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Approved For/Release 2 O b l" IA -RDP' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SEN atural concomitant of his devotion to a We' nerous tribute from the Other side West, and a demonstration of his o 'i'le on the part of one who has so I this cgnnectlon I am pleased to re- aoove p' port hat the House of Representatives of played T the aska Legislature has votes to name SMITHJ. a mo tain in Alaska afterTtich"ard Neu- Now tha berge and has recommended a specific nounced he It is a 747-foot-high mountain, visible with us after from t Alaska Highway' in the con- on the great struetiQ of which Dick Neuberger, when enshrine the aurine'Neuberger has en- played so active avpart. The vote was Yesterday t gav _ brief account of the ullanilnou and testifies to the apprecia- memorial service la Sunday in Port Neuberger great record of service to ate colleagues and mbers of Dick Alasic.a dur g the last 20 years of his Neuberger's staff atten . I neglected Dick lVei4 g,er .was always a great journeyed to Portland an poke at the friend and, \h rter of any group or memorial services 'was J ce William category of izens who for one rea- O. Douglas, and I ask unani us consent son or; anotere disadvantaged or that the permanent RECD include delriied,equa opportunity. Thus, he mention of his name, by insert at the was a protef the Indians in fields end of the first paragraph "Amo those where he Ceir rights.-,were being who accompanied the senatoria rtq Invaded and chairman of the Sub- was Supreme Court Justice lillp O. committee pan Affairs of the Com- Douglas, who along with Senator n- initteer and Insular Affairs, son, Senator Douglas, and myself, as which wereln d ya er of being despoiled, a PRESIDING OFFICER. The thus, serving at o time the causes o rrection will be made, as indicated. discriminagon in ployment Ouse i age, He felt t t a great justice was done not only to he men d women who,, after a certa time of life, were denied employment ven though fully capable-an injustic not merely to the individuals and their arnilies-but also to the entire fabric o ur society. On the other eni o theFage scale, he strongly supported,a ' 11 to establish a Youth Consorvatloz~ Q s-on the model of the CCC of ?reslden ranklin Roose- velt's admh istration- "ch was passed by the Senate last?year d now awaits action bythe douse. Li wise, he urged the establu e zt slf a, ;ejgn Service Acac emy to ive our you ters a chance to be i "ti 2r sc}v..cer,. mad. a affairs, alt s Wit. , t, ?i LtID W.-PI ra,hn ov rt Y ya e 14 f subjects, he was deb lldinee iiti le In pro toefott W Q the r irement- P e, although ne r at, the expeti re of e., relonal nd still tributes WE Blck Ne}ibexaer: If there a erwa ail } a4eg, a w oW deserviiag to succeed to }I4 carry on the , , am 1vQ k, nS 8er~ h~kh as .. _Ak ru berger because s 6 -ii the survivin me ber g m Qi a partnership tha' a nspired the people ' $f Oregon anii t1io~-e o' us in Washington who saw th,st partnership in action. Me ;1(p ay tie end e was pay EE H OF SENATOR DODD ON e`er ANTI-SEMITIS-1VYR.,~y SWASTIKA EPIDEMIC, AND COMMUNISM Mr. SMATHERS.. Mr. Presidentjy ,f pri opg? ill, the very able and ds inguls a junior Senator from Con- necticut per]".-completed for de- livery on elate floor, a very excel- lent and thought;7r gp `on a; 3-$0 tls . the swastika epidemic, and communism. --rYffmiiriately, his-present illness has made it impossible fr lm o elver this speech as he intended. I am sure I speak for all of his colleagues here in the Sen- ate when I say that we wish him a speedy recovery -and early return to this body. The speech is a very careful and de- tailed analysis of the contrast between anti-Semitism in West Germany and in Soviet Russia. It sets forth the deter- mined effort made by Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and his government to wipe out the last vestiges of nazism and anti- Semitism in West Germany. Because I feel that it is timely and significant during this week when Chan- cellor Adenauer is visiting the United -States, a period when his government is under unjustified attack as a result of anti-Semitic incidents, I am particularly pleased to have been asked by the Sena- Or, -from .Donuecticu1i to- have his pre- pared text printed in the RECORD. This thought-provoking speech merits the- attention of all of us here in the Congress. .,I ask unanimous consent that the re- marks of Senator DoDD which he pre- pared for delivery be printed in the _PREP.d$Fa2 Y ~'FNATOP, DODD FOR ELIVERY TO THE ENATTHE OF UNITED STATt;S ON ANTI-SEMITISM, THE SWASTIKA EPIDEMIC AND COMMUNISM Last Christmas night, swastikas'and anti- Jewish inscriptions were painted on the syn- agogue in Cologne. The incident was the signal for an epidemic of swastika painting on synagogues and Jewish institutions throughout Germany and the free world. There were incidents in almost every West European country, in the United States, Canada, and Latin America, and in Australia. Day after day for a period of weeks, the American press and the press in other coun- tries carried headline stories on the swas- tika epidemic. Freemen everywhere were horrified by the reappearance of this symbol of intolerance and persecution, under whose aegis 6 million Jews had been brutally murdered by the Nazi regime. At the close of the war in Europe, an incredulous world had recoiled from the fact of this crime-a crime that can never be completely understood, com- pletely explained, or properly requited. Slowly, almost unwillingly, sadly, mankind moved to the acceptance of this terrible truth. The reemergence of the swastika not only brought back to memory the most terrifying act of Nazi bestiality: it again posed the question of anti-Semitism before the con- science of the entire world. For anti-Semitism is not a specifically German problem-it is a world problem. It exists both in the free world and in the Communist world, -in all those countries where there are Jewish communities and, for that matter, in many countries where the Jewish communities are tiny or non- existent. It varies in degree and in quality from one country to another. In most countries of the free world it has been re- duced to residual proportions. In other countries, it is a massive and current phe- nomenon. But its existence is something that must. be combated, no matter what the degree or quality, because prejudice can lead to hatred-and hatred, unbridled, can lead us once again to a totalitarian Gehenna. It must be combated because it contra- dicts the doctrine of universal love which is the heart of our religion and because it does violence to the foundation of our society. It must be combated because, even in its milder forms, it constitutes a danger to our sanity and moral probity. It must be combated because it is a tool of the Communist conspiracy. It is a problem with many parts. To com- bat its effectively, we must view these parts in proportion, so that our actions may be governed by an intelligent assignment of our energies. The need for a sense of proportion is some- thing that cannot be overemphasized. A sense of proportion is the key both to sanity and morality. In the world in which we live today, it may very well be a ]Key to our survival. Our everyday judgments, our code of morality, our legal system, our political de- cisions-all are governed, or should be gov- erned, by our sense of proportion. It is not enough to be able to distinguish right from wrong. There are many grada- tions of evil, and the civilized society dis- tinguishes between them in its structure of laws. Similarly, it is not enough to be able to distinguish the beneficent from the harm- ful, the safe from the dangerous. Without a sense of proportion we should find ourselves equating petty larceny with rape, measles with leprosy, a toy chameleon STATINTL bared fbr R. 1~ ase 2100/0'5124 A'-RDP7'5.,00149R000200330: 15-0 that ad estloye capacity for judgment. stead of protests and indignation, we wit- Jewish community in Berlin, in an article tl his ins so, tthhen tie emlin a experts in Hess demands Rfor increased trade with, the entitled "Anti-Semitism Without Jews," as- chotogicai warfare have achieved a sip- Soviet bloc for stepped-up cultural exchange ?l d 11th it 11 i C4NGRgSS14NA; R CSJ A,-SENATE ?.; March W -ever h n s scaled, everything , has anti Sem-tisrq have.not been perpetrated by Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith, in i#s me sure or ~arue, liptlieads Sir, juvenile delinquents, an interview over the German radio on e~la an ln,div u l rises his sense of pro- Whey have been- perpetrated, or else in- January 14, rejected the theory that some pottlpn, lie can no longer cope effectively stigated,,by the Soviet state itself, first under international Nazi organization was respon- i problems of everyday life, 1 lien thee co Glad of Jgset $t~a1ip aj1d then, under. Bible fox. the epidemic. He said that while ? ~ . 1s. Sts s lase Oj ,proportion, it the comzxle3ld gf.thl present Primp Minister, two members of the neo-Nazi party had been ,ti disa ri Njkjt&KuuShgheq,, In. my opinion, this fact responsible for the original incident in Co- t? of our reaction to the swas makes then crimeo a. thousand times more logne, the epidemic which followed was es- a? gemic events, I wonder whether the damnable, sentially a wave of imitative behavior by %ree , grlcl has no ahead lost much of its t y Ilow does the ireeworld.react to?the merci- juvenile delinquents and other irresponsible sefise of proportion, whether it is not suffer- less neraecutinn of the R million Jews in the oto,.,o?+Q --1111 unistr#,4&ye Wade up, at., least in part, side down to hold the German people guilty many's postwar history. e fitl? a bstitung Siberia ntd tt he f ti?g squads i alperrpetuity for the crimes of the Hitler As executive trial counsel at the major ll had is lgo>ng so far in_the U,S.S.R.is C~overn>d7.ent_ toward the Jews was beyond posed--and these questions can only be tale gas chambers. Fer,tiffs _c~e$gfgjacy, the reproach .and that it would be nazism up- answered by a detailed evaluation of Ger. mlai and th@_brutai ty of Nazi anti- Ben-Gurion of Israel, both told their co- The questions of neonazism and anti- tism, there 1$ little to choo99. ,A_llout re, igionists, that the record of the Bonn Semitism in West Germany have been showed an example to the entire free world. The ultimate goal of this propaganda is a2 h 110 1 quldation by forcible assimila- the tit of West Berlin. rich of_ qo amenity of 3 million Jews." Dr Nahum Goldmann, president of the y Tetween the. }~rutaxity of Soviet anti- World Jewish Congress, and Premier David GERMANY'S' POSTWAR RECORD 11 n naz i GUr him and rich cultural tradition and manlike restraint and balance. By their sm s requently ~ie, at worst, the completion by the Coin.- sanity, by their morality, by their abjurence combined with a strong general dislike of tii st8 of thg 1~elrloUS WQr} begun by the of vengeance and hatred and' racism, they Germans and Germany. z u -O The leaders of the Jewish community, In it was designed to appeal to the of ,Aries com p: at 7iest, the of a once- this country and abroad, spoke with states- people inction Britain where a ti i i The purpose of all this pro a nda was `gut opportunity for higher education or reason to'fear the re-emergence of the somas- p ga e ti " eat. tika, were losing theirs. Heaven knows, no obvious. It was designed, very simply, to Jew could have been blamed for reacting isolate West Germany, to further jwg upthe plight of the Soviet Jews,, g the Alht5efamation League of B Hai B'rith strongly-even excessively- to the news of divide the Western Alliance, and to soften BaiQ in 868: the swastika epidemic. ? Instead, the recog- our policy by appealing to our still vivid memories of Na i br t 11t I leaders that the kept their sense of ro or- --P--Y 11L1O1`a ie er irom one neaa 'itl1out co u}lit}* organizations almost they p p of state to another, even on the eve of war. vit pttt rgl pious or cultural rights and tion while so many people, who had far less Pesll Sids in proper measure to every crime that the sickness still lurks deep in the Ger- rection of Defense Minister Strauss. evOty injustice. man soul." The orgy achieved its peak on February In country B--the Soviet 'Un.10n-there are One of my old colleagues in the House said 1, when Mr. Khrushchev wrote in an open e iulllJgzi. ew,%, In.,a land, where all that it was high time the. President and letter to Chancellor Adenauer: "People are nori ies are persecuted they are, the most Congress considered whether our massive prosecuted in your country for their iersecuted of all mpoliinorities. They only have be de- been thoughts, for their progressive ideas. You economic and military assistance is making actually occupy the same position occu ied th vlctj~cns gi s cy, that can a contribution to the sad events in Germany, p e el as physical and cultural genocide. ,, --_?~ by Hitler." It would be difficult to find a 11 t f rt4ot withindignation to the persecu- In our own country, although the reaction a signal given by Adenauer" and it said that tiph' of the ,laws in any country My argu- was milder and more mixed, the swastika its purpose is to "clear the road for a wide r , Ss that our indignation to be meaning- campaign brought a flood of protests from propaganda In favor of a nazi ideology, i!1 1 1 Y ~ st ,ai p, by governed 'by a sense of U.S, editors, from Members of Congress, and openly fascist." pro oi'tion and it was not so?governed at, from religious leaders. "The fact that acts The following day-the Communist Ger- thp time of Ythe wa tike epidemic. I do of anti-Semitism can take place under pres- man radio charged that the entire campaign I3Q ,argue _f r less indignation; I argue for eat circumstances," said one of our most had been organized by the West German xl re?IZ~idignation for in indignation that, respected newspapers, is a "clear indication office of psychological warfare under the di- ~ -- -- - - - -- - - - --- ? nisi aggression, but the revival of nazism mminent d, ers were ignored-so that summit conference, Bgpttered Vjol tlons pf l~,urnan, ,tfignity in The reaction was strongest in Great Brit- and antt-Semitirm in Germany. Cdit i.try A A made us roar our, protest at the sin. Forty thousand Londoners marched in Encouraged by the reaction of the free top of our lungs while, in country B, viola- a ,protest parade; German maids were dis- world to the swastika incidents, the Com- tlons,g hup;'ights`andhuman dignity a missed by their employers; orders for Ger- munlsts propaganda apparatus had a field thousd tleS ,as grave an terA thousand man., goods were demonstratively canceled by day. No charges were too extreme, no lan-es 'AS-11 t rolls, cmp,}tapded,-our total .a-number of. British- concerns; and some guage too extravagant. Pravda on January editors even suggested a reexamination of 8, for example, charged that "this organized 11, We Would leep the humai if we did Germany's role in the Western alliance. racist campaign had been launched as if at g the free world ws icted Qvernight, the West German democracy came items of minor importance in the pub- t)iei t44&1 alri;ioa , otal,c'n ool se of its s ee of lit mind. If the headlines and the hysteria -so at iur eyes, smallndan- was placed in the pillory, rendered suspect, could be taken as a guide, the real menace ro rtion t morally isolated from its Western allies- m s V g P p ? served-unwittingly-as a vehicle for a So- i the.questiona we ought to try, to answer. TYie press, pulpit, and political parties join viet campaign of saturation propaganda. Ili I believe the free world has most to ip,unanims111s condemnation of_the hate learn xonl a self-analysis of its.own,reac- sinearers. After several weeks of swastika headlines tion,s` to the epidemic. T believe that such And how does_ the free world react to this world and commexaggeratedunism reactions and the and the , the Berlin crisis threat be e- r'afir$l sis wil re veal that, at the height of situation? - - - .1.1 -V ucuivcraulu press cauuoti lie oiameu 3fob em -, j oes, ow does it sna-lest saulted, no Jewish building seriously dam- for treating it as a matter for page 1 re- If4eif fit varipam countries end t what points aged. The Government moves with the ' portage. But in doing so, in my opinion, it Is the problem most acute? These are some ,to t for to unish those res onsible ..- _..,8 ---~ , r 1,,,.-.,-,- _.,,...-.,..,- -_ _. -N-"? .r..- v' "a" .a a ,"a.- change, that the Federal Republic, there- due. of anti-Semitismfrom. the terrible days fore, is not fit to be a member of an alit- " Where were.. the origins of this interna- of,.fitler, the Government has done Its .ante, and indeed cannot be trusted." Iona1 rash ilf anti-S.e ieatic ? cidellts? utmost tQ combat this residue and. to make -But in the general hysteria that existed Oes 'th? peo;l7a i movert~, ent re4ily consti- restit~{tlQn t0 the Jews for their suffering for several weeks, these voices of reason ttit@ a serigus4aI Berl 1'S1d the'communists under nazism, $ilstigate the epidemic or did they simply ex- _ Suddenly there is a rash of swastika were swallowed up. Only the most assiduous lost it-or cold war purposes? What effect readers of the press noticed them smearing and of other minor acts of vandal- The swastika epidemic was something that has,it-.had On she estei Alliance' Does ism. nernetrated_ for the most na.rt. by ivve- m al - ? 11 - I a. programs, for state visits by the Soviet ter- other countries ies and d the e tendency tendency to to seek tiA y Tvictat the deadlines, generated b the by rorist in chief,, . e e e i emit h ve - -any evidence In support of a collective b d a disappeared from our front I co nt r A-German -there are some n lk y f . y judgment of the German people and `slid now that fife hYsteria that ac- ''P etar. 30,000 Jews who enjoy complete freedom of he warned against those journalists who pa' lied them has` died down, I believe ;religion, complete equality before the law. " item.,+. +. , r , +r fl+ +r o r_o? ,o, e ,4 p oved For R lease 2 b~ l~q- RDP 5.0 0 0033011,5-0 7Oi MR A rnroved ,For` Release 00J0 7 C A-RD. 7 4041# ( 11 5 61: }RECORD - 5iNATE 5207 rhNrIRE9MNAL hat th - ,. their positions, arish detail the whole incredible war been toward a revival ,,., lityn aerllah miam. OT towardthepartiesof moderation? formality necessary in nightm to =__s _t it s equall ion the Jewish people. squall, nlmen and sfanaticOf how 19 tile C191stlan s had the Social- Democratic~Party betweenythem I am inclined to believe that, while there is this party c'edible, still a fair amount of housecleaning to be 40 achieved power over a nation of 76 million polled 60 ercent of the vote. In 1953, the done, many of the ex-Nazis at present em- warpepeople,d and their charenslavedacters. their minds and figure rose to 74 percent, in 1957 to 82 per- played by the West German Government cent. merits; no To those of us whg were doge to the pros- These, in my opinion, are the basic have case must be demonstrated considered their on its innocence. Each lean in the immediate postwar period, the facts-thl'iticalal criteria sweeping judgment could possibly be fair. problem of denazification seemed almost in- thmany's e war. Po About Refugee Minister Oberlaender and -Burn o-untable. How could tens of thou- the Interior Minister Schroeder I have serious c doubts, They were not personally involved What remains to be done? an of f sttrbrat1On still b be intained? How Ex-Nnzrs IN GOVERNHIENr: EAST AND WEST d any crimes were humanity Oinv lved could minds, p still of the virus How aoue a of o purged o the Nazi onus and There is still a problem of former Nazis der, in fact, has voluntarily submitted him- a s or a of morality and civic responsibility in government. The Jewish organization, self to an examination by a committee of restored? I#ow could teachers be found so the B'nai B'rith, speaks of some 900 of former resistance fighters. Both men have that the new gene catn the ine idealscould thent, of whom several hold high office. This strongly opposed the neo-Nazi movement. be scYiooied. in dedication to o the of is a relatively small number compared with But the fact remains that they did belong demos;icy? There were many of us weft- the scores of thousands of Nazis who were to the Nazi party and not to the opposition. felt at the time that the restoration of 06f,-' dismissed from office-but it is still reason In the case of Dr. Hans Globke, secretary of many 'Mould be a work of generations. for concern. There is also a number of ex- the Chancellor's office, however, I have ex- I have Seen the bottom of the abyss from Nazis who hold positions of importance in amined a documentation which completely and,f the German people had to corne- private life as editors, writers, publishers, persuades me of the man's innocence. so bankers, and industrialists. The story of Dr. Globke illustrates how and,, that th own part, I aveledE o help far m in marvel- to a period of ti me. There is still much It is proper that the problem of ex-Nazi exceedingly complex the business of mak- ling that t to traveled so f In pl be done, There are cerT be n o un- officeholders Welters should be openly discussed by Ing g judgments can be. The Communists b legal com- outrageous when charge that he name at was every coauthor of a opportunity. They Butswh facts that must be confrf ted. to- Butitsbecomes people and by their allies. raise his racial B hen of ere withen the Germany a of the yesterday, there t h rpulit and pr Germanquislingsmouut mentary on would the predispose infamous most rma Nuremberg ti in self- day when Globke. true, How, This infotheyrmatiwouldon, in righteousI is every reason for gres and een made, ek- i Nazis-in the Wet German Go a nm nt.t lpieaws. against This Is ask, For V he great ppro ress that d ha been modde, could such a man be innocent? I believe n et G ally indebted ed to free es In cafioEurope there was no process In the terrible be Inns a our time, men will remain dternalln ndebted to the states- of denazificaein. In East Germany and - have frequently been confronted men rad Aiip and and onity of Chancellor on- every European country the Com h that torture the soul. confronted one sees men like aor taken Tad erlnaan and of, decessor MMayor aBent heiris anksv to the moostr ice us have Nazis choices opportunity to serve the cause If of (sees of Berlin and his predecessor, ,vaAera by Nazi collaborators. Their past was no hand- dom in the ranks of the Nazi movement, recovery in Germany. The act is that there were in Germany far more anti-Nazis and non-Nazis than we had been inclined to believe. -St Ger- '?r im . thaia e decade flow, Many has rC had a freefy elected parliamentary regime, a free Dress, and a free society which e In successive elections,, at Federal, ?-a,,, and ni,uniclpal levels, the overwhelming ma- f the German voters have given their -,t y o ort to supp ---- or to the social Democratic Party. Both of dicated to d el e y these parties are complet democratic ideals, are stanchly anti-l$azi, liberal in their approach to social problems, solidly pro-Western In their orientation., Of the long list of splinter parties, the largest is the Free Democratic Party, which in 1958 ... _a n n ..e?.,e?+ of the elec- torate. These splinter parties are also, rya a to r - and the most part, essentially democratic in judges, officers, Bepublicis s , Association first orientation, some of them liberal, some of When them middle-of-the-road, some of them con- printed its list of ex-NazlS In the ervic of servatlve, . comingnIsm, the The pus Significant exception, the German able tg flans the truth of the charges-re- eich-iparteii is neo Nazin outlook and IS .plied with the assertion that all of these led by a group of diehard ex l~azis But it people had realized their past political errors ed into "upright democrats l op deve has a national meniber&t}.p Of only 13,000 and had,. and obtained only 1 percent of the vote in and figtter s for theseeacpeople e." Bhave this notes some the last election. This rngz~n th t it, has to pay .Would not de representation in paaliamear y y mut ob- be pepared to dispute. t Forna Communist der a min electora law, n Ulum ox l S percent of the popular to become a Nazi or a Nazi to become a tarn a mi i vote lefore it given representation. In- Communist requires no real transformation. t,s addition, ,there are half a dozen other ultra- They are blood brothers. nation list reactionary splinter groups DENAZIFICATION AND THE CASE OF DR. GLOEKE +,,e,,, were able to obtain In Wear. Germano. as a result of the de- t be wee f s- 1.821pereent of the total vote. nazification process, the apparatus o himself a "non-Aryan," has states that lie On the basis of the electoral record of the ernment was purged of virtually every Nazi lives past decade, it is obvious t at there remains who was personally guilty of crimes against can prove Globke saved the not only a core of unregenerate Germans who are humanity. In an operation which involved of thousands, but of tens of thousands of prepared to vote to resurrect the past. But ,scores of thousands of people, it was inevi- German Jews. Dr. Jacob Kaiser, chairman of - it is a i very tiny core, representing no more, table that there should be some errors of the ChrisFiian Democra iicr Party campsand vethas than about 2.5 percent of the total electorate. judgment. A number who were guilty The important thing is the trend. Before taped punishment, while some who were in- testified that Globke played a key role in the Nazi Party came to power, it obtained #n nocent .were wrongly 'punished. But, in the. anti-Nazi resistance from the beginning ling only ose former Nazi party for the overt ow of the Nazi regime, and f increasing percentage of the German vote general the 1 1 coos-l8 3 percent in 1930, cep 3 for g used that he had been slated to take over the e e in success v? 87.1 percent in 1932, 44.2 percent in March members wobacfor anti Nazi purposes nor post of Minister of?Education if the plot of loss, Has the trend since tide end of the , their p, .., Approved For Refs 2000105/2.4, :GIB`-RDP7A=4'p9RQOO k ~33Q1'~ -Q Lowy, Y,---- _-_ - which the Communist regime had to CIO, U6 morally repugnant-or does one accept? gangster past constituted a decided rseem- is not an easy choice; and if one accepts. mondation., it Is not an easy thing to explain or live I have, in hand a documentation compiled down. In fact, during World War II, more by the investigating committee of free fur- than one resister posing as a collaborator fists in Berlin. yn it are listed some hun- was shot down by fellow resisters to whom deeds of former Nazis who now hold im- his identity was unknown. portant posts in the Communist government As a functionary Ministry of the Interior, of East Germany, or in its armed forces. na was given the task of preparing Here are, their photographs, their Nazi party . ga. -commentary on the Nuremberg law. into the the record of their date of entry He was not a Nazi; lie was by tradition numb, . into the Nazi party, the lists of their awards devout Catholic who abhorred the brutal- and decorations from the Hitler govern- him ment. its of godlessness of the Nazi regime. The I h names as In it you will find sus 'dent of specific choice which confrontddrathe imtingwas to d l eave to resign an that of Dr. Kurt Schumann, pre whether the East German Supreme Court; Seigirie a some fanatical Nazi, or to assume the re- nn, chairman of the Law Committee sponsibility and draw up the commentary of the of the People's Chamber; the chief editor of in a manner which would leave the greatest the official Communist 1, theoretical periodical l number of loopholes for Jews, half-Jews, .. ,.,n,,+h -Tama In a and nce - f --- , - - - cont..... K torment o came to Cardinal onrad von Preysing, then bishop of Berlin, and suggested that he resign his post. The bishop urged him not to resign because he was in a position to render invaluable services to the anti-Nazi cause. The loopholes existing In Globke's legal commentary were effectively utilized by thou- sands of German Jews, many of whom have written letters In his defense. Among other things, according to this testimony, Globke served as their chief go-between with the Ministry of the Interior. Dr. Walter Jellinek, a Jewish professor at Heidelberg University, has written to him: "You belong to the very few men of the Hitler era whom I remember with gratitude and with pleasure." * o f ease 20 0 0 `C-i4 RT'D.P751_.0 1491 6602003301 15-0 as 1 1d h o I an r above his s e g uae d es. p ~ Y e jd o l n t pp O YlindaTl Globke &1Wa s squghtpto obstruct or prevent un- The horrors' of the gt Hitler regime are also _ being home to th statement, the entire Bundesta rose an d ap pla uded enth usi sticalllyy Non more t s - etiori~ and acts of injustic d vi e an o- #e t` e n people by the series of so-called concentration-c m g niflear t st tE a mn. of contrition has ever n e par 6 the $razis, to the full- eft exfignt , sslbie to him ' A d t'h ere n are a " a p trials involving former camp directors. These 1`1 t ials have been fr t n been spoken !n a parliamentary body. The attit d u e of the German Government m b amore such testimonials frompeople on -page ews throughout the G on the question of restitutio f u3lirileachable anti Nazi records, erman press, in general Y am`not a believer in gory details when z+ n provides per- hags the most concrete evidence of its de- ..~.a tti on the meaning of tiffs inverted historical it is remarkable because the cmmitment 1 atloxi np'p3}per list his ? name among ong 'the ituation. s e l pea y that few been so assiduous ill tracking down Nazi menu of restitution and reparations to pa w- eeb to Ce'ere more loci ve services to the criminals and bringing them- to trial that ish victims of nazism and to the State of - 11 ri t San . lobke I 'net Glsevius liuzidreiis , qt Nasig have fledm thy, cpuntry. Israel will total almost $6 billion. Dr. 51 irgilg the course ur-M duties fn Nureril= Certainly no Nazis with criminal records have Nahum Goldrnann, president of the World be and like everyone else who met him, dared to return to their fatherland. In Jewish Congress, has declared that Israel as e oimoualy impressed. Perhaps better Egypt alone, there is a colony of some 600 has received more money from Germany ar3 other than he -knows the moral 112 e a w i kt confronted Globke because Nazi refugees from anti-Nazi Germany than from all the Jews in the world put ? where many of them are working hand in- to ether. ha himself served the resistance in the ranks and g g 9f: the Nazi secret police. glove with Communist enta in spreadin g Germany's cohunitment to pay restitution hilye 5?eg11 greatly impressed by the fact Arab--rsaeif: relattlonand Those whoerbelieve markableel Indeed, believeisit Is unique In that as a result of the' growthg bod of that West Germany is some kind of naiArtlce S,1e+ r n,.~ r_______. bvidence iri' Aufe..... ?-_ --- - a..u s+a,Nauc reporting. AIU4 or q . e book- o e er Incidell name of the German people. his' the Bonn Government ha Lyr iseYius stated e t Wh t, d t4i aup- s has, besii a rather Iong digression. ported the Hitler regime either through their but in the year 1951, when the Government was still attempting to cope with the gi- gantic problems of reconstruction and with anted evils o the past. Frankly, I lion refugees and expellees from the Soviet a e a va,n age of this opportunity to set do not find this surprising. It is only human zone. 'l1 record straight. to want to put painful memories out of one's It is remarkable that for a enerosit g y eed'r. a,wr."r i.... _?..--_ _.."._.._ mind.- Put even this Older vann.?~+f..., s...., that -f--A e,, P Y a out ut most indicative, in my opinion, of the Vote of the Bundestag, with the complete thgso-Bailedrecent past, the ignorance of Vast progress Germany has made was the support of the German press, with the back- Irman youth concerning the crimes of the ;reaction of the German people to the inci- ing of a clear majority of the German eo flex eIa, dent at Coloen, -A +v a n1o a. r , P .a_ g he play in a experts had originally agreed upon. #eatil?ent of ti3q Nazi era in German hisfoxy stunned silence more eloquent than any It Is remarkable because this onerous vol- te ctbooks, the unwillingness of the older spoken repentance. untary burden was assumed by unanimous generation to confront or speak o l b caaees Ui and erstanding and generous den. 3ua?xy "articles in the mann us initial commitment. As restitution Zero ha e b of Gold- con tritio Yrideed, it has'been remarked pointed out, Germany's rrest estitution ssstern press dealing wi h the continuing 'that the hundreds of thousands of Germans Payments will amount to two or three times prevalence of anti-Semitic attitudes among who came to performances of "The Diary of as much as the figure German and Jewish the., Vest Gei'.pten people, the inadequate Anne Prank" sat th throe h t wa were mur- -man authorities concluded that the e pi- The, report quotes instance after instance reason Chas happened inGermAnQrthis a'II?iawQ essentially the work of nonpoli- o new school nraernr?a 4.64--.A +..1._ i P. , o y to be made menu acted with the utmost vigor side Germany and abroad that c the entire pubic by the American Council on Germany, to track down the perpetrators and to punish them, outbreak was the Communists, there Is a growing trend in West Germany On January 20, prof. Carlo Schm#d; Vice 'bent on discrediting work the of the Adenauer Communist- 1+oward public castigation-of what happened president of the Bundestag, made a remark- meat.` 3lie white paper found that once the duripg,the Nazi period, The trend is becom- able statement to the Bundestag in the name epidemic got underway, the Communists ilig -more and more evident In the press, in of all four parties. I quote one paragraph got in on the act. Of those apprehended, TV? programs, in the movies, and, most from this' statement: Important of all, in the schools. ? at least seven had proven records roieCom- "It has taken 15 years says the reort, "It .is a? disgrace that this could happen 'munist atiliation. Members of Communist p in our colmtry. This disgrace is not mitigated youth organizations were found smearing but this year marks the beginning of a by the fact that in other countries, too, walls swastikas and pasting up anti-Semitic plac- Ti ally noticeable awareness of Nazi crimes haye been smearedwith swastikas and abuse. ards, and agents of the East German police {{ii a detects 'nation to b;ing them out into of the Jewish people. We Germans have no were found operating in Berlin and in some Wen, to` examine the developments which right to led up to 1933 ' and to answer the demanding true that in. other. countries there has been no proof of Communist mastermin g din, On questions of this generation of youth about llirlanism Under the sign of the swastika; the basis of the evidence available, the West the period 'In their, country's history which but in oilr country 6 million Je ,they did not know I e r y aye, in ma ched in an anti-Nazi protest demonstra- ence, to prove that the outbreak fkct, been ,the West German people them- tion. So great was the public was controlled or centrally directed. On the beives. This is as it sbquld be in a dernoc- tVSh the Mutual Society of SS Veterans that hand, the white movement made not es- racy. What is more, it proves that the West adapted"a resolution threatening ex uision of thcae at ,the neo-Nazi movement could not es- ear erih,aT1 systeidespite certain weaknesses, ariy'one- guilty of an anti-Semitic act. The act ons ofaiits members. for the individual is essentially healthy. Federal Government and the Land govern- I+ h =A Cording to a re ort sl rtl =ass -~ -a~.r uoaaa-seem the most stringent measures -_- -- """"""11A`'auus'Nazi or antidemo- eFise, remedies,, erat he,sevrest critics of the against them. In Berlin, 15,000 students eredino edidmotives. The German police uncov- wesk>,9sse4,111 Vest Ger n soci t li -?? ~au4awas anu uaa[uiaLion or the desecrations. Virtuall a`oc.a~eu a iranx and careful anal- y plohtical leaders. This demonstrates; white in my every newspaper in the country thundered that of the 234e culprits apprehended, 8 per- Opinion, that there are a substantial number editorially against the delinquents and trim- cent had clear records of either neo-Nazi or the e mans who ,up esrrssta d the weaknesses +nale who were fanning; the evil embers of Comn,,mi i- i G waulUtt4 ayacttttaug t cneir personal indignation and Who was responsible-what was responsi- WStijSSu exce,ptlon, " they have been based on their shame. The Protestant churches, the ble-for the swastika epidemic? The white e n2,an stU6s'cohdUcted ar+conducted by Catholic the trade unions, the stu- >,aner X.77_3 h., +,,e a___ _ ? a so descrikzes the rapidly ex- 2ianflina' would be el e ---6iaee Man it ?---? Y en;s, hereAnal for the game, rea- 'r believe"the German White pa son, oiir wreaction a ter did theme` ain t it l g s must be stronger right thing in bending over backward to and must proceed from Lion." greater introspec- avoid any accusation that could not be con- This is Germany's postwar record. ieeli}ll however, that the evidence of Corn- broadcasts to the' Arab countries. The public for this. try to be a reasonably as- n}uniii involvement unearthed by the West Kremlin has conducted, and is conducting siduous reader. I was aware before I began German authorities tells only`a small ppalt today, ananti-Semitic propaganda strongly preparing this analysis that anti-Semitism of the story. And ram surprised that here reminiscent~of Goebbels and Stretcher and existed on a very-substantlai scale through- shoal have been people who felt that some- that infamous forgery The Protocols of the out the Soviet sphere, But as f checked instigated the 'swastika epidemic may not against' the Soviet Union and that Jewish be provable. But, from a strictly legal religious and humanitarian organizations sta}}d;poiiit~' is it `libel to a ggest that a are all agents of American intelligence. many-tunes 'convict'ed rapist may be guilty How can one possibly "libel" a govern- of still a}rother`act of ran~gg, or that a notor- ment withhsuch record. That the Kremlin ions forger and perjurer'iTay have pulled off is morally capable of having instigated the another act of deception? Where a crime of swastika epidemic is, therefore, indisputable; a specific type has been committed, Is it not and while moral reputation does not con- common procedure In every country to sus- statute proof, it does constitute justification pest those criminals whose records show a for suspicion. long list of crimes that are similar in purpose If we accept the finding of the white paper ahd nietho49 that the outbreak was essentially a psycho- Whether or not the. charge was intrinsi- logical epidemic, f feel that the Kremlin tally libelous depends on whether or not the 'still deserves a much larger share of the Kremlin had a record of collaboration with blame than the white paper has attributed Nazis or ,NS,ai, ele3nents or a record of anti- to if. An epidemic is caused by a virus. Semitic instigation which might be relevant The swastika epidemic may have been caused to tha charge. Such a record does exist- in part by the latent virus of anti-Semitism and .vc at, along and terrible record it is. which exists in small pockets in Germany. History records tfiat when the League of But since the end of the war the chief cd~ Nations ixnposed economic sanctions against breeding place of the virus of anti-Semitism Fascist Italy in an effort to hamper or, if has not been Germany nor has the chief possible, prevent 'its rape of Ethiopia, the * instigator been the neq-Nazi movement. Soviet Ggve;?nmentStepped into the gap and The chief breeding place has been, and re- provided Mussolini with vast quantities of mains today, the Soviet Union. The chief oil and other commodities essential to the. instigator is the international Communist Party in 1931 called for a plebiscite to oust the democratic government of Prussia, the Communist Party voted with the Nazis-even though the ousting of the government would have brought the Nazis to power. History also records that in 1939 the Soviet state concluded, a treaty with Hitler which how the charge of Communist instigation Eiders of Zion. The general theme of this through the available documentation. I constituted a heinous" libel against the, Mph! aanda is that Jewish bankers and Zion- found myself constantly appalled. Kremlin. combined with the American capi- I was appalled, by the totality of Soviet The, specific charge that the Communists talists and imperialists to plot an attack anti-Semitism, by its utter ruthlessness, by movement. No one can tell me that the Soviet state can encourage internal anti-Semitism on a massive scale, and can direct its exportation to the satellite countries'and to the Arab world, without somehow spreading the in- fection to the peripheral areas. In this sense, even accepting the psychological epi- demic theory without reservation, the Krem- seat again'st' the `V est; that this treaty con=' THE,sgcogo OF sovizv Axxr-SE~vrrTLSM tom"' tamed secret annexes provfding for the di- There should be no secret about Soviet vision of Europe between Nazi Germany and anti-Semitism. The terrible ordeal , of the Soviet Rusgiaj; that at the signing of this Jewish people under the Kremlin's rule has treaty, Stalin toasted Hitler with the , been painstakingly set forth and documented words-"I know how much the German na- In a whole series of studies by scholarly tion Loves Its Fuhrer' ; that Molotov gloated authorities. In addition to several. full- shameful words-" One blow from the Ger man Army and one blow from the mighty Red army, and this ugly duckling of Ver- sailles ceased to exist." History also records that until the Soviet Union itself was invaded, the Communist Parties throughout. the world did their ut- most to support the war efforts of Nazi Ger- many and to' obstruct and sabotage the war efforts ofthe Allied democracies; that Walter Ulbric:ht, the present head of the East Ger- man Communist Party, said to his followers on November 23, 1939: "Not only the Com- munists, but also many social democratic and national socialist workers regard it as their task not in any circumstances to per- mit a bread of the pact. _( By this he meant the Hitler- talin pact.) Those who intrigue .against the friendship, of the German and Soviet people are enemies of the German people and are branded as accomplices of British imperialists." History also records that the Kremlin turned over to Hitler's Gestapo certain Ger- inan Communists who were on the Nazi Wanted list, , ong those thus turned over Was Margaret uber-leumann widow of the German Communist leader, 'iefnz Neumann, who had been executed by Stalin in 1937. Not oven the limited, perverted sense of honor' that. is customary among thieves was evident in this practice. History records that the Soviet regime has length books on the subject, there have been studies by the American Jewish Com- mittee, the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith, the Jewish Labor Committee, the authoritative Jewish magazine Commen- tary, the irrternationally respected weekly, the New Leader, the Select Committee on Communist Aggression of the 83d Congress, and by the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security. Scattered over a period of 2 dec- ades, moreover, there were some dozens of carefully researched articles in newspapers like the New York Times and New York Herald-Tribune and in magazines like Life. But for some strange reason, the terrifying story of persecution of the Jews under com- munism has not penetrated the public con- sciousness of the free world. Perhaps the scholarly studies were too esoteric, too limited in distribution. Perhaps the newspaper and magazine ar- ticles were too scattered and Infrequent to be effective. Perhaps the Jewish communities in the Western countries did not speak up as loudly as they should have for fear of fur- ther endangering their coreligionists behind the Iron Curtain. Perhaps our minds are conditioned far more than we ourselves are prepared to ad- mit by the most powerful and most subtle propaganda apparatus the world has ever known. practised anti-Semitism in Us a own trritg;y, Whatever the reason may be, I I am con- 1i age-'a in 4 has campaign against winced from many conversations that, in the v Jewish culture, has exported anti-Semitism public minds anti-Semitism is far more to its satellite countries, and is currently- closely identified with Germany than it is employing the anti-Semitic motif in its with the Soviet Union. I do not blame the its doctrinal and practical similarity to Nazi anti-Semitism. I was even more appalled to discover how little I knew, how little my friends knew, about this terrible crime against humanity which has been going on for more than two decades now. Let me set forth here the full record of this crime. For many years after the Bolshevik revolu- tion, it was commonly believed, by conserva- tives as well as liberals, that, despite all its evil features, Communism did not practice discrimination on racial or religious grounds. It was equalitarian in the sense that all men, regardless of race or religion, were equally persecuted. Personally, I question this con- ception of equalitarianism-but there were, and still are, many people who seem to see some peculiar virtue in equality of persecu- tion. The myth that all men are equal under communism remains to this day one of the Kremlin's chief propaganda weapons in-its appeal to the Negro, Jewish and other minori- ties in this country, to racial minorities in other countries, and to the colonial peoples. The fact is that the Soviet Union is a gi- gantic prison-house of nations where mi- norities have been persecuted and exploited, and where genocide has been a common in- strument of state police. It is an imperialist empire which, for its cold-blooded ruthless- ness, has no equal in history. The fate of the Jews under communism is most illustrative. The treatment of minorities, historically, may be considered a gage of social and moral progress; and in modern times, it has be- come a guage of social sanity. Wherever minorities have been oppressed in Europe, the Jews have generally been among the first to suffer and they have often suffered the most acutely. This is so because they are dispersed and more helpless, and because dif- ferences of custom and religion and the sur- vival of ancient prejudicies make them con- venient scapegoats for despotic regimes. On the specific question of anti-Semitism, the Communist leaders, in the early days, made some very, strong statements: "Anti- Semitism," said Stalin, in an interview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency of America in January 1931, "is an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous survival of cannibalism-anti-Semitism, as a phe- nomenon hostile to the Soviet system, is severely punished by law. Active anti-Sem- ites are punished by capital punishment un- der the laws of the U.S.S.R." Thus spoke Stalin in 1931. But, in real- ity, anti-Semitism is as inherent in Marxist totalitarianism as it was in Nazi totalitar- ianism. Karl Marx himself was, in many of his statements, as virulently anti-Semitic as Goebbels. Over the decades, the Com- munists have done their utmost to conceal this fact. Marx's translators into English and the European languages carefully elim- inated his anti-Semitic diatribes from edi- tions of his books and writings. But the proof exists. I have in hand the first English transla- tion of the unexpurgated papers of Karl Marx on the so-called Jewish question. It was printed only last year. In it, you will find that Marx referred to the distinguished German Social Democratic leader, Ferdi- nand Lasalle, whom he considered too mod- erate, as, I quote, "Judel Itzig-Jewish nigger." In another letter, Marx made the statement: "Ramsgate is full of Jews and fleas." In still another statement he said- ApprovedFor Re1ee se 20 0105124 CIA-RDP75-001498000200330115.-0 prdved For Release 2000/05/.24 CIA-R'DP75-00149R000200330115-0 mod. Z quotte again-"emancipation from Union has been even more sgvere than that nothing t to facilitate the evacuation of the u;y'' Yi riey, hat ls, `from practical endured by _ other. minorities., Physically Jews from areas that, were threatened by the real ~udarsm, would constitute the eman- their persecution is on a liar with that of the Nazi army-even though they knew the fate AO' " 210 CONGRESSIONAL R. CORD - SENATE M=71- 15 161a1os1, Can,,only 1?e understood within the of party and government, the Jews today are by fleeing individually or in small groups bbntB t of the ll2aritlst ideology and of` the virtually excluded from all administrative through the swamps and forests. They emlin's ,broad general policy toward all positions of any importance. While all re- testified that Jews attempting to flee from Iti norlties, . ligion is persecuted and regulated, the Jewish 'threatened areas en masse or In large groups ^' In the period immediately after the revo- 'religion is persecuted with particular ruth- were turned back by Soviet guard units. lutlon, -when they were still 'endeavoring to lessness: The attitude _QA the Soviet, press during iisoli late their regime, the Bolsheviks at- Why is this so? I can think of several the war also deserves some comment, The =tempted to, purchase the support of ' the reasons.. First of,all, tl?ere is the fact that Kremlin editorialists could find no words- Yitioizal miliprltles by preaching the free- the, Jews hAygboth their own religion and strong enough to denounce Nazi inhumanity. `domand equality of peoples: ' 1e appoint- their own national culture; this makes them But they spoke always of "crimes against 7nef t to 'native Communists to party and eligible for persecution pn both scores. Soviet citizens." The systematic extermina- Ciovernment posts was encouraged. The Secondly, the rulers of the Kremlin have tion of the Jews by the Nazi was, apparently, use of the various minority languages, apparently suspected them of mass disloyalty a crime that did not call for special mention *blch had been restrjctec{ under the czar, to the Soviet state, This is, not surprising, or display of moral indignation. gdi19 also encouraged. for no Jew-could be expected to enthuse over For several years after World War II, By the early"thIrties, Stalin had achieved things like the Hitler-Stalinpact or Moscow's Soviet policy toward the Jews continued to absolute power. At this point, the tofera- Incitation of the Arabs against the State of manifest two faces. In its propaganda to ;'tipn aZId encouragement of national culture Israel. the free world, the Kremlin continued to g&ve a+ay to a massive campaign against the Perhaps even more important, the great pose as an opponent of anti-Semitism and 1ilguages and' cultures of all the national' majority of the Russian Jews have relatives all forms of racial discrimination. At home, !Sigiorities. in America. This makes them suspect, in the persecution was Intensified. In increas- 'i'lls .E4usslan language was selected as the zarist anti-Semitism, exploits the Jew as ?tnstrumgnt tor, the new cultural straitjacket a scapegoat-a convenient outlet for popular because it happened to be the language of resentment which might otherwise be di- Vie largest national group and. was the most rested against the regime. widely spoken. ' A major shift in Soviet policy toward the ,In the 'ki aine, for example, Russian was Jews first became apparent In 1937-38. Zino- again made the main language of instruc- viev, Radek, and a few of the other old troll ix1 a liipet $0 percent of the universities. Bolsheviks who were liquidated in the great $rainian specialists and 'scientists were as- purges of the thirties had been born Jews . digned to other areas of the Soviet Union Of course, they could no more be considered while increasing numbers of Russian spe- Jews than Stalin and Khrushchev could be Cialiats and scientists were imported into . considered Christians. But there is reason the Ukraine, to believe that in Stalin's paranoid mind, The .apparatus of Government was ruth- party opposition to his one-man rule some- Ilessly :purged of all those who were sus- how became identified with the accident of pected yof the sin of bourgeois nationalism: Jewish birth, Perhaps more impur 4ant, there seemed to administrators were the chief targets of this be a growing possibility of a deal with Hitler. terry .. The terror reached its zenith dur- If this deal were consummated, every Jew fagg 187-38 when, it is estimated, some 200,- in the Soviet Union would have to be con- oO persons were executed in the course sidered an enemy of the regime. of one year. I have documentary evidence Surreptitiously, the Soviet Government be- Co'iCerning the massacre in the city, of gan to encourage anti-Semitic propaganda. Vinitsa alone 'of 10,000 persons; and there, Secret directives went out to the civil service is evidence that similar massacres occurred to restrict recruitment of Jews and to de- At many other, points in the Ukraine. mote or remove many of those who held office. The man in charge of the Ukraine during Jewish schools and newspapers and com- this period, I might point out, incidentally, munity organizations were forcibly closed 'vas a 'certain N. S. Khrushchev, who last down. Thousands of the Jewish communal summer was Invited to visit our country as leaders were physically liquidated. ,+5H hortnred guest. What happened to the Ukrainian people The Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union did its not persuade 'happened, with,, variations in pattern and persecution of the the Kremlin Jews. s. Jews In the e Red '6gree, to all the other national minorities army I the t in the,soviet t nipn, ay fought oheroically against the Nazi in- vader and, in many cases, rose to fairly high ?. The imposition of Russian Communist rank. But Stalin by this time apparently 'Control was even more marked in the case shared Hitler's psychopathic hatred of the of the minor Moslem nationalities of central Jews. The result was a policy of passive Asia.. In all ofthese central Asian republics, cooperation with the Nazi enemy in permit- Russians held the key posts in the ministries ting their extermination. of, se 1 and of the interior and, in en- v When Hitler invaded Russia there were 4W; throughout the apparatus of party and more than 5 million Jews in the Soviet go11 vernment. In the so-called autonomous Union proper and in the territories It had azakh Republic, for example, native Ka- annexed under the Hitler-Stalin pact. More al{hs, according to it report published . in than 3 million of these vanished during 1948 field onlyy 2 percent of the administra- World War II. Scores of thousands of those ve posts'In the ministry of local industry who vanished were victims of mass deporta- aAd public heaitli; 4 percent in light Indus- tions to Siberia. The great majority, how- try; 6.7 percent in textiles; and, so on down ever, were captured by the Nazis and the line. perished In their infamous extermination 'lie Negro in America unquestionably camps. sliders from serious restrictions on, rights, But the question arises: How is it that and opportunities. He is now on his way up. more Jews were not able to flee before the But in. the darkest, days after emancipation, Nazi army? How is it that the Nazi were . enjoyed far greater rights than do some able to capture virtually intact the large df the Asian minorities In, the Soviet Union Jewish communities in so many cities in today. Soviet territory? In certain respects the persecution of the Jewish organizations In this country are Jews and of Jewish culture in the Soviet convinced that the Soviet Government did friendship for anything outside the Soviet Approved For Release 2000/05124.: CIA.-RDP75-00149R000200330115-0 ward them was encouraged by a hundred subtle devices. During the period of Soviet occupation, at least 40,000 Jews were deported to Siberia from Hungary alone and many thousands more were deported from Rumania. Other terrors awaited the Jews of the satellite countries. In the immediate post- war period,,the Communists did not yet have complete control of these countries. They were either in the process of consolidating control or preparing to seize power. What more convenient smokescreen could there be for them, what more effective diversion, than a campaign against the Jews, with a few old-fashioned pogroms thrown In? In Poland during the course of 1946 there was a whole series of murderous attacks on Jews which cost several hundred Jewish lives. In the pogrom at Kielce alone, 41 Jews were killed by a mob, while the Com- munist militia stood idly by-or else arrested the Jews, In Czechoslovakia there was also a series of bloody anti-Semitic incidents. The Com- munists tried to blame these incidents on the Fascists--but there is considerable evi- dence that they themselves instigated them. The Czechoslovakian Minister of Propaganda during this period, Vaclov Kapecky, referred to the Jews in his statements as "those bearded Solomons" or "this Jewish scum." In this propaganda he was abetted by the present Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia, Antonin Zapotocky. In Hungary, local Communist leaders or- ganized bloody attacks on the Jewish people in the cities of Miskolcz and Kunmadaras. According to the testimony of Dr. Zoltan Klar, a Hungarian Jewish leader, and of Mr. Irving Engel of the American Jewish Com- mittee, the Communist police did nothing to prevent the riots and in many cases they protected the instigators. Those responsible for the riots, moreover, were never punished. But in 1948 Stalin apparently became im- patient with the limited, gradual anti-Semi- tism of the previous decade. The cold war had sharpened. Tito. had defected from Soviet control. The Jews of the Soviet Union and the satellite countries had shown un- concealed enthusiasm over the establish- ment of the State of Israel. In the warped mind of Stalin this situation called for an all-out offensive against everything that might be considered a "foreign" or "Western" Influence. Anything which suggested adher- ence to a don-Russian group was automati- cally guilty of "buorgeois nationalism;" and Ap{Sroved For `Release 2000105/Y4 lbIARDP75-0 ' 4J f300 a1 5-0 ~'O1RESSId1AL RECORD - SENATE Union was stygmatized as '1cosmopolitan- The trial; `from the first, was an obscene isrzr." anti-Semltfc orgy.: The defendants confessed Iri ,the?fill ,of 1948, with one sweeping ad- that they had been participants in a world- jrii tr e d cree Stalin and ills cultural wide , ewisfi' conspiracy apeiating in the ndref "Lldanov,E complete ervice of American and British imperialism. ` ` w~, emained of Jewish cult For variety then conspiracy was sometimes lid eo il??(j ire fn , tyre Soviet' union: referred to as a "capitalist-imperialist-Trot -Iqqu ~1 the campaign was :directed : skyist-Titoist' plot ." ' Involved' in this plot, a nst the Zionists: Of course, everyone If` one were to believe the confessions, were vv C. ,considered hiinsel a Zionist had long former'U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry prevIbusly`perished'in Stalin's concentration J. Morgenthau, Mr. Bernard Baruch, Israeli oalnps, Xn reality,.the new Soviet anti-Semi- Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, and the tism.w.as directed not against zionism, but Yugoslav Communist leader Moshe Pijade. against' the Jewish' religion and all those of All of the'evils 'of the Communist regime Jewish origin, even` if they were Communists. and all of the suffering of the Czechoslovak ulsh the anti-Semitism or Stalin Irom the sx.y ana nis coaeienuanu aiiu ",air r++.-.,a=? nti?-Seniitishi of Hitler, ' and British imperialist masters. They con- At one : stroke, all Jewish schools w,ere fessed to planning'the disorganization-of the olosetl. JWislx nespapers were `shut down. 'Czechoslovak economy, to contriving arts- The ;Yield sh publ shin house, Pines waa ficial scarcities of food and fuel and the In- ' laso C10S@1 tnittee il>`1 of the national currency. The com- e'ewish anti Vasciet col- flatioii e- i vak res echosl n" h C c ' " n r p s, z o e tari s of t n ie i Qow *as dissolved and its lead f. More than 45d ewisl writers, fe `wing to the Jewish defendants, employed cream of $he such adjectives as"huckstering," "profiteer- intellectuals Elie , 7ewilh in eligent0_.a an the Soviet tnion.= Ing," "bloodsucking," "Judases," "scum were extc ted with a dark past." - 28, 11 defendants, 8 of them 'Despite restraints and persecution, Russia On N under the czar had been the world .center Jews, were sentenced to death by hanging. of Yidd1s'i cultures. In' the early period' of The sentences were carried out a few days cultural t4lera}}ce, the Soviet Union had the later. largest number of Yiddish schools in the' There is a footnote to the stories of the weld,the'greatest number of Jewish peda- Rajk trial in Hungary and the Slansky trial gogical institutions, the only Jewish insti_ In Czechoslovakia. In the fall of 1956, after 'tution of higher Tearnfng in 'Y'iddish, and 'hrushchev's denunciation of Stalin's Yiddish departments in many unfversitlea. crimes, it was announced that the Rajk trial There were 4 Yiddish state publishing had been a frameup from beginning to end houses A4d 14 State theaters And there 'and that the confessions had been extorted. "Were '.36 periodicals and newspapers; 4' of The rehabilitation of some of Slansky's ca- 'thenl dailiies. defendants implied a similar admission. Some of these.' zistitutlons and publics - What a commentary on the practice of tion:l had' ceased to exist dr ring the anti- justice under communism. Semitic, purg9s of 1936-88. Others had Needless to say, the Slansky trial was ac- 'ceesed to, exist di,ring the war. But with companied by a wholesale dismissal of Jews from all public office. The trial also served 'the Zicnov d@~ree, ever*tliing ceased. 'Where there "lisd once, been a f9u'ris`ri"ng as a signal for a further intensification of 'Jwwish otl ture, here was now a desert. the campaign of official anti-Semitism One year after the hdanov decree;in throughout the Soviet empire. This cam- .September 1949, there took place the first 'pafgn reached perhaps its lowest point in of a whole series of spectacular Communist the Infamous "Moscow doctors' plot." Show trials involving Jewish defendants. The On January 13, 1953, the Soviet Ministry scene of t}ifs firet'trial was Budapest. The 'of Internal Security announced that nine chieif defendant was the former 1mnister prominent doctors, six of whom were Jews, -of the Interior, Laszlo Rajk. had been arrested on the charge of murdering Br k himself was not 1 a Jew. In fact two Politburo members, Andrei Zhdanov and Alexander Shcherbakov, by medical mistreat- .h'e wa. Wed generally considered anti-the po ment. They were also accused of having at- He hadd sd his post to instigate the Ise tempted the murder of a number of top- groms in Miskolcz and Kists who who ras, or else ranking officers of the Soviet armed forces. to protect those Communists had insti- The arrested doctors, said the Kremlin, had gate them. Three of Rajk's codefendants, all confessed that they had carried out their In We Vial, however, were Jewish-and crimes on orders of the world Zionist con- they, were forced 'to sign confessions that spiracy and that these orders had been they had served as "Zionist spies." These transmitted from Israel by the American so-called 'Zionist spies had, according" to the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. charges,' conspired with America, England According to the American Jewish Year- and Tito's-Yugoslavia to overthrow the Corn- book for 1954, the so-called doctors' plot accompaniment 3nu t_ the' cilr resulted in a universal orgy of denuncia- To the of an ominous {ions, demotions and arrest of Jewish citi- propaganda about the "world Zionist con- zens throughout the Soviet empire. All this, spiracy," IF and his chief codefendants it said, was accompanied by a barrage of tvereSeb ElicedtOdeatll. propaganda__esigned to prove that all Jews A Pew years later, it was the turn of were _ apt to be traitors, spies, Imperialist CZee rosloyakia t foyer b,er 19 2 there? +ents, embezzlera, and outright murderers. 'took,' place the grea prague'trial of'R.udoff On March 5, 1953, Stalin died. The public Sian ky, dormer Secretor-General of the campaign against- the arrested Jewish doc- Barty, and his alleged confederates. In this tors and against the Jews ceased. On April trial, 11 of the '14 defendants, .including 4 the Ministry of the Interior made the star- Slansky, were Jews. To make sure that tling announcement that the doctors' plot -this fact was not missed by the nublic. had been a frameun: the evidence had been The thousa_nds_of Jews in prison remained in prison. Zionism remained illegal. Jewish culture and coriimunal life and Jewish emi- gration remained under total ban, the Jewish religion under a near-total ban. And tile basic charges made in' the Slansky trial and In the Moscow doctors' plot were repeated and repeated until they achieved the status of articles of faith for all Communists. . Two weeks after the Moscow doctors were released, on April 16, 1953, the head of the Czechoslovak delegation to the U.N., For- eign Minister Vaclav David, upheld all the charges that had been made in the Slansky trial and reiterated the accusation that the Zionists and other Jewish organizations were hot beds of American sabotage and espion- age. Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Vishins- ky backed his Czechoslovak protege to the hilt on this occasion. In Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Rumania, the rash of anti-Jewish show trials continued for more than a year after the release of the Moscow doctors. In Czechoslovakia alone there were four such trials between May of 1953 and April of 1954. The last of these trials, which took place in Bratislava, had a new twist. None of the defendants were Jewish, but they were charged with the crime of having protected Jews or having failed to punish them. These show trials, involving amalgams of Jewish and non-Jewish Communists, re- ceived considerable international publicity. The persecution of the Jewish community leaders and Zionist leaders, unfortunately, received far less publicity. Literally thou- sands of these leaders had been imprisoned in the satellite countries-in particular in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Rumania- during 1948 and 1949. During the course of 1953-54, some hundreds of these were brought to trial, charged with Zionist activities and aid to Jewish emigrants. These trials were secret, but some of the details inevitably leaked out. Writing in the magazine "Commentary," Peter Meyer re- ported that in the Spring of 1954 the secret trials in Rumania reached such numbers as to constitute a mass terror. Not less than 100 Jewish leaders were tried and sentenced in one month, he said. One of the trials involved 22 members of a Socialist Zionist youth group. Its leader defied the Com- munist court with these words: "You have tortured and killed many of our members in your dungeons. This crime will never be forgotten." He and his comrades were all sentenced to 20 years in prison. The 5-year period that followed the Zhda- nov decree of 1948 is remembered by the Jews of the Soviet Union as "the black years." The facts about this period were documented as early as 1951 by the Jewish scholar, Dr. Solomon Schwarz in his book, "The Jews in the Soviet Union." But despite such documentations and despite the bla- tant anti-Semitism of all the show trials that took place during this period, the Krem- lin was able to pretend to its followers in the free world, as late as 1956, that there was no anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union. Even high-ranking Jewish Communists, who should have had access to the facts, as-' -cured their followers-and assured them- selves-that the charges of anti-Semitism made by Jewish organizations were slander- ous fabrications. ' p p -Soviet Union, at which Khrushchev made his of- %kciiq 'WifF e Iic a R- al "ell many"p eo le to ho e thiat, with Stalin seah, anti-Semitism in the Soviet famous denunciation ' of the crimes of the Aa A urifsts it ' -es without "sa in tl}e .4 C 1 .1r 1CJ xie bore the wordy I "tote ' q ,7e s qr1 n" after the name seeme o e a cep in the i3glit direction. Congress of the Communist Party of the . all of the defer, acts had, ,long previous sphere had also perished. Stalin era. A slackening of. control inevita- ly renounced they Jewish religion and' they Everything that has happened since 1953, My followed this speech. In his speech to W@1E v~,g1Q rtI appose to monism ''fhfs a1 - 'however, proves conclusively that Moscow the party congress, Khrushchev said nothing obstparehtTy was riot consfcferecf any seri&us has never abandoned its anti-Jewish cam- about the persecution of the Jews. But acle y the professional brainwashers paign. shortly after the congress, on April 4, 1956, 'who pprepared' Siarislcy and his colleagues In Moscow the 13 doctors were released- the Polish Jewish paper Folkshtimme con- for tliEir.appearancesIn court. but this was the only concession granted. 'firmed the fact that the hundreds of Jewish No. 48-13 ? Approved F?r. ReIease-'200010.51 4 : CIA-RDP75-00'149R00020033;115-0 'Approved Fbr Releas0 2000iiO5/24 CIA RDP75-00149R000200330115-0 Despite repeated promises to Communist ligion have been permitted to maintain a g seminaries. The only Jewish after 1955, the reestablishment ofVa Yiddish seminary o permitted is limited to an attend- theater and Yiddish press and Yiddish pub- ance of 20 students. Patricia Blake, in her lishing house 'was never permitted. Instead, article in Life magazine last December, has there was` an accelerated discrimination described how these 20 students pursue their against Jews In public life, in the national studies in the corners of the Moscow syna- economy and in the educational field. gogue, because no space has been made avail- The Jewish population of the Soviet Union able for their seminary. represents approximately 1.4 percent of the The teaching of Hebrew remains under the country's total population. In 1958, only ban Imposed at the time of the revolution. 3 of the 1,336 members of the Supreme So- In the 40 years of Soviet rule, no more than- viet -one-fourth of 1 percent of the total, several thousand Hebrew prayerbooks have could be identified as Jews. On a per capita been printed; only several hundred distrib- basis, this would signify that the Jews had uted. only one-sixth the political representation to Openly anti-Semitic books and publica- which they were entitled. ' tions are appearing with increasing fre- So far as is known, , no Jew i in the foreign service, is to the be found quency. The villains in this literature all ranks of the med forces, or in the various higher unmistakably adhere to aJe s name. They all have Jewish h names; they are all military academies. Jews are also excluded moneygrubbers, without human feeling, dis- from leading osts in the Communist Part from the cetral party newspapers and the their fellow fellow their relations with the state and men. foreign section of the Soviet press. Jews Whether a Jew is religious or nonreligious, are Progressively being excluded from admis- whether he Is' pro-Communist or` anti- sion to the universities. Communist,. he has no way of escaping the The facts which I have just listed here were fate which the Soviet regime has ordained part of a statement Issued by, the American for his people. The word "Jew" is stamped Jewish Committee in conjunction with their on h1 Internal passport-the document meeting with First Deputy Premier Anastas which is the key to a man's existence in Mikoyan in January 1959. Since that time, every Communist country. This inscription there seems -to have been a further deteriora- Is not intended as a religious identification tion in the position of the Soviet Jews. because the members of no other religious What is the situation today in the Soviet groups are thus Identified. The Soviet in- Union? Let me list only a few items from ternal passport does state the nationality the. current catalogs on Soviet anti-Semitism of the bearer-but the Kremlin apparently that have been compiled by the New York does not recognize the Jews as a nationality Times, the New York Herald Tribune, the because it refuses to grant them the most New Leader, and other publications. `elementary communal rights enjoyed by the A few months ago the synagogue in the smallest and most primitive national group- town of Malachovka near Moscow was set Ings in the U.S.S.R. The marked passports afire. of the Soviet Jews serve only one purpose- T,lie synagogues of Ch.ernovtsky, Bobruisk, the same purpose served in its. time by the Korosten, Baranovich, Rakhov, Novoselitsa, yellow badge which the Nazis compelled the Orenburg, Chernigov, Stalin, Baab~ushkin, Jews' to wear for purpose of self-identifica- and other cities have been closed down by the tion. To every factory manager, to every security authorities. university president, to every party bureau- 3n the city of Kharkov, where there are crat, to every minor official, it constitutes a 70,000 Jews, there is not a single synagogue directive to treat the bearer as a member to serve their religious needs. of a hostile and inferior breed; it constitutes The synagogue at Voronezh has been taken a command to hate and to persecute. over by the authorities for use as a grain As I was winding up the work on this warehouse. The Jewish community has been analysis, I received a communication from unable to raise the money required to redeem a group of professors of the Social Sciences it. I7iCision o3 'airlelgb Dickenson University, In Yevpatoriya, in the Crimea, the author- ve85" a f toured the oviet Union last'sum- ities, confiscated ,25,000 rubles raised by the mer. ppaileii by the many evidences of Jewish community to rent a building for a vit anti-Semitism, they wrote letters last synagogue. 4ovem'ber and December to 10 leading Soviet Deprived of synagogues, the Jews have at- educators and editors, including Aleksei tempted to pursue their worship in private Adzhubei, editor of Izvestia and son-in-law prayer meetings. Such prayer meetings have of Nikita Khrushchev. Their letters pointed been reported forcibly dispersed, in the cities out that the Jews do not appear to enjoy of Kharkov, Olevsk, Tula, Bobruisk, Vitebsk, the rights guaranteed by Soviet laws and and other places. In Vitebsk the Jews were professed by the Communist philosophy, and threatened with 10 years in prison if they they asked for a detailed explanation of this . anomalous situation. To date only one resumed their meetings. In Bendery, Baranovich, Minsk, Kishinev, editor has deigned to reply. The reply Voronezh, and Kiev, Jewish cemeteries have said that somebody letter had been n forwarded been desecrated and memorials defaced. to y else. In n their their letter to me, the group of Ameri- In Kiev, Kharkov, Kuibyshev, Rostov, can professors wrote: "Our opservations have Kishinev, Odessa, and Lvov, a ban was lm led us to the unhappy conclusions that anti- posed on the baking of matzoh, the unleav- Semitism in the U.S.S.R. Is not an atavisitic ened bread which plays a central role in the remnant of czarist Russia, but is the official Passover observance. To my mind, there policy of the Government of the U.S.S.R." could be no more pitiless or more pointless In Rumania, in Hungary, and especially deprivation than this. I in Poland under Prime Minister Gomulka, For the Jewish population of almost 3 there appears to have been limited improve- million, there are only 60 rabbis in the whole'- ment in the treatment of Jews. In these of the. Soviet Union. Their average age is countries, while they still suffer from dis- well oer 70. In the case of the Orthodox religion in Russia, there is 1' priest for every 5,000 faithful. This Is bad enough. But In the case of the Jewish religion there is only 1 rabbi for every 50,000 Jews. With virtually no replacements in sight, the situa- tion is bound' to become` worse over the criminition and economic disabilities, Jew- ish cultural and religious ' life now enjoy somewhat increased freedom. This limited Improvement inthe satellite countries is, of course, subject to instant recall if it ever serves Communist purposes. Why is there this difference between So- viet policy toward the Jews and the policy Approved For Release 2000/05/24 CIA-RDP75-00149R000200330115'=0 1212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD SENATE )March-15 the Zhdanov'decree, h- ad been executed. To the soattered Jewish'3'ollowing which the Communist Party still maintained in .the free world, the article in Folkshtimme struck a shattering blow. Sonie of the most eloquent condemnations of Soviet and anti- ?ikaxdtlsm. have'been written` by former Jew- Ish Comm Inlets and by official Communist Party delegations who went to the Soviet Union to check on the facts. 'Their eyes were opened by what they saw. 3 want to quote a few paragraphs from one of the many revealing articles that appeared in the world Communist press during the period of disarray that followed these revelations. These paragraphs are ex- tracted from the report of 'a delegation of the British Conununist Party to the Soviet .Vision and they were printed in the London Communist weekly World News in October 1956: "For some years prior to the death of Malin, rumors began to spread that all was 7aot well in the Jewish field, and that well- known Jewish writers and Intellectuals had diiappearred, Then came the revelations of the 20th Congress, and, later, specific charges 'An the Folkshtimme. "Naturally these charges created con-' aternation and bewilderment in the ranks of Jewish Communists in pll countries, so that It became a matter of urgency and of importance to expose their truth or false- hood: "The first piece of concrete information Dame, from 7a visit to the Lenin State Li- brary. ITeie there exists a Yiddish and a Hebrew section. _ It turned but that there is nothing in Yiddish later than 1948, when -publication of Yiddish papers and journals mUst therefore have ceased, "The Soviet Encyclopedia, which in its 1932 edition devoted about 160 columns to the Jews, reduces this in the 1952 edition to ?,four columns.. The biographies of many eminent Jews had been removed. Marx was no longer referred to asa Jew. "The first task, therefore, was to meet a few Jewish writers and to examine their re, actions to this. Official requests to this end were made, but we were informed that this was not possible as they were all on holiday, ,while H,alkin (a Jewish writer who sur- vived), who was at home, was too ill to re- ceive anyone. "Then came the discovery from private ponvezsations; by Comrade Levy with Jews that the, years 1948-52 were known among them as 'The Black Years,' the period during .which many Jews were dismissed from their posts, Jewish poets and' writers were ar- rested and charged with treason and exe- du.ted, Yiddish disappeared from the street and market` place, the population closed up together, becoming tense and nervy, and young Jews" who might otherwise have ni ged with the general 'population and have forgotten that they were Jews, awoke to a new sense of unity in distress. "But let it be said that this fear did not emanate from apy general feeling of antag- onism from among the Russian population, but from official or quasi-official sources;' from the security police, in fact." This report, I want to emphasize was writ- ten not by critics of the Soviet regime, but by members of the British Communist Party. The furor which such articles caused In the world Communist movement resulted in a 'few 'very minor concessions. In the course of 195.' , for the first time since the revolution, the Jews were permitted to establish a small theological seminary in Moscow. Permission was also granted for the publication of a Mall number, of prayer books in Hebrew, for tle staging of some Yiddish music recitals, for the printing of a few works of Yiddish - writers in. Russian translation, CAA RD 75 Q 0003`36 Ii A 3r COKGRESSIONAL RECORD - S A T"E s cat} thin of two reasons. _ The first reason s tat; tire Soviet Gov _ political parties,roblactive an - t more directly interested than are e now a serious pem in our country. Sut 'discover how similar his views on the re a-and e'ent Y m pagan were shto btrieeeview sr ofa the Nazi Judaism tyre satellites in influencing Arab ogany s in is? letlus bIVI e frank aboutlit,l6, good deal of in r+M the ent 17tg ,East, and in Stes event* Y dement lagtween the Ara b Staten and Israel. passive-or polite -anti-Semitism which ex- philosophers. Soviet anti-Semitism and' S'o'viet strategic pressed and itse f in var segregation. ious forms of discrimi- their The eyes, Nazis it was objected the to root Judaism monotheistic because, reli- Iement nation eacb oth in this r Middle East come each' otligr, Arab nationalism are const constantly identifying the country, there andarethere, and war and creecouldd of be recon-gion, because their raeii and famedd by , A LsanE:l and. lis ism with Britsh and meri w venom. MoreJfequentlyi thang not, they cChrist Christianity because, In their l'ey es, itedeied caLti me i ve you one example of the Kre have high-sounding names which describe from Judaism, because its doctrine of doctrine 11n's propagan a to the Arab World. I quote to t them as "Christian" or "patriotic"-when in vernal love was as difficult to reconcile with me dive yo both anti-Christian and their pagan beliefs. ublication "The State of Israel- reality they are Let me read to you from, the p , _ what Its position and" F*ollcies," , printed by 'the antipatriott self had to say on this same subject: Soviet state publls-bing house in 1958: When Hitler was alive and the depression Karl Tulare him- m Judaism. Chris- a were isolated tianily sate susprang blt i o g ctio of ar form ll'un us, me headwayheTodaY y they Y 'was st "'The Zi ,niat movemalo. r o the rich Jew- make so p of the nationalistic ids y erial- and without influence. But under certain Judaism is the ever da p PP Sala land cold flat oppres toed to imp the could again become tion of Christianity. But tis application Sim and to colonial oppression of the people circumstances, y could become universal only after Chris- e of Al a? Zionism has tied itself to American dangerous. - , had been. the man, from and other Western capitalism its Arab neigh- KKK and otherr ext emists in thistcountry the rte li ion , "self alienation of Ish terrorist tactics, attacked . Marx and Hitler hors, 'Thy national liberation movement of maintain contact with ex-Nazi groupleta himself androm nature: hich the people of the Middle east, spearheaded scattered around the world. In terms of By their statements both nuisace value.alButo- have t sets out made to pclear that ersecute any Judaism inev itably day membership, th thanN n by its native (such as President Nas- t King the. A Saud of Yemen) Arabia, and Y by rejecting and persecuting thre Ong man naked Jewish agression. The su there Is reason to believe that It bst substantial funds which leading Nazis commands Chwinds ristianity. sti nt y. ateed by en wh cler dus of all 'Marxists and 'Communists Bled out of egi e, and that theseolNa ilex- not- ignorefree otencrshi of Godnti Semitim, in lca situation is to help the Asian and d the Hitler regime, qtr#~ peill ogle crush the reactionary ewish patriots- hate the Western democracies with even on a small scale, in this country or in forces." undiminished passion and yearn for a re- other countries., We cannot ignore the des- , The second explanation I can think of for vival of the Nazi-Soviet pact. In any case, ecration of a single synagogue, any more the 4ntensifled anti-Semitism in the Soviet this is a matter that could well stand investi- than we can ignore the taking of a single ther a Union today Is the personally Irrational at- gation: lif. Let us strive, thuds of prime Minister has sated that the old believe fessionalhmerc ant ofrhat on these clearer understand ngeofTetheon turevand primitive, vulgar tiSemitic tone Charac- I find much more reason for concern, how- origins of this evil, and let our leaders and Involve rol and Anti imitive, vulgar a anti- profession In an in the pr ever, In the epidemic tha Intouroown county have ulti'mat ly eliminate the e virusoin con our own views and utbur ns oc subject of inter- w , and outbursts sts oThise a uati of the swastika Jewsews is unmistakable. This evaluation coin- been, for the most part, high school students cointrug join in condemning every mani- fdes ewith i that ot,he moat prominent Jew- and teenagers. -feah inemller. of, the Caxtadian._Communist SinfG last, ~risymas, some 70 synagogues festation of anti-Semitism, wherever it may ecrated Party, liXr. J. B. Salsberg, after a2-hour"in- in the United Stavesh have bees desec been occur. give every assistance and encour-Let. us texview with the Soviet Premier in August and a number of le 1856. vandalized. tome, of the, outrages were per- agement to the Government of West C?er- According to Mr. Salsberg, khrushchev petrated by members of youthful neo-Nazi many in the long and inevitably difficult report from Kansas struggle to eradicate the last vestiges of the Nazi evil. first of all, denied that there was anti-Semi- clubs, hi ch had their fuhrers tram in the Soviet Union, and then went, on the to list a whole, series of personal objections City this February 1st, for example, said Let us do all of these things. But in doing 13 our lose let us so, had been ortion to Jews. saying that: the Soviet Prime Min' high school for membership ne such neo- and priority. Let us not permit o rsely s to of a ctions inter asevern that: e so handful "s~Jiseb uild a w settles, the first thing he have clubs. From the many serest- that of ju enilea del quentsaand by the satura- do"s the thousands synagogue . that mst made, however, ka painters would appear the thousands of Soviet citizens s who that most the war of two or three, take our eyes ff the chief source of human ,ll abroad, only three failed to re- as were a not or i #n n groups have tour9d raise ore today. against the in- turn. ft11.o P them were Jeeps, and were r?,t.DEl OF BUSINESS LEASING OF PORTNN OF FORT CROWDER, MO.-CIVIL RIGHTS The Senate resumed they considera- tion of the bill (H.R. 8315) t uthorjze the Secretary of the Army t4Vease a portion of Fort Crowder, Mo., t e1la Reorganized Schools R-I, Missouri. Mr. DOUGLAS and Mr. GOLDWATER addressed tie Chair. Approved For Release 2000/05/24 CIA-RDP75-00149R000?00330115-0