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Publication Date: 
February 8, 1955
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FEB 8195 Sanitized - Approved For Release : IA-RDP KENOSHA (Wisc.) NEWS Circ.: e. 20,901 Front Edit Page Page Other Page Date: . FEB +s HJa Trace UW's Contribution To Defense guests. A former o fie ay colonel and in_telli speaker iscusseT1Tie UW con lie contirlugd. tributiops to science and engi s Behind the scenes at the Uni- i neering and the ROTC and the versity are many experts who behind the scenes work with m worked with OSS and have' telligencc. i+ helped the CIA. Such men in- PYR *Ting to the National e -de 'T a` a1 win, a bacte- Science Foundation, the Rus- rtologipt, and Dr. Farrington j sian.s have been producing five Daniels, an expert on nuclear engineers and scientists to our, fission, four, Luberg pointed out. Training of engineers, scien-#r Sys Important Role Lists and technicians is an im m, "Thus the University has an portant function of the univer 1 important role in preparing sity, where engineering enroll- trained personnel for their part ment has increased 20 per cent.., in what we hope will be the ,t!)f the 70,000 persons taking UW prevention of war," Luberg pointed out. correspondence- courses, many will become technicians and He explained that the Univer- many are members of the Armed sits` budget is ' currently being Forces, he, added. prepared for consideration by high PhD Rating the legislature. Cuts of $700,- 000 were made by the governor; The UW grants the third and his staff recently, and on highest number of PhDs of any Feb. 22, the university will pre- such institution in the nation. sent its budget to the legisla- "Only time will tell if we ture's joint finance committee. match or exceed the Russians Part of the budget will go for in the .quality of our technical expansion to meet the needs training " Luberg commented. of the future when children cur- OSS sOffice of Strategic Serv rently crowding grade schools ices) tit aid was scuhe by the reach college age. f r "`be' its :i enc3? Raymond Holton, president of agency has ~nyoyw~t ecn con- the. Alumni i n t r o d u c e d the solidatec by a ten " Redell speaker. Mrs. Jean Hawkins, Snit , Cr riM ence vice president, was in charge gro ps nuto the i 1-al 'rn`tclli- of the dinner arrangements. genre' igene George Molinaro, Kenosha as e niversit of 'NN '110 n en n ie an impo - 1 ~ `=1Q T ~, eTcnn was dc ,'entry. and geograplier who knew scribed by LeRoy Luberg at the; the coastline of Japan performed Ugh Alumni Founder's 44~'important services for OSS. banquet last n}gfit. CIA was right in its pre Assistant to President E. B diction what"Would happen Fred, Luberg was the guest?din hdo C ria," Luberg said speaker at the annual event held "Today's question is- Formosa. at Oage Thomsotn's and attends We hope they have the right an- ed by 75 alumni and them swer to this one." ? He sci?n ed some _ of his per semblyman, and Ed Gibson, . sonal experiences in OSS and ? Madison, Wisconsin Alumni As- pointed ' out "that intelligence " sociation field director, were work is not all "cloak and dag-special guests. Sanitized - Approved For Release : 7`M 11Y- reciz``ts for these vital r_ in the OS; intelligence ssivices come from a ""lieu ena"nt. undergraduate volunteers at the epee officer" Unniversity, which helps train CPYRGHT FOIAb3b IA-RDP75-00001 R000300460026-7