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Publication Date: 
November 21, 1963
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000100150039-6.pdf219.07 KB
LINCOLN, NEB. ,NOV 4 ~ ~~ , STAR gpproved For Release 2001/0.8/01 ; CIA=RDP75~;~009491'~txOQ1 m. 26,159 c..~, Ei'a ati.. -.~. ~.y. r.o. ~:~. ~~1~" ~1~,~~~~; ; , ? ~ ~ S~cr+ C YRGHT By 141LLiAM x,11_ i-nat;~o ~' ~t ing .up its nose. It likes its overnment o "'??` ~"1?"`''~?""Iauure . Cama~'+?Itt g p-?, ~ Aprtl 1961 ~ h F ? , , t en idel Castro Cruabed an erating out in the open and subject, to ~e .* agency-organized invasion of Cilba ,by rebel close examination of all citizens. It,evett ,~. forces at tbe.Bay of pigs, has a form of government not d f it e or ? s ?~, The .CIA role in Viet Nam 8t' first .itX checks and balances, worked Out so that ' :unnort of !hn n~o... _...,..._' ___ ~_ .. ...w, am nc:u,1 OL~[ne l:l:~ to another. It likes government kept withizt;. chief there, John A. Stchardson, reportedly: easy reach of the people. at th e request of U.S, Ambasaadar Ae.Wn~yy Thus, when an organization such as Cabot Lodge; Rkh d ' ar son, according bo :lAi1 ' the Central Intelligence Agency (CL4) be-, gon reports, worked closely on operatbbst ~' come s an important matt i ' - , ers w th Diem s brother and Close ;add :, VeM, f.{tfls 1 Part of our government viser_ Nvn nt~>. gyn... ?,.w.. --.__ u?_~ ..___ - -- -" year, there is bound to la .~ ,~~? ? ?` `?" "" `'"'` P yed iu that aprisiag but it is auape?ted be controversy. It is bound to happen ~ be- that it bad a prominent part. ? { z- cause the CIA is s rround d b u e y secrecy. ~. ; Not even CIA funds are clearly appropri- This unknown ataius of the_CIA in+in+ ', ated, but rather are scattered throughout i , ernational affairs is one~Of the things thif: , the budgets of other agencies. No one rui'fl th cs . e Leathers of some members of ;" knows exactly how many people the CIA Con res 'Th ` . g s. ey want to know if the>.CIA , :~~;;, employs but estimates ~ to,s{qund ]8 t100: is making policy- for the ration :how matt~l :n, A'o one knows exactly .wi~at the CIA ~nec_ .,e,,.,~~ ~~ .......,__._ __~_ ,~ , s ~ --- - __ ...? ~- . a:w,uu~ or arawing pians`ior agency:bpCi'a ponsibili is the collection and evaluation ; ~t,.,,~ .,.,,,,._...,. ___.__ _ _ The short o! it b that terF ""` u w?,~r~eea in general,,:auew~?~ very much at all abeut the CIA ndPrab ~ `''answers to the estions it asica. b~ the P CIA, the organizaRon would be lttt~el~' no one but the Prealdert iruo~vs all there t s royed. It would no longer bean [fit, is to know about it. Natural; this runs i t ID ' n e gence agency if all !ta against the normal pattern of'our `jlovern~ ~ ? known, pace ezposed, the enemy '~ meat and raises the Ire of Co res l~ hl . ng s, w c ; ret out its. agents and govcrnmeate toold feels that it id entitled to a certain al~uni< ~.; take actions to meet aulypE the phiet?;~e of information. ~ ~ ~~! x ~, ~ ,, ? agency had. y But a little examtnation~ wili show`. that ~ 3 + u ~ `~ ~ L sli 'R . ep. e e C' ~~ (R. I11:~ is ;fit we either have the CIA ~aa it is rods on Y member of the House CIA subcommitte~j. we have none of it at ail. At the present" I u,r,e, me t;u~ communicates with.two cou,''' firessional subcommittees, parts pf ..rho.; House and Senate Armed Services Com ~; mittees, But the cornrnunication ends there'. ~ as the -subcgnntnittees cartvtheir infermA.+s f~,..,, ~:.,;~ .,, .:..~_~~_s~operatIOns~an~yd; ~-...- yuaauv nn iuuepenQ~en[ IOr81gA p0$Cy, r~ ~ ` ing of the attack on South Korea in 1950 agency does not make policy. It simpt,V or of Chinese intervention that fall Later ather f t . . g s ac s upon which policy may be CI.4 was credited with' a hand iu stmnlvino' hsanA T+ .:...,.,,.. ,..._._.__ ___. _ _~r~ ~.? ,..u..,,a ,u: oy ulose wno make policy:" - - 19x0-54; in bringing down Iran's Premier F rom the subcommittee testimony a11? 2`4ossadegh in 1553 and the Arbenz regime the nature of the CIA, it would aeeni itri{ in Guatemala in 1954; and in supporfinC the, ?~~Q;h~o +? ...e;s~:., au_ _____,-_.. _ CIA's masts w? aau auuJ~Ci,1L to tine scrutiny of the~f~' pectular success came to llghC H ouse and .Senate. It may run in;some as the result of a sensational failure. The respects, against our political grain but We shooting down of Francis CAM, n?w.,.e ;., .. . .. - --- -~r-.--,.~, r~~ Qu ~?nn6e_wnen anti tf the facts o ,Iris wo end to four years of aerial reconnaissance' ,~pA,,, s,...,_.,__... _ _t____ ., ..~; .x, a -_ Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP75-00149F~b'001'0'0150039=6..'' na recent ststepaen~ on the floor, -l-e~" aaidt '`Our Wicommittee has