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Document Release Date: 
March 18, 1999
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Publication Date: 
February 3, 1965
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000200320040-4.pdf57.55 KB
FEB 3 1965 Sanitized - Approved For Release STATINTL ,U* S. Rejects Atomic.- Claim, by Indon e-sia CPYRGI-IT. (Chicane Tribune Press Servicnl eral Atomics division of the Washington, Feb. 2-United General Dynamics corporation,. States officials today dismissed as sheer puffery a claim by ? Indonesia that it would deto- nate an atomic bomb in Oc- tober. The officials said that Indo- nesia, which recently quit the United Nations, does not have ,-the know-how or facilities for making a nuclear weapon. The director of the Indone- sian army arsenal, Brig. Gen. ;llartono, said today that 200 Indonesian scientists are work- ing on the country's first atom- ic bomb and promised a sur- prise on the country's armed forces day in October. Trying to Impress World "It could be that the general merely is trying to impress the world with his ' country's growth," an American official said.' Another official said that Hartono's claim could be put in the same category as the donesia planned to, orbit ? its first astronaut in 1068. As for Hartono's claim that. 200: scientists were working on an atomic bomb, officials doubted whether the country has 200 persons with advanced, degrees in physics. Indonesia put an American built nuclear reactor into oper- ation last October at the Iii stitute of Technology in Ban-,, dung. But it is a small, .100 !,kilowatt apparatus , designed;. for research and is incapable ,of producing fissionable mate rials In sufficient quantities to make a bomb, officials said. Sold to Indonesia The Bandung ? reactor was sold to Indonesia by the Gen- said,. recent announcement that In- with the United States govern-, ment putting up $350,000 of the. project's cost under the atoms for-peace program. The reactot is producing isotopes for med- ical research. A Russian - built reactor 1s. being assembled in Surpong,, Indonesia, but is not expected' to go into operation until late, 1967. It is in about the same; class as the reactor in Ban-. dung, according to information supplied to the Atomic Energy; commission. The fuel element for the American reactor in Bandung:; was supplied by the Atomic Energy commission under an agreement providing for peri odic inspection by 'American technicians.. No inspection has. been necessary-, because the re- actor "went critical!' less than! four months.- ago, . an official Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000200320040-4