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Publication Date: 
January 17, 1965
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AND TI IES HERALD Approved For Release 200?/24'glA-RDP STATINTL 0 J.S. Ambassador ' lief t Imprint ' By ~Usin; Personal Diplomacy Warren, U inn At first look, Howard Jones would the United States was caught red 73y Washington Post Staff Writer not seem to be the moot likely candii- handed assisting an Indonesian Moslem-'. ALMOST seven years at his.' . date for such a study. The United States military rebellion against . President. A A post,. Howard Palfrey Jones is re- . ? Ambassador with the longest tenure in. Sukarno, who was considered too left- , a single country, Jones, a wearY-look- win signing.'as United States Ambassador g? to Indonesia, ing, balding man of 66, is frail iin build, '?? As Jones set foot on Lndonesian soil, . He is leaving just' as Indonesia has soft in voice and his facial expression the young United States charge d'af- extended Its "confrontation" against "' on the initial "How do you do?" seems faires was seeing Foreign Minister,-:', Malaysia to the whole United Nations.' almost angelically naive. Subandrio with the extraordinary re=: by resigning from the world organza Jones has been a newspaper editor ` quest for permission to land Marines i?tion with contempt. and owner, a journalism teacher, a Na- on Indonesia's oil-rich island of Sumatra t; ? He is leaving with United States- tional Municipal League executive, an , in order to "protect" American citizens Indonesian relations back in the same ;' also-ran on the Republican ticket fora ?., there from the , United States-assisted precarious state he found them when New York State Assembly seat, a World/ rebels. the went to President Sukarno's volatile War II Army colon el and later .Govern- A Foreign Miiistry official who was archipelago in 1958. ment rehabilitator in Germany, a United present told me later that the charge But the years have definitely wit- States aid. mission chief in Indonesia., d'affaires made his request with his nessed Jones's imprint. His critics look "`and, just before his ambassadorial;, feet up on the office table and while upon this Imprint as that of a patsy post, a deputy assistant Secretary of . puffing a cigarette. "for. Sukarno.. Those who praise him say "State for Fair Eastern,economic 'affairs.. "Go back to your embassy and send he accomplished more than the possible Mr. Jones ' here,' .the angry Subandrio an impossible situation. A Time for Statesmen was quoted as saying. "I don't care This divergence of opinion naturally; ' ARLY IN 1958, Jones was dispatched,,' that he has not yet been ofcially ac- raises .the question of just what the to Djakarta as ambbassador by the ? credited. I won't deal with anyone else. role of a United States -ambassadof is "` late John Foster' Dulle' and told his' ;Jones knew from his term as United `in the last half of the 20th century? , , job would require' "a great ? effort' of,. States aid director that Indonesia's was f How ' does he represen' his President` : statesmanship " a peotiliarly personal government. Ha a In'a-country which maybe spinning'"' This was an understatement: Jones1'Ammediately set aboutrestoring Presi,'.. ender entirel~+ differe?it lawe?of gravity.? i'~arrived in Indonesia's. capital i just after dent Sukarnoa confidence in the Ameri L... w.., w..?. ,)",4_ f. JH.? n. + - ..F ...11a{.... ?.. ,a?.? ....-,. L... .. . .. . a. Continued Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP75-00001 R000400010031-9