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READER'S DIGEST Sanitized - Approvee : CIA- Hard-headed, hard-working Senator Thomas J. Dodd fights a non-stop battle for freedom-at home and abroad' Crusader From Connecticut BY EUGENE H. METHVIN RESIDENT John F. Kennedy looked around the White House dining; table on, Feb- ruary 14, ig61, at the ag Cabinet and .legislative leaders assembled for the first joint breakfast meeting of his administration. The bacon and eggs finished, he'raised a touchy question. "We have this request to let a Ver- mont manufacturer ship ball-bear- ing machines to Russia," he said. "Senator Dodd asked President Eis- enhower to hold it up, pending Sen- ate investigation. Now he says the shipment Will harm our national se- curity. What about it?" "The Russians can buy the same kind of machines from European manufacturers," said Secretary of 'machines cited by the Commerce Department approached the capabil ities of the American machine. The latter was a unique product repre- senting the pooled expertise of many companies; 72 of these machines had been enough to supply the entire U.S. military and space effort with the tiny precision bearings that en- Abled us to miniaturize equipment and so offset the Soviet rocket-thrust advantage. Yet" we were about to hand 45 of the machines to the Rus- siansl When he finished reading, Presi- dent Kennedy ordered the shipment to Russia canceled. For Whom the Bells Tolled. Hard-headed, . hard-working Sen. Thomas Joseph Dodd is a man with a passion, for getting and ana- lyzing the facts--especially facts- Commerce Luther Hodges. ,If we !about communists, communism and bar the shipment, we only cheat our the cold war, Time and again, own businessmen out of the profits." events have proved his forecasts "I wouldn't jump to a conclusion !right. Even many who disagreed at L id i ynx- , ennt ce r res So 11guuY, Salo V don Johnson. "Tom Dodd has a .was right on Laos, West New Guin- habit of being right." ea, the Congo, Cuba, British Guiana, Two weeks later, Senator Dodd .Berlin, Ghana and many other for- discovered that the machines were eign-policy tests. He has justly won; going to be shipped despite his pro- . respect for what one columnist calls tests. Whereupon he strode into "his ability to foresee crises long be- President Kennedy's. office and fore they, have tumbled about our handed him a seven-page report of cars." He has become the Senate's the Senate Internal Security Sub- most dynamic voice for a foreign' committee, of which Dodd is vice policy based on freedom for people chairman. Twelve of the most everywhere. eminent technical experts in the ' Whenever great Kremlin-goner- field, the President read, agreed to a 1 ated tides of euphoria and "peace man that not one of the European ful. coexistence . have washed over Washingtoiq, Dodd'has stood fast as ,Continued -717 -~- a..., cowl .aa'.. wa. ~..LItJiI, VCCd11iC example, whg>}lutptl~~'stpr1,_t16'~il~u~id'3~7=2 i Was Iniv teU tV tou UIG vU1LCU mings asked him to join the Federal I States, the nation was immediately Bureau of Investigation. the ir h name of race haaate f race he,te, th thee Nazis commu- engulfed in a wave of naive hope. Dodd rapidly made his mark as nists in the name of class hate." 0 Dodd was too tough-minded to go a gang-buster. Assigned to St. Paul, { Weary and soul-sick, Dodd re- along with the mood. Looking every he helped chase the most wanted turned to Connecticut-to Hartford Inch a Senator, with snow-white gangster of the era, John Dillinger. -to practice law. Ironically, it was hair, a ruddy face and a grim set to Wounded in a gunfight, Dillinger hiS opposition to anti-communist his finely-chiseled Irish jaw, he rose escaped. But it was Dodd who demagoguery that called him back in the Senate to remind his col- tracked down and arrested "Doc" into national affairs. In 1950, Sen. leagues who this visitor was. May,' the gangland medico who purge stumped the state, "Khrushchev rose as hangman of treated Dillinger for his wounds. Joseph McCarthy the Ukraine," he said. "In a single. In 1934, Dodd left his promising oc ati~Sen BrianoMcMahon. Mind- year 400,000 men, women and chil-:FBI career to become Connecticut ful dren were murdered under his di-;director of the National Youth sti of their heavilyate Ctholic ead- rection. I have documentation here, Administration, establishing educa- cr1i other state political lead- rection. " s declined to reply to McCarthy. if anyone wants to see it." Dodd tional and job opportunities for Dodd, convinced that the Wisconsin ,then reminded his colleagues of Depression-deprived young people. Senator was careless with facts and Khrushchev's role in subduing the (Another young- New Dealer, Lyn- reckless and indiscriminate in his 1956 Hungarian rebellion, in which don 13. Johnson, had the same job ld t i h i no arges cou st c commun ant , the Soviet boss earned the title of i T N ll h d n exas) ext e was ca to e ., refuse. Said Dodd, "I never saw a "Butcher of Budapest." Washington to help organize the stronger case with a weaker lawyer. During his 1959 visit to the United Justice Department's Civil Rights Senator McCarthy actually harms States, Khrushchev was shocked by Division. Trying civil-rights cases the anti-communist cause by making the strength of the anti-communist before southern juries, then cases of . It seem ahonuwon. n. And so compel- feeling he found. (Many towns-fol- Nazi subversion and espionage, and' McMahon w lowing Dodd's suggestion-greeted later, wartime industrial cheats, he ling him with silence or with tolling made an impressive name for him- was Dodd 's eloquence that in churchbells.) Back in the Kremlin self. In the spring of 19p45, he was 195 952 the Democrats urged him to run for ngress. Aer two terms 'he said, "There are forces in the sent to' Nuremberg to rpare for in the Hous , he as elected to the United States working against us. the Nazi war-crimes prosecutions. Senate. They must be publicly whipped, Nightmare Memories. As chief Lone Voice. Many times Dodd subjected to the torments of helll" trial counsel at Nuremberg, Dodd has spoken out on foreign policy in 0" Ever since, the communist press put in 18 grueling months. It was a a lone, scorned voice. In May i96o, has directed a drumfire of smears long time before he could sleep he denounced the unpoliced; nu- at the senior Senator from Connect. soundly again. Not only Nazi bru- clear-test moratorium, which? had icut. tality sickened him; he watched So- then been in effect 18 months, ex- Eloquent G-Man. From earliest viet prosecutors try to blame the pressing the "gnawing conviction boyhood, the Senate was Tom Nazis for their own army's massacre that the communists are not abiding Dodd's goal. The, family home in of 15,ooo captured Polish soldiers in by it." Khrushchev confirmed the Norwich, Conn., was a good start- the Katyn forest, near Smolensk, in suspicion in September 1961 with a ing place. Tom's mother, a former 1940. "It was perfectly clear to any series of 30 nuclear explosions punt, schoolteacher, used to stand her lit- honest lawyer that they had fabri- tuated by a monster 57-megaton tle son atop the kitchen table and cated the evidence," Dodd says. blast. This gullible trusting of the school him in the art of advocacy.. < Something else stuck in his craw. communists, said Dodd, proved to At the dining table his father, a con- I learned of the desperation and ter- be "the most flagrant' bipartisan tractor, would toss algebra problems ror of hundreds of thousands of Rus- blunder in the long history -of' our to his five children, or quote Shake- sian war prisoners and slave laborers foreign policy." speare by the page, or recite from the' held by the Nazis whom we, Yet Washington soon returned to inaugural addresses of every Presi- through ignorance, returned against' the old routine. By February 1963, d f Cl l d G h i ll h h ent rom rover eve an on t .. e r wi to t e Soviet aut orities Meanwhile, playing around his I am still tormented by accounts grandpa's livery stable-which was of mass suicides in which men a local Democratic Party hangout- slashed their wrists with tin cans young Tom breathed politics. and women jumped with their While at Yale Law School in 1932,' children from upper-story win- Tom Dodd organized "The Flying' dows, rather than face return to Wedge," a band of reform-minded. Russia. 0 young liberals who made crusading "I. was conducting a postmortem speeches for Franklin D. Roosevelt's, of the Nazi terror machine," Dodd New Deal. He so impressed Homer recalls, "but I saw communism's Cummings, ' a Connecticut lawyer similarities in a thousand details. with a draft treaty on the table in Geneva, talk was buzzing of new U.S. concessions to bring about a full nuclear-test ban. In a 20,000-word speech, widely praised for its tech- nical expertise Dodd cited the rec- ord of 13 major U.S. concessions: retreating from on-site inspection of all suspicious. earth tremors to 20 inspections a year, then to 12, then 8, then 5; and-ultimate folly- agreeing that 'Russians could man continu()d SEP 1964 the monitoring stations in their own hurt anybody through guilt by asso- ed action against him. First, State territory. 'S 0tiSYedou44p edahof:Release: CIA-RDP7A40V49I QQft?f3Pt2 ing gangsters to police themse ves," The rally went off as scheduled. then last September sought to fire said Dodd. The Geneva treaty became a dead issue. Dodd, supported by 33 other Senators, then renewed his z96o pro-, posal for limited, atmospheric test ban, violations of which can be read- ily detected. Within three months. the Treaty of Moscow was signed, and the Senate ratified it-after the administration promised vigorous underground testing to maintain the U.S. deterrent. Thankless Task. To be vice chair- man of the Senate Internal Security 'Subcommittee, investigating com- munist subversion,, is a stormy and thankless task. But, in 1959, Senate majority' leader Lyndon Johnson persuaded Dodd to take the post out of duty, as a liberal whose record as a civil-rights advocate would reas- sure those fearful of new excesses. power, did U.S. policy in Cuba mis- the State Department has been chas- His performance in,the job has been carry so disastrously? Investigating, ing the policeman instead of the one of scrupulous fairness. Says Sen- i Dodd discovered that as early as culprit."* . ator Paul Douglas, dean of the Sen- '1955 the FBI was sending reports Dodd thinks that the effort to ate liberals, "Although Tom Dodd to the State Department describing "gct" Otepka comes from interme- is a vigorous anti-communist, I ominous communist involvements diate State Department bureaucrats know personally that he has many in Castro's background and organi- who are still smarting under the times stood up for those unfairly ac- zation. The tempo of such reports resentments generated by Senator cused by the far right." increased during 1957 and 1958. McCarthy's wholesale charges. In May 196o the New York chap-! Why, then, did Washington actually against the Department in'the early ter of the Committee for a Sane encourage Castro's takeover? 1950's. Dodd does not charge that Nuclear Policy (SANE) called a . For two years the subcommittee the State Department is full of com- gigantic rally at Madison Square : took testimony, heard half a doz- munists. He does say, "We'd be fools Garden.. Scheduled to speak were en ambassadors, double-checked the to think that attempts at infiltration Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, Michigan State Department's own massive in- ended with Alger Hiss and Harryy Gov. G. Mennen Williams, labor quiry. A vast amount of evidence Dexter White. That is why we need. leader Walter Reuther and former came to focus on one official, who, hard-nosed professional security GOP Presidential candidate Alf had systematically summarized the j men like Otepka, and con ressional Landon. Then, 48 hours before the !'intelligence reports to say there was , investigating committees." meeting, Dodd verified information i no conclusive evidence that Castro In pursuing his forthright course, that SANE's New York chapter had was communist-a true statement been heavily infiltrated by commu- 'by itself, yet a distinct misrepresen- nists, who planned to use it to sup- ; cation of the intelligence flowing in. port Soviet diplomatic pressure on Called before the subcommittee to the United States. The chief planner explain, the official's own testimony guided by principle, and by the over- and organizer, of the rally, Henry was damningly vague, contradictory, riding conviction that the most fate- Abrams, was a veteran member of evasive. After long questioning, the ful issue today is whether the fron- the Communist Party. subcommittee had to conclude that tiers of freedom or of communist Dodd telephoned SANE's nation- he had lied and dodged under oath. tyranny will advance. al chairman, Norman Cousins, edi- Why? "The disturbing truth is we "Freedom must move forward," tor of the Saturday Review, and laid ' don't know," says Dodd, "and the says Dodd. "The struggle can be the evidence before him. Cousins. State Department has taken no won only by a mighty national ef- flew to Washington and asked Dodd meaningful action to find out." fort, which our ideals now call upon not to release the material so short The upshot? While the officer in us to make--an cifort to defend a time 'before .the meeting. "Many question got a pay raise, the State freedom where it exists in the world, prominent, innocent people will be Department fired its chief of se- and to extend it where it does not:' present ; who could be damaged by curity evaluations, Otto F. Otepka ta , OAt the hadlines,"he said. Dodd agreed, -the man who made the first ex- an this .rriting, otepka, dismissal ea L still on appeal to secretary of State tate Dean Rink. saying, "I certainly don't want to haustive investigation pf the offi- cer's performance and recommend- SEP 1964, Later, Dodd publicly revealed the him for cooperating with Senator communist role, ordered a closed Dodd and the subcommittee. To hearing and called in 27 witnesses prove this cooperation, trash bags in from SANE's Greater New York Otepka's office were secretly rum- chapter. When 22 of them, including maged, torn papers were pieced nine local chairmen, took the Fifth together, his, files searched, his type Amendment on questions of Com- writer ribbons and carbons "read" munist Party membership, SANE ; -even though federal law guaran- expelled them. It revoked the charter tees the right of any civil-service 11 of the New York chapter and built employe to furnish information to a new one excluding communists. "`either House of Congress." "Torn Dodd could have seriously On November 5, 1963, State an- damaged SANE and made political nounced that it was firing Otepka capital out of the investigation," says ' as guilty of "conduct unbecoming Norman Cousins. "Instead he con- an officer of the Department of fined himself to a few specific cases State." That afternoon Dodd and maintained absolute respect for, stormed on the Senate floor: "No the rights of the individuals con- one suspected of. espionage or dis cerned." loyalty has been subjected to such Cuban Hangover. How, in the surveillance and humiliation. In the critical year before Castro came to topsy-turvy attitude it has displayed,' Tom Dodd has received his share of brickbats, slurs and even threats on his life. Despite all efforts to side- track him, he moves straight ahead,