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Document Release Date: 
July 17, 2000
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Publication Date: 
October 15, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000100060007-1.pdf79.77 KB
WASHINGTON STAR Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CIA-RDP75-001 OCT 15 1964 . . Guemcilw Who Aide OA N`ow Seeking Help. By JE REMIAH O'LEARY Lath America, writer of The Star Roberto Alejos, the man who provided the Central Intelligence Agency with training areas in Guatemala for the Bay of Pigs invasion, is appealing to the Organization of American States to help end the exile into which he has been cast by the,; He ' said the Guatemalans must be ' given their rights of free speech, assembly, home inviolability, petition and fair trial if the nation is to retund to constitutional order. The United States extended recognition to.. the P.oralta; re- psno' a few, weeks ~ wafter . the now rules without a constitution is acting In an "iron-fisted and arbitrary manner, persecuting political adversaries and grossly denying the Guatemalan people their essential rights." Alejos appeared yesterday before the Inter-American Cotn.4 mission of Human Rights, headed by Manuel Bianchi of revolution, Peralta NO prom Chile, to ask, intercession on his ised Guatemala a new constitun: behalf with the government of tion by March 15 and elections' Col. Enrique Peralta Azurdia. six months after that. The wealthy 43 - year - old Alejos declared it Is a mis Guatemalan politician and land- take to recognize any military` owner told reporters after the regime anywhere in the world. OAS session that he-has been There will never be any order' living in exile in Miami since he said, if "every little man In shortly after the Peralta coup uniform" can disrupt a legal d'etat in March, 1963. government by force of arms. He said he was seized when He said his large coffee plan he tried to reburn'to Guatemala tation, "Helvetia," the training last May and was held prisoner ground used by the anti-Oastro' for two days before being flowm Brigade 2506 before the Bay of to Nicaragua in a military Pigs invasion, has been sold, plane. Alejos said he believes but he -believed anti-Castro the Peralta government wanted commando forces are using him out of the country because other properties of his in. Gua- he was one of the candidates temala for training. for the presidency in the No. Other anti-Castro Cubans' are vember, 1963, election canceled training on property : of the by the Peralta coup. .ruling Somoza family. Alejos declared the junta that Alejos said he is now in i-.h'e overthrew the government of construction business iuk' Miami: Miguel Ydireras Fuentes and FOIAb3b