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STATINTL 112038 Approved For Rele fqaRgW( A: I,AWT acted my l+ re, has been getting more ,liar, Its .ihare of Ix politely termed 'unfavorable ilublt,'lty l.s?ts of sonsatlonal headlines and Pdttorlal disapproval.' Scandal In Porno. (He. means Liz Taylor and Richard Burti.n. ) Waste in Tahiti. (Ha, means Marlon nrando I 1^lasco to Hollywood. (lie means Marilyn Monroe ) I pereonatly would tike to silow you the other side of the coln Fin 11:-r; t. r?nd of ltnno' Tshltt, or linllywooil, f{tt the inonlent le`t's talk about Mason City, 1,1.'.a, Io the Ileartof Arnericrt.'? 1'he mcnsage contiO'ies: "'rills week, thou- Fat ds of Al o rica'i ho m had girls will rorl- vcr'e on Nfartur City to enpis. a in , to;., r,l- clial high school nlarcbirig band conte.t. '111ey'll he lttgglxhi their tubas and croinhonee frond States in every corner of the Ui:ion. t,nd when they n.iarch in review before the Judges, with trc:mbones blaring and drums poundhlg, a goxxi hur:k of what'., wonderful 'i lout car coltn Lry goes MarehiriL; with the :r. 1 think it Is ptrttuent that a matt,- , plcttrre has Inspired, and is a t t. grai4ruut of this heart-tvarttrig actin;, t'he ,.it .11 theme o1 'T9-:e Mu IC `,i:o: ' it, touitng spirit , ,' ill *:- Ili!:. -,(LA, Are k'atli ',.O7 r'. `. I.t.?I.ef- ,`7 !: '. .,, ',fir: ,~` . r i d vigorous ;u d trtuurpl Int . ..r .? ." 1. ca(11 be." Jack Warne' w.,ar. , or. Q- : i - .,W h.A dPzwrtption--" tr~,':lbrtu. ;arlr=, .,I the rirtun,, ooundlie'lvht the hir;h 'rhool batl?.11 r,,..rc lilt ,* for tt15 i' .t ^.,:.9 ? 11 . .., 'l t tr`,. ?.., 1c-t. :,..rte ,.:, v- t,' -t A no 1 1, panels Aloong --,- t,:?- , t, rt~ ,rl: Curl '.42 ? ' t Ot Lod , : , , t a r K1 r'., ' : , , ? r'? :' h 111s dad, F tricot Sr., forflie . f I the 'Tavern Club on Bout N11e h. C'1n::` II' ?;ert?a arm When the tilde- Koh -li^d L:rnir I!- 'tartle the (lily's Ni--? ttralkeetter n.nti :i,'eler. , ' ' cx Cl,:,'a.ct.att, IF, ? Voder, the (anted haadrr,o,ter. it:,ted ;.t he high vehool ban,, rontezlt Also pronanent at Ili(, prerntere Iv av1t acs .vas Red Blanchard, w':, 1) 'Masud City :'t-tl enr:Iniutrs to Cnt' l", WON's Barn Dance on Scat' relay nights. It.'cl (ens radio stall("s 10 Macon ('1t% nd Ili I by Cedar )-ails Each of the ,'loth . cnr:"r, c..mce and 'T'urkey Seventh. In the month of April, So'let Foreign MitnIeler Gromyko visited Yugo- slavia. Ili IUi021:ng to Ili,, conversatiobs, the New York 'Times of April 21 reported: One.. omelet Yugoslav source. predicting that Mr. Oromyko's visit -could mark the be- ginning of a great, new swell In Yugoslav- $nvter, relations, saitt it was only the start of. what should develop Into an exteripive ex- change of otflctal viiaits on many levels, The a(rttree also precinct L?d a speedy tncrease. In trade between V ,Ia-a::Iavta and the Soviet bloo as a whole, aw well as greater economic cooperation. Since then, it has been announced that Tito, 1ltniseil will visit the Soviet Union 1.1115 E1,:1ttli. At lietll No. 8 In this bill of ~articnlnrs, I .;huiild like to quote a 11.1''11 t;l., 1, l1 fl,lr`1 !Ili- Christian Science ftlunitor of lpr?i Ill. '962. The Yt1g.x;.., L:. I.ti e ,oaf taken part In a Sofl-i meeting of the Krernlin-approved Com- niltteI? for Ii;,lkao ,-'-..peratiun, in which the ltlltnltllians arid 'i,: r.itlgartaiis like full oafl- c...1 (,art alcr:c a-1Lh un.'lOct:il and natlniv eQluw-tors e`hr.(; repreven'tatlveis from. C:rceee. 'I lu' .Alr,anla were excludod proba- bly be-mm,, an 'i'tr.,ua :. is stnco contp,ialned. -thrlr absent, nut:'" '.',cure a snore subvtan- Ninth. Tlw chit?I in lediatc belic'!it 3 that. ti,.rrut'i 1, o'n'1t_iTs break With the Cotuliniorrrl 10 1'';,`I u as the split in the Greck Guinan I:. i.:.,veruent and Tito's, cessation of di I eiipport to thi>t..Cow.- lnuntst l uerl n northern C recce Now ii('s pr,Ii',.'.ganda .tpparatds i'a:, Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP75-00149R000200330015-1