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Publication Date: 
April 22, 1966
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PAC [$G RR~EVVDigNo. IT Sanitized - Approved For Release": CIA-RDP75-0 STATINTL 0 Ujawoto. txplaIns wny ne uuir Hs .'Ambassador. to China Indonesian'' DJAWOTO, the former. Indonesian Ambassa- movements and people, revolutionary. patriots.. both dn.. In rhino announced at a areas conference .`? Communists and non-Communists, irrespective of t in or o h th r ....,J .? ---- .. e e on April to in Peking that starting from six uclock, w that morning, he was no longer the Indonesian Am affair. With regard to foreign relations, they are more bassndor to the People's Republic of China. and more shifting their policy' orientation to imperialist ~ , countries and deserting friendly:, countries which pursue In a statement, he explained the main reasons for , " tt r ertain an anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist and anti-neo-colo- his resignation. He said. Firstly, on ma e s p ,,? nialist policy and which, uphold and develop the'! ing to the relations between Indonesia and the Peo-.: ;- pie"s Republic of China I feel that I can no longer A'..Bandund spit it." t~ execute the tasks given me by President Sukarno two '-,,w, "The Indonesian Right-wing forces who are paying i years ago, due to the worsening of the relations between lip-service to the idea of consolidating, the solidarity of, the two countries as a result of the change in the In- the New Emerging Forces, in reality have been con-'? donesian situation and the present policy pursued by tinuously inciting communist-phobia which has even- the Indonesian Government. The policy of the '?,;,tuaily .turned into a witch-hunt which. has led to the public of Indonesia has shifted far to the Right." -;` massacre, torture, persecution and imprisonment of hundreds of thousands, of Indonesian people," Mr. Dia- I Mr. Djawoto pointed out that "since early October,.., 1965, the relations between the two countries have `it' woto added. "Democratic liberties have-been abolishedi racism is being fanned up, the press is. singing a one- ~? suddenly worsened. and still continue to deteriorate as a result of the ' whipping-up of the anti-Chinese and. ` sided tune, namely that of the ruling group, terrorism l- inelil.-linn- Amt- had been eof %in in ran- l ofai st d th an e solidate Afro-Asian or NEFO solidarity were dissolved; I. anti-%;nina campaignaunc..... is ^c Indonesia The entire development in In- i m in s rnvugu w cauoc ...c ... ...r.....-..., nave plaYea an important role in the stun inq''. tions between the two countries, in line with the U S to the' Right of the policy pursued by;.f~he Republic of nlan for the 'containment' of China." "They have %5' .~'~ ----,--~..~ ?L _ _.._u _ ~:.__a v_.:..... +: demonstrated. that there are really the Right-wing "';l',, Mr. Djawoto stated: 'According ,to my personal' while the offices of some of them were ransacked." donesia during the last six months and a half has- 1'-4Jdiilagel. u.e .~.a... v..n ... u.- ..,.....~, .. ....... .... v..,. n.~~.,r ... ..:e?,?e -?.wga,rw.::,.~, ate:-t,,.,. ~ ........... ..._:.~~--_ - -_.--- -..._ -. 'I.-..pletely in contradiction with what was meant by my 'A"r In conclusion, ? Mr.? Djawoto declared:, "The Indo- Mr. Djawoto declared that "so far the Government and people'of China have maintained a correct attitude,': terioration of relations between the two countries due.. to the events in Indonesia, for which the Indonesian,-- Right-wing forces are responsible, is the reason' why i "Secondly," Mr. Djawoto continued, "the policy of' wing forueeArt poet lut~-rl~euppirewsed;;all Ve;~:r'~;,"~tlul:th 8ecr~ $of Hutt brgrMlt~rtlbr0:?l :j~~ yl ~t t Right-oriented Policy."; .'Within the country j. the 'Right~1i!:;; >winch 'w-ab aetlodtlii;d. to open'on'~April 20 'in~Pekingi foreign policy,.* since: early October ,1968,o has -become >!-~%,~f't;of+ the Aft+o?Asiare.rS'ournallats',Aesoclation i3eeretariat4 Indonesia, as a part of the revolutionary progressive It is possible or the Indonesian people to experience j a temporary. setback in their struggle, but. they will' quickly rise up again and win victory,. together with the attainment of the revolutionary pi ogres opl i sl e in oth nt " es u pe r es . er cou Referring .to; his -own, plans,. Mr.' Djawoto said that, .he,-would preside.Ovdr ;the'.enlarged Plenary Conference