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November 24, 1998
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Publication Date:
May 5, 1966
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COLU1,113IA, S. C.
RSanitized '- Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-0
getting the $1,50,000,000 more in
U. S. aid it could use to extend
the Soviet-Nasser takeover iii
the Red Sca have been im-
proved by the U. S. grant of
ray) I;cpuhlie's prospects of
f1 k
a l
1i, t1 f t
The closely censored Cairo!,
papers printed a picture of
1lustafa in conversation with
(Odell. Odell was sent home.
11VIiista[a was put on ice for a
grant y ac 1 few .anti-communist t i Ps ! lie Ci~1 i;. mentioned.
to the U.A.R. is likely " ,., Ilater trial-until the aid qucs-
a balance. In his early ea, s Na:, :r r C to twins, liustafa and Ali lion was settled in November.
A grant to the U.A.R. actual- was Russia's heaviest, mm, are the plump ex-publish-,
client -hilt nominally anti?Con ers of Al Akhbar, once free ,llji The Egyptians app,rrently bar]
,v would help Israel, eua neI n mind the case of Singapore's
U.A.R. President Gangal AbdeI munist. fills fa`or0o,,(;i;C conii- now n;ttinn.-,sited like all Nis
Nasser to sustain his 70,000 dint was an able, 'lniiit v it rrr's fires,. The twins are'(prune minister Lee Ewan Yew,
troops 1,500 miles away front; realistic skeptic - later tnrnrrl Geor~ctmvn University gr,d-hI wl)o was offered $3,300,000 in
Israel's borders, though it; businessman in Beirut, .i,rhannn uates, hence "American" bus t 1061 to hush up revelations
iaboutthe CIA.
would be contrary to Dean -who talked Nasser 's leaks.
Rusk's pledge to Congress to better than the trcat.y-trusting 4' hen Nasser and the CIA fell Vi But the $55,000,000 in aid
stop aid "wherever nations en- ambassadors and professors out, neither wished to bz'eak off American Ambassador Lucius
gage in wasteful foreign adven- sent to Cairo. this tested useful exchange of; Battle gave Dec. 1 was not
tunes." ; (laving three competitive in- !information. But the old direct' enough to bury Mustafa. The,
Rusk canceled his scheduled tells ence systems of his own' eetings were impossible with', Egyptians shocked the Amery-'
~pp,isit to Cairo after his call on employing some 50,000 a c;iss mso many pro-Soviet Egyptians cans by announcing Mustafa;
`CGNTO pact members in Anka-'Nasser has--been in no n in;:er on hand. So Nasser reaciicd the was still indicted for giving
-a, , Turkey. Nasser countered by, that "the CIA` would ci: CIA i iiougii `itlohamed Ilcikel,-,Nasser's ideas "falsely" to
;allowing the Communist. Southlinformation'that was his iong?time confidant and the Odell.
Viet Nam liberation front to ized, Generally what it goi vvns Czar of Egyptian journalism. Beginning Dec. 23 there was,
open an office in Cairo May 1.1 planted by Nasser. in turd ileikel informed Odell' a secret trial of Mustafa lasting
lie United Sates has suspended 'his system has now falicn regularly through Mustafa three days. The United States
its use of Nasser's offices to apart because Nasser has taken lsmin. The other twin, Ali, dwindled to "a foreign power."
communicate with North Vieb the Communists into his c: ,:,h? lleikel sent to Paris as his cor- Odell's name vanished. The ver-
Nam, a convenience richly i?e-'Ilishmcntg and because the CiA respondent. diet was referred to Nasser.
warded by $55,000,000 in extra;) appears at odds with the r;t tc The curtains began closing ,It's still his,
aid. 'Pcpartment's policy of p;lyind around Odell when the $600,000,- Mustafa has tried to leave
Behind this assortment of for the Soviet U.A.R. drive to 000 in U. S. aid ran out and everybody an easy exit by ad-
storm flags lies one critical
is- take the Red Sea'- Congress began behaving obsti- milting irregularities in ex- ?
sue: Does Nasser today like
or hate the Central Intelligence Toj make this basic discord natcly about lucre. Not even change operations. Only a few
Agency? Il more dramatic and get some the bait of Saudi-Egyptian peace million dollars aid are needed
aid leverage out of it, Nasser talks impressed Washington. to get the CIA back under cover
I Am aid a the CIA deli eratel y y ei tang 1 d last year! broke up the old arrangement' Aid to the U.A.B. appeared where it was before Nasser took
when the Egyp fans decided; by ,a pseudo-spy, case involving over. away -the blanket. ,
that "exposure" of the 'CIA'
could be used as an artn-twist-I
ing technique for aid. Nobody
was more hurt or surprised than!
kt~he CIA. The sudden switch byl
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000300580006-6
Nasser broke up a mutual ex-' twi i Egyptian newspaper pub-
. _ h T A
a decade without hauI;Nasser is still kecphtg thel
either. Damnclcan sword of `;CIA dis- _-Nasser's syst.enm in closures" swinging -over the
with the CIA uwjs simple: ldro..Slate Department, Americans
tify the agent on . arrival, let: are supposed to blush, fl own
him know it, and. give him a' and bile their nails whenever