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Publication Date: 
January 14, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000100600004-4.pdf74.13 KB
Sanitized - A CLARION-LEDGER Hk'1\00A, MISS. Qr_ oThA.ultimate,aim of the. Council on Foreign Relations from New York City Hall) of the Council on Foreign Dal McGeorge Bundy is a nnn. Will experience at the "peace" Pearson on the question of sistant to the President (un- der both JFK and LB.i). At first consideration this seems to be hopeful news, since wherever Bundy has appeared on the scene, he has engineered de- feat for the U. S. viz: Viet. nam, Dominican Republic, etc. And on December 30,1965 Bun- dy flew to Canada to confer with Socialist - Internationalist Can- adian Prime Minister Lester B M. 58,910 S. 96,653 ,ill 1 V 1 r~ : ~. CPY G>HT Editor: signed his post as Special As- (however well - intentioned 'Its prominent and powerful mem- bers may be) is the same as the ultimate aim of international communism: to create a one world socialist system and Make the United States an 'of- ficial part of it". McGeorge-'Bundy was the es tablishment,s gravedigger over. seer during the passing Of the gavel from JFK (also CFR) and LBJ on November 22, 1963. According to NEWSWEEK of December 2, 1963, it was Bundy who "took charge" at the White House after JFK was assassi- nated (by a communist), mak- ing preparations for the arrival of the new President. Bundy ac- companied LBJ in the helicop- ter from Andrews Air Force Base to the White House along with Defense Secretary Robert Strange McNamara and Under- secretary of State George Ball , (CFR), where they discussed (- defense. On November 23, Bundy. took LBJ to be briefed by CIA 'Di- rector John McCone (MR). A conference"Was"'h'eld with Sec- retary of State Dean Rusk (CFR) and Undersecretary of State W. Averill Harriman (CFR). McGeorge and his brother Wil- liam P. "(also CPR) were loyal.' t0 t.lannnpniW,, 6p~. Al-r Sanitize )-Appro IA-RDP7 CPYRGHT cm). q 3. 7nL fiber of-ft Inte'na bona _BilderbergerGroup rALe 13u$k, and. Ball..',. But perhaps it is even more he goes to be president of the Ford Foundation "on February e a er functions abroad and domestically as one of the State Department's most t important 'private' arms". It helped finance the Center of Research in Economic and. Social Development in Santa Do- mingo, a communist indoctri- nation center. TIM' I ord 'Fo_Yun dation (,tax ex-' empt and with assets of $3 bil- .lion, 316 million in 1959) has i? helped finance the Council on Foreign Relations and its inter- ocking organizations since the ate 20s. Ten of the fifteen embers of the Board of Trus- ees of the Foundation are ahem- `r . ers of the Council on Foriegn elations (1959). In 1952, the Ford Foundation stablished the Fund for the Re- ublic with a $15,000,000 grant, y 1955 its support of 5th Amend. ent Communists was blatant. even of the eighteen Officers nd Directors of the Fund are embers of the Council on For- ign Relations (1957). And on and on. It is. hard to determine In hich Position...Bundy-..is . most angerous:", N o t lri n has Sincerely, Curtis W. Caine, M. D. 1. .04 Manhattan Read FOIAb3b r,1A-RDP75-00149R000100600004-4