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INVKItA Iu'l VIRGINIA SUN Approved For Release 20 SOA LJlf-fag75-000 A udenis "-,Tike Plunge into Chines its- JIJD[ BUERRER use. of Yale University's text- ' Madeleine Delker, a senior at experience of learning the mean -j SI1N Staff Wrffrr . v--1 ..... . " , "6 A. I. GUIlu1C ?ulat 18 Veryk FAIR>;'AX - Twenty-one high .. One student, Dan Whitaker, a '? thought that learning the. cbar- :, foreign. to their own, Sargenti school seniors completed the 'senior at J.E.B. Stuart High acters Is the most difficult part said. t first week of the Chinese Sum- School, said he thinks the lan- of the course. ; Understanding the character' mer Institute Friday and ex- 1 guage is the more challenging CONCERNING the history :and personality is the second obi pressed enthusiasm for the, 6-, part of the course. and culture studies, Madeleine jective, followed by creatingt ..week course - the. only such "It's fascinating. Our -text . said the techniques being used 'an awareness of the' impor-` course offered In the country book relates the characters to . make the course "uncluttered" tance of China - the largest in a, public school, system. -,,Roman letters and shows us :with dates and details. The em-' 'world power today on the basis. Dr. Cylde B. Sargent, direc- how to speak and write them,," phasis is on the Chinese people ', of population." for of the program, said that ' Dan said, and their deeply-embedded ~. cul. ?'. "Whether we like it or not, in ~ developing the course he has . "Some characters _.represent.. tore, she said., ' 7. China is becoming a major pow-, "abandoned the traditional. 'syllables; sometimes they are.". Eighteen lecturers will visit dominating U. S. foreign pal-. methods" of teaching and combined to, represent words., ' the class during the summer to icy. It's my belief that It's, crirhJ'f ; Instead is using a more sophis- The character Is the Idea and speak on various aspects of the finally negligent not to educate ticated approach typical in -, the tone of voice can change the .:.Chinese people, history and cul- the young people of the imporNt graduate schools. meaning ofthe, character," he ture. ,-'tance of China," he said. DR. SARGENT recently retir- said. - Dr. Sargent said the theme of The final objective will per.' ed from the Central Intelligence' IIE ILLUSTRATED ith th i tit ' i " " " w e ns a : ute s Character and baps remain unseen, Sargent. : 'i Agency. He has directed Ian- word, Mau, which can either Personality of the Chinese Peo- - said. That Is, contributing' to' guage and area studies concern- mean woman or horse, depend- pie." the values of others. "We may 1 Ing China and other Far East- big on the tone of voice. "This will include studying'- each find certain things chat - ern countries for about 30 years. "It's not as difficult as I. the human and natural factors acteristlc of Chinese people that - The new technique Is primarl- ' thought. It would be. The sen- that have molded the Chinese ''will be helpful to us." ly used in thetwo hours of study ' fence construction andword or-' people's character and rwrnnn- . IN sDD ON to the ie,,;,.a e g said - - - I . - - . . al,u ---- --- n-class stuules, fielq trlps~ t of the Chinese people. The first, easier than' 'I expected," Dan . "The second aspect Is how' will be conducted to the Li% s artme t of V i a. pwao p , we o ce of Amer--4 'dialect of the Chinese language, ' Woodson High School, called the Chinese civilization, such as so- ca and other places where stu Mrs. Chauan Ouyang Chau,. language ; aspect of the course 'cial - organization, the family, - dents can relate their classroom .-native of China and a language ."difficult because it requires, - political concepts and.organiza- . knowledge to people and' events r' lecturer at Columbia University; ' concentration every minute." - !tlons, and 'the arts,' literature ? Two textbooks, "The Chang-! teaches. the written and spoken She said the first week of the " and philosophy," he said. Ing Society. of China" and, Chinese, 'section. course has been "wonderful" THERE ARE Poutabjeotivee }., "Short History of the Chineset D RING THE course, the 'and that "I'm amazed at some ' of ? the Institute People" are being used in ad? students will be taught a basic '.k. the things we've covered so The? first is the general objec.. ? di lon to the Yale Ianguage text.,, oversatioilal. Clilnese,: witll the s ,fat.!' . 'ft v w! .nl ul..n f6e at .d ..f. t rr'' Ile `di . `n __ ` e r ngo Approved For Release 2000/05/24 CIA-RDP75-0000Y1 R000400280011-2 , amilnue~,. MHO.SU LIN?.- xi.a..a as~.vt So Lin is Chinese for Roger written in Chln TT~ ese VVatbhib SollenbCrgor. Roger of 1287 Berry Place _ _ 6 closely atfhe loft M. is D , r Cl f Lean 2MM - t:: Smm o fetduer Institute and -- y?` o X-,}~v IiN dndWer :flu UI' is At'0a on . Chinese It, angua ~ and ' Plwo by, Mtie~ J t 'r~[sr1a~~tr.s+ukk-A)WZ..:.., - ?IMF ,:.'1 03U Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP75-00001 R000400280011-2 mended to students,"'"' ti "We've tried to design the course around a minimum -amount of homework, about one- half hour per day," Sargent said. With the "sophisticated" ap- proach being used in the in- stitute and the "battery of ? au_ thorities on various Chinese Sub- jects," Sargent f els the stu- i dent response has en increas- ed. "THE STUDENTS are very responsive and are showing- a great deal ofenthusiasm for the course " he id , sa . The. institute will end on July 30 and "graduation" ceremonies g; are being planned_ "We hop e th .wve e students put on a Chinese skit. Trey will be-.prd- sented some sort of a certificate to show they've complgted the course," he said. The County School Board had budget $10,000 for the summer ?'Institute and a continuin,j three- hour per week language,course next fall. After a vote of disfabor b .r t, the Board of County Supervis : ors th S h l , e c oo Board c ompro- raised and approved the surhmer program but decided to. withhold r' authorization of the . fall .pro- &am 'undl they reeeivtd an eva. '?.1uaHori lJy, ?t,~ lttatifut~:;`s Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP75-00001 R000400280Q11-2