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Document Release Date: 
July 3, 2000
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Publication Date: 
April 5, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00001R000300260041-2.pdf49.04 KB
FOIAb3b Approved For Release 2000/08/03: CIA-RDP75- WASHINGTON PUS, AND TIMES HERALD CPYRGHT .r_ ` 0 0 li.Ic ~i.lY lCv abling them to attend a uni- versity for a year of graduate study. The winners, who are among 43 selected nationally, have a choice of attending one of five universities u n d e r a F o r d Foundation grant. They were chosen because of exceptional IHere Get ward Twi'lve Washington area Gov-;Greenbrier st., Arlington, CIA John F. Hennessey, of 21271 ernment career officials have~rescarch analyst, Princeton. (Griffith rd., Falls Church, CIA( received Career Education l Martin Convisser, of 35501 research analyst, Harvard; Awards from the National In- Valley dr., Alexandria, budgetIJames Lefter, 1605 S. 28th st.,} stitute of Public Affairs, en-1examiner for the Budget Bu-(Arlington, chief of the sLruc- reau, Harvard; George M. Fleming, 7316 Jervis st., Springfield, supervisory ac- countant for the Forest Serv- ice, Stanford; Richard A. Greenstein, 12411 Kinship Turn, Bowie, management analyst for the Internal Rev- enue Service, University of Chicago. ability and high potential. Area recipients, and the col- lege they will attend, are as follows: Alvin J. Temin, of 10625 Lom- bardy rd., Silver Spring, con- struction management e n g i - neer for the Coast Guard, Stan- f or d ; Kung-Lee Wang, 6020 Broad st., Brookmont, research coordinator for the Bureau of !Mines, Harvard. Ronald Brand, of 4420 Med- ford dr., Annandale, assista;it executive officer for the Divi- sion of Community Health Services of the Public Health Service, Princeton; Robert C. Bryan, 5515 Kathleen pl., Springfield, contract special- ist for the Soil Conservation Service, University ' of Chica- go; Charles A. Peters, 2538 N. APR 5 1994 1 tural division in Veterans Ad- ministration, University of Virginia. Lavor A. Neuenswander, of 11100 Federal ct., Rockville, supervisory investigator for the Civil Service Commission, Stanford, and Hugh Nugent, 4280 S. 35th st., Arlington,. Justice Department, Harvard. Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000300260041-2