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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 23, 1967
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Sanitized - Approved For R&6awtA1. Over the Coffee* Workings of .An Idle Mind '}s CPYRGHT llwIINLib things were hap. pening in Iowa last week.' Two state politicians cou-. rageously flew in the face of the infidel vote, Iowa City stu- dents in search of a more democratic society nearly lynched a CIA nq ,,,.and Deg Moines pa ,who long have !.prided themselves on the qualm : ity of Des Moines schools, ?learned that their children scored very low on statewide, tests designed to measure basic academic skills. But perhaps t h e most Curious happening of all in- volved William . Kendrick,' chief clerk of the Iowa House of Representatives. A state representative made' a motion to raise Kendrick's pay from $40 to $60 a day while the Legislature is in session, at which point Kendrick said: "I, sincerely appreciate the motion . and I may be worth $60; but I don't want it? So the motion was with- drawn. Now that's a pretty low trick for Kendrick to pull on the rest of us. Think of how It na!ces us look. - A dedicated worker will ask his boss for a raise and his boss will say, "What do you mean you want a raise? Why can't you be like that fellow Kendrick over in the State- ' house? They have to threaten him with dismissal before'. he'll take.a'raise." And the worker says, "But! deserve a raise." And the employer says, `Sure you do; so does Ken- rick. That doesn't make any ifference to him. He's a gem. f all employes were like him here wouldn't, be any need or the National Association; of CPYRGHT now eo he adult version of that kid n school who always got good William Kendrick "lie's a Gem", odes and never got dirty, he one your mother was always telling you about. I don't care if he is a great' clerk of the House; they should cut his pay. * * * Des Moines has turned into a Michael Caine film festival. No less. than three movies' starring Caine are in town: "Alfie," "Gambit" and "Fu- neral In Berlin." W h a t' s more, they're all pretty good films. T * * * HE IRONIC thing about, the Statehouse contre- ersy over the religious ques-, ion on employment application tanks is that this sort of thing' is so uncharacteristic of Iowa, politics. Our state government,; lackingas it, does a civil service system, Is famous for iring practices that do not incriminate on the basis of ace, creed, national origin or billty. I . t A h ?. FRIEND writes to re mind me of a clas3,:- quotation from Shakespear that I inadvertently neglected in my list last week. . the sounds of musi ; ".The Merchant of Venice Act. V, Scene 1. EADING carefully the ex- planations of Des Moines chool' officials concerning the w test scores of Des Moines` tudents, one becomes con-, inced that we do not, as was; rst feared, have a crummy. chool system. We have dumb kids. * ITE NATIONAL Society of Film Critics-made up of )e leading critics of the na- on-has chosen "Blow-Up," io first English-language film f Italian director Michelan elo Antonioni, as the best film 1966. It has not yet played fes s Moines but one can hope; Michael Caine was chosen est actor for "Alfie," and ylvio was named best actress' r "The Shameless Old' Lady," which had a brief, un uccessful run at the Varsity __ -----,. -Donald Kau CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000300620002-5