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AppP'o BULLETIN PHILADELPHIA, PA. e. 738,247 S. 727,458 U Front Edit other 0 V Page Page Page wv/ Date: APR 5. 6A ..;.,.. Between the Lines CPYI .! EDITi-I rrE4MIT.ROOSEVELT GHT Congress !, r ,By mooth techniques for manipu- 'E ~ `Manipulate d,' Miss Roosevelt days Propaganda Job She Aecuses Inte[1 ectuals' . lations program his instituted `.'The cover for this would be a Significantly; - another step,S to "condition" the public to ac-.. projected disarmament agree. .!. is the "selling" of the Pugwash cept the proposals. A typical ment with Soviet Russia,'. ', type' proposals to government device is the subsidized publi- At the eighth Ptigwash Con-':` cation of a scholarly book ad- ^ ference, 1116 1961, officials know. On no Aug., u 16 in n16, , Ar? 16, 1961 vocating the'measues -already,; American and Soviet intellect thur Larson vice president of decided upon. The author inay'; tuals agreed; that i1 joint re-PRI and a State Department) be an' ex-State Department of- search group should consider - I U t Nl tates policy is made can be I nderstood once you know the ' work some-' thing like this. lating the Congress and molding opin- ion.. They meet with So-' r]American iq tralllntblgence Agency, of the "government. Others are linked`--to it through the?Cen- torious Phoenix papers prepar- ed for the U. S. Disarmament Agency. U. S., conference partial- ommended in the,by. now no- er a suitable climate has been achieved in the United States. "Tacit understandings" are rec- I ensue which are announced at official 'conferences later-aft- "u n o fficial" Miss Roosevelt international conferences: The same names pop up year after year. "Tacit understandings Continued Appro 'ed For Release 1.999/09/17 :CIA-RDP.75=Q0149R000'200;1'30002-7 aut on ntted tio ficial or some specialist in psy- 'these specific questions. One 11 consu e the: chological warfare. What is ac-; f of the most, significant per., matters, testifi before the, ' in.. tually a skillful and carefully (baps was. "developmen of in., Senaeesate For hearings on elations the Dis?~ planned ' propaganda job is ,ternational criminal law a li armament e hear usually financed 'either by a cable directly to individuals suggested d ? op, or i Teae'J foundation or, by a govern- %violating the ;disarmament search, topics s for ; ment grant to a publishing I agreement'' or'?' committing Studies of These included of Pkbli ublic house. (The Center for Inter- -Nimes against peace.,' Opinion in th the '.Outbreak national Studies at the Ma: :.ccndental impor- Moder.OOutbreak of chusetts Institute of Techncv ? ;.,r, `vas a proposal for Modern Wars" and TJte For-;, ogy has had such an arrange-'"limitation of propaganda di= eign Correspondents: A Study; ment for mans" years with the rested against other nations or...1 of Opinions, Attitudes; Recruit-j ment and Social Composition CIA,under,Project Cenis.) races. Composition." A lobby group is' set up in!' A proposal for joint research Since then I have legency Washington, D. C., to funnel on these questio,nns was actual- gave the Disarmament Agency expert witnesses s otestify t-, .ly signed. The ?ignatories for $ for a' the sub3 ct of fore the Soviet Union were A.. B. tees, plant assistants in con-I.Topchief and F. M. Khvostov. Media Analysis Disarmament." Inspection gressional offices and cooper-f For the United States, they in-, I for Michelson, a Under phi-, ate with federal' officials in. pct Michelson, a major b eluded Dr. Louis B. Sohh and vioral research the,i drafting bills for busy con .Dr., Harrison Brown. 'Both project, the gressmen. ? I Americans are on the Advisory D ant nseto Stanford Universitybtll~ ) A surprisilati proportion' ropo do off1 Committee of the Peace;Re- for "Propaganda Comparlson.x le ed search Institute (PI), 'now of Soviet-American Ideologies,'!' ti the key Congress. Some it p s this Y g known as the Institute for Pol. ? lators' are so busy being er-1 icy Studies. This tax-exempt? Book Published rand boys to their constituentsl corporation in Washington has'. they barely read the laws ,orl been conducting seminars in I Then comes the time for the documents to which they of 4 disarmament. for congression= proposal to be made respect fix their signatures. In many al assistants *Dr. Sohn a pro- able to tho public. A book has , 1cases they lack the backgroRn fessor of international la at been published entitled "Prop it detect how sceemingly iso Harl?ard is also a consult t?'-aganda - Towards Disarma:,) fated pieces of legislation whett{~ to. 'a Disarmament A enc . ment in the War of Words,"~ put together can change oue':.r r.>~:,,.,.? .v'';,iby John B. Whitton and Ar4 form of government. With' this pattern in mind,'' tone might watch the develop-.3 ment.of a proposal that would j ~actually:place our, newA meoia4, thur Larson. It is financed bye grants from the' tax-exempt. '. Institute for International Or-, der, ' in New, ' York -City of whicl},, the, same Larson ?is^ u;; STATINTL L Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000200130002-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000200130002-7