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2 . 1957 1 Approved For Release. 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP7 M T D ILANS INQUIRY ONE CT~J E, PTTAATQ .11, W .&1 %0 It V "Agents" Named 1. Ramnath Umanath, the Ieftl Communist member who. initial- ed the debate, named Leonard Weiss, minister - counselor in charge of political and econom- ic affairs at the United States Embassy, as the CIA "station chief" here. Asia -since he joined, the Foreign Service in 1955. Weiss and Schaffer have long' been targets of the Pro-Commu; nist press here. ;,; Umanath's Demand, ? ' , Umanath and other leftist members -.demanded that the Z"' ato the '. ?~' ciSS and two u:i;lass Seconcii t:an Jf 0od ild agrceii ent.s invostigetlon ?roliliSCC,?~secretaries he described as CIA with the United States which agents, Howard B. Schaffer and permits the embassy to spend a Hobert F. .Rayle, be declared portion of the, rupee proceeds On Leftist CiiavgCS ~ipersona non grata. Weiss and for its own expenses, Of Subversion ? t . BY J AIMS S. KEAT [New Delhi Bureau of The Sun] New Delhi, ]-larch 23-Mo hamed All C. Chagla, Foreign, Minister, today pledged a "thor-, ough inquiry" into charges that the Central Intelligence Agency was subverting Indian political institutions. Facing a barrage of hostile questions; in Parliament for the third time in four days, Chagla . refused, for the time being at least, to promise that a special commission would be created for the investigation. Demands for the formal in- quiry came not only, from leftist Schaffer' are completing their They repeated charges that tours here and have long been much of this money has been scheduled for transfer back to unaccounted for and has been Washington within a few used to influence elections and months. for other forms of subversion.:'. Rayle is the embassy official Support for this argument who accompanied Miss Svetlana cane from Mrs. Tarkeshwari Staling in her sudden flight Sinha,. a, conservative Congress from here to refuge in Western member" and political follower Europe. Ambassador Chester of Morarji Desai, Deputy Priljie Bowles has denied to the Indian Minister. She also agreed with Government that he is a CIA the demand for appointment-ofgent . a com[i]ission. Desai is' a trus While an embassy spokesman : ,. , i. i^a,uLa,ueu its poucy of rcrosing tee of a group here which may to. comment on charges involy- [ndii?ectly have.?received CIAO ing the CIA, he made available money. the official biographies ' of. Weiss . Congress parky.members got and Schaffer which;showed?both in 'a few jabs at the opposition have had orthodox Government during the ? debate.: Mrs. - Sinha 'said the Institute of Internation- opposition members but also' Economics.Specialist from two conservative mem Weiss is an economics. tiers of the ruling Congress par- , ty who wanted to clear the' trade specialist who: has'. consis- names of "innocent" persons' tently held a series of responsi- associated ? with groups which ble posts in the State ? Depart- indirectly received CIA funds. ~ ment for the. last 21 years.. Isis Security Police only overseas tour before as- Chagla implied that the inves? signment here. in 1963 was as tigation he had in mind would economic counselor and acting be conducted by the Govern. director of the AID mission. in ment's own internal security po P~clgrade. lice and would study covert poli Schaffer., who has been herei, i t ca activities by all . foreig; for six years, is;-.the principal governments. ! junior officer responsible for; However, he reserved deci. keeping abreast of political'de- ue "au au yyV, euuuy w evuauI ,i,~ Cahinnt Nn nfhnr 11,i;i- . 'diplomatic '~ assienmentS 'in House of the People during the, hour-long debate on alleged CIA' activities here. "Give us some time to think about the best way of making- the inquiry," Chagla asked amid.' demands that he promise ap? point[t]ent of a formal investiga- tory commission. Most of the charges leveled today were repetitions of allega, tions made earlier this week and the bulk of the "evidence" cited was from. American publications like the'.New York Times .'and! Newsw,'eelc'.magazine.',- i al' Law, among whose leaders is V. K: Krishna Menbn, "a well known anti=American;',' received' $10,000 from the Asia Founda- tion, one of-..the organizations - said to have hbd.ClA support: Trip ToFormosa- . ? .. Shashi Bhusan, another Con= gross member; asked who' had financed a trip to Formosa. by. Balraj . Madhok, leader of ? the right-wing Peoples. Assembly, party. Madhok, who arrived a few minutes later, did potspeak. While conceding "that, "into lli~ gence work" all, over,'? ChagIa... said thee-government would 'not tolerate ? "espionage. or subversion. . ; or political ' 3'actwities" by;,any forei n:powerr Approved For'Release ?2000/05/05:-CIA-RDP75-00149R00010b740003-0 j.