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... FOIAb3I Approved-ForReiease-2000/05/05.: CIA-RDP75-00149R0001 Universal Telephone Service Seen Possible -I` . ? Via Satellite Network! C&P Executive Tells Of Plan At Bar Meeting U IiI IT St t'Hl'R SFRI\(:S. Y' k a - A, :e;epone co in pa ry ex,?. tice ,aid last night t he cers in the Qky of i mr,atr- aas, stern c.i;d m.i e a cni r,al tele?phnne ,mice .i testis . n a matter of a feu ~e irs. Howard (' Anderson, vice pi r ident and 2eneral coun:e) of the r?hes,ipeake & Po.omac Telephone en of \'irf;inia eci-isioned a; n inc as 50 active satellite, in orbit 7.( ) mules from Ric Ti ?g would handic commuu;ca- ??.h ,ignals--te.ephone c?on,cr>a r ir., televi~ton silral rela t F. worlriwid, basis just a. rr,,;rnhavc relay ~tsttians handlt? signals for comparattvc1.~ ?tcrt distance, close to the earlb to {are at present Anderson spoke of a meeung ul tit \ irginia State Bar Assn. as a iiri in for Aller, Dulles. chief of ttt ( entral Intelligence Agen,?% )nllc canceled his speaking on i m cnt because of the pres. } rt ?r: of the international sitria?i of the The Virginia l:,wyerc name their officers today and, tonight will- hear Sen. B a r r y Goldwate" It Ariz , speak at the closing ban QUet. e expect Iie first experimen 1 tai satellite in our program to he launched in .\pril 1962 and we plan to have t??co +n orbit by tt.tj la:l of 1962,' Andcr.on said. Each of the sale ::tes i. R stern ,c:ll be ertuif~? ' vi,, n ui. or, and amplifier. J rcc eii'ed, The tia;ional Aeronautic ? and furni-h a: many a, four rockets under a contract signed July 27 hettieen that agency and the Bell System Ander",n .aid there are man; problem,, but the Hell St,tetn ., confident. the under:aking can be magtrRude of such a II Approved For Relea 2000/05/05: CIA-R ' CPYRGHT e a ec . e lee a this is one field in which we are defi- nitely ahead of the Russians and ~? can stay ahead Taking note of what he do- scribed as suggestions in various quarters "that there is danger will dominate the satellite communications prof. I *et and get some unfaionr a.ivan. tage." Anderson said: I -This question of dominance has certayily been answered. We have repeatedly stated that we have no intention or desire whatever to dominate space communications. Further, the Federal Con, nun:. cations Commission has deter nnned bhat stringent regulator controls should apply to prevent unfair competitive advantage 'o an% *i gle carrier or any favor?i. t;nm on contracts-to supply mm Anderson said that a line.oi. ,:ght tower in the raid-Atlantic to establish direct communications between New York and London would have to be 475 miles high. -N\ "Unfortunately, the steel alone for such a tower would cost 70. 000 limes our entire gross nation- &' product for this year. This is not . wind -.--- . , - ,? - --- figure K out to give you an idea CPYRGHT -001 49R000100120004-7