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? ON, ADD owed For Release 2000/08IOtW d1AT 5- 194,870 5.1465,653 ' Front Edit OHM Pays Page Pa t'Y`T Date: .tax-CIA Agent Tips U.S. Policy By 1 ARNARD L. CALLIER and WILLIAM HADDAD e que? um ot.just w io speaks witi tc voice' of the United States Government-accredited diplo- mats or "mysterious Americans"-arose to torpedo ticklish ofl-the-reenrd negotiations in the tense Dominican Republic. This same t ire of question ton, home er, are a;. su.:{acious has cropped up lime and again~as the U S. dip;nmats on the iii the past, perhaps most scene a. to %%iie'her Co) Reed tdranaalico,lly in the U-2 inci-; dent of 1960, and more re u;'s really operating on his, cc-r.ty, in South Viet Aiani. Town. Some are convinced he This lime, th" "myst.crio(s'was sent down under instruc- !nrnc,iran" uh, ni the State Dc-Itions although none can re- ~ p.crtte 'nt feared was under-veal from whom. rinin;. its new hard-line policy) ltovatr,' the Dominican Repub-i Tile sure; t of Ttcrd's behind- military-;naalled civilian the-scenes activities pushed junt.,, livens out. to be a "for- the US. Charge d'Affairs CIA agent. Spencer King into a near x ~;r,rnicr" no one in disasterous meeting with the Washington was willing to say. ruling junta's Vice President But U S. diplomats in Santo Manuel Tavares Espillat two Domingo feared-with good weeks ago. 'reason-that while they were And King's fears about the pres';ing for a quick return ?to constitute'rail governmentjgist of Reeds' "discussions" there, a retii,4 marine coloneliwere repeated to dominican named Lear R-? assuring,chief of gaff Gon Vinas Ra- `the jinn"i:(2FJi;o that it could man, a key me;nher of the ignore the dipt,cnats' warningsi military group which ousted and still get U.: reeognition', President Juan Bosch last in a matter cif month, i Insisting that 1,c is nowt pc.a.tl is iiun,a'dialrly recog- meroly a "writer- with nolnized by hnth triend and foe government co a cci aas at- all,?of the Junta Regime as "a CIA Col hr,:d staunchly r+.rpies that;,tsienl" will, no "former":.at ,on his recent ~ i~ it in the Ao- t;tched. rk?t era) doq inlcans minirca, Ra,,ahli,: he >:a, anY- hove dr?alin>s with him in thing mnnre 0-!iii a tourist see-itltr; ta,ast concerning dominican ing e Iii fr;rna: wl.o now 1aappen!,,tfatrs tenth io the Dominican to ion junta government,Ilcpublrc oi:d in Washington. OlTir?iol cr,ar,t- in (;l:,br-N.Y. He,,1d Tribune) STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000400170011-4