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P n proved or Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP75 re39 .J~nfe fence, nc. WASHINGTON 1, D. C. EL DORADO (Ark.) NEWS Circ.: m. 8,427 S. 9,267 Front Edit Pape Page Date: Other Page Biggest Ouestlon At P ergo , Env Is Who Will Succeed -8en.Omar Bead The 6i , bilfitpn dollar qucs[ion ter job qf ;preventing serious c r Ila. Wit: iro who Wit succeed Gam. In 01 x wit}~23, a f 4-6b itseSf than _ _ _ . sw moo.eht CPYRGHT bac1Fthe chief executive's opinions9 a pes.;to the chiefs. tt is a job i c fo rare tact, and the air be sins m. israaiey -ab .;l,~~...w.. ~. ..~ navy man or chiefs .of staff?" Boosters of a chairman of the e at The consensus is that it will not c naval age, eit be .an aTmy nkan, old army man dawn of the atomic naval lf certain' that.the late Adm. S er- as the post rkas c:cxstea; lour an able boss of the country's ast That oes out in August l . e h years. v military establishment., Ther is leaves the a1'r force or navy very no question in Washjngtoll hu that though the runni th i ng, e n much Sh man yrpnld have mac~ea len- army feels that old arixty;,man Eis .io4 "halrman m4yn .wee, whoa n,;ina G a~ s ces- Hla tixnely dent on` cit may, tLxrn has-..back tux undexstandmg that the pt s uld sion b~..._Adm. tech di not necessarily make echtele a be rotated in the ifitprestiof unifi? cation. One hears frequent; reports goad gruff man, the olio all that hel brink in his pld friend cchhaarr an,ampions Ad A rr1. navy Rad for ' f ho send felloow worker, Gen. l Gruen- went to Korea .with ]tt wee thee. and ]- his host qn file yoy of Very mucli in the fixing is the fielefia frty~ti _5 to long tour of duty as chief of staff [ t he had nevert& a ZPii, of the air force is coming to an ,chip cr edence The Silafti-over Vandenberg is' well. below t]u 11iac oicis sup ort of a nt{v,ii h c,c k mandatory retirement .Se of 63, dco of Red Mina, h6weiver, is be- i eV hove hurt' the admiral's d 30 years of militai y h h , a as beet; ebiv makipg the big 1 members of the ,joint cAleis wno might b in line for the coveted job. He served in Moscow ,for six months during World ;Was II has bead of a x i1ssion to the U.S.S. after the wax he was director has a""jot chiefs longer , that} bAs;?, opposi air force life has coveted. the f range of operations, , light a p sonal pl oti~cipation to teacn The air forceha,i long ;been ,-used of boastfulness and arr sonnetimes,not ?without comp] chief of staff, will not approve"any spect cular 8>,pport of jhis bid. ning .Jpe" would vin hai+fds' down He 7san inspired speaker. For, the T st two yea top chiefs' fie together, national secrtrity act, th chairman. The Navy fought the re- vision of the law which created the as a staff. r' ecla 2.'fl0 / 'e]Ai CPYRGHT STATINTL