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Document Creation Date: 
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 29, 1998
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Publication Date: 
September 22, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000100420015-2.pdf132.27 KB
SEP x x lob CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved "For? .Release.: 'CI same type Of--. attack-bombers use in the Bay of Pigs invasion, engaged in a perfectly legiti -~ in the Congo and in other trouble mate business deal. spots. No opening statement was, "Hawke thought and had made by Paul Birzon of Buffalo, every reason to believe he was attorney for Woodrow Wilson working for the government of Roderick, a Canadian who is the U.S.," Marger said. accused only under the con Earlier in the day, Merger spiracy indictment and is not asked U.S. District Judge John is accused, as are Hawke and De 0. Anderson to subpoena a Montmarin, of actually" taking number of witnesses at govern- planes from the country, ment expense because Hawke could not afford to pay for their First Witness appearance at the trial here. In a surprise move, Curtin. , The list of witnesses he will called as his first witness Keaf week, trict J.the judge later will in the include Griggers, a 42-year-old pilot a number of high-ranking gov- mechanic who now runs a bar and cdhrestaurant in Jamestown,; ? ?'. ernment officials, including Calif. An indictment against present and former employes of Gri '`spooks" of 'the Central Intelli- gence Agency will appear throughout the trial here of three men accused of conspiring to smuggle B26 bombers out of the United States, the attorney for one of the defendants pre- dicted in his opening statement. If there was conspiracy, the chief conspirator was the U.S. government, Edwin Marger, a high-flying lawyer-pilot from Miami Beach, Fla., told the jury of 10 men and two women as the case opened yesterday afternoon. Marger represents John Richard Hawke, 29, a former ,oval Air Force fighter pilot rom Fort Lauderdale, Fla., who las described on a number ofccasions how he flew seven B- ? 6 bombers from Tucson, Ariz.,here they had been bought rom the government and recon- itioned, . to Tancos Air Force ase near Lisbon for use by the ortuguese . in their African e ossession of_ Angola and Mo- ambi9ue. "We will show," Marger said, that at all times the govern- d ent knew what was going on - h nd that the government wanted I. e planes moved to Portugal." Sees a Pattern b Y During the trial, he told the d ry, he will attempt to show b gat the shipment of planes a etween May and mid-August of F 1 at ? year followed :,a -attern t miler to,-.that,, inwhich' the p he CIA. gggers was as missed Tuts-;. t In his op enin statement U.S. dsub ay and he was immediately' ned as a prosecution; A tty. Jon T g Curtin said he witness. would also . call a number of witne to show pervis d told how he had g overnment officials hat the alleged cons irac was supervised the reconstruction of t c arried on gcontrary toy U.S. Aircraft Cosin Tucson e for Grego- p olicy and without the knowl- dge of the government. ry Board, a 95 year-old resident Whether or not the of Jamaica, the alleged brains govern- behind the entire operation. m ent itself will call an official Board left the country two days' o f the CIA to make a formal before Hawke and Dc Montmarin enial as of the offense contention were arrested on Sept. 16, 1965, 'Alt not yet been decided. and, the government says, The possibility of CIA, involve- cannot be extradicted on the, m eat in the case was not raised smuggling charge. y Edward Brotsky of New Board instructed him, "Gri ork, attorney for Count Henri g saido Montmarin, an alleged go- with lows at irframeu ands engino etween in the deal. Instead, he time, ,and, if possible, to select; rgued that De Montmarin, a those that could be fitted with. '.: renchman who is accompanied nose sections capable of mount o , court each day by an inter- ing and,. firing eight b0-calibea reteri, thought that,,export machine guns, l '? ' ... iIIL.& L Ir1'.: 11 nN Hl,c. 1 4f ....A , f a/ . .. _ .... _ .. ~ .?i:4 l 4, ?~. rs.1,[I u 1 ?:.~ D Jri Lbw-.. S ^' R4\;yl El11{ .Zf,~Ai~~ i b rll :~~(. . , Sanitized - Approved For Release :' CIA-RQP76