laws is an invaluable asset that and maintained. In Personal exemptions----------- (1,800.00) be protected, preserved order that the hundreds of thousands of con- Penalties: Negligence 5 percent of $2,- . 576.94 ----------------- Delinquency 25 peroent,of $2,-. 576.94 128.85 ,644.23 scientious taxpayers in our Cincinnati Dis- trict will not be misled by the statements of a few, I want to assure them we in the IRS are dedicated to administer and. enforce the Federal Tax laws in such a manner as to merit their confidence and respect. PAUL A. SCHUSTER, District Director.. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000200380005-7