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Publication Date:
July 31, 1966
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S Pc. a
Pi:,, c..;COLA,
lease 2000/08/0
31 19
JUG - - --
An Immoral Profession
P.9C Officiat:Live
_- FOIAbeb -
1AAgent Life
News-Journal Staff Writer
AFTER NINE years in Eu-
.rope as a secret undercover
agent for the Central Intelli-
gence Agency. Pensacola Jun-
ior College vice president Dr.
Herman Heise came in from
the cold.
Although Heise is tall and
good-looking - in the James
Bond tradition - his sensitive
eyes suggest Richard Burton's
movie portrait of the lonely,
depressed CIA agent.
"I'm convinced Carre had
to be a CIA agent to write
"The Spy Who Came in from
.the Cold." it's the most accu-
rate description of the spy
business I've ever encounter-
ed," Heise said. He called his
Nrork "an immoral profession
in which the opposition has
laid all the ground rules."
To be a CIA agent, Heise-
joint," wire tap, pick locks tions. a spy so that he will attract
and perform dozens of other Heise explained that no one people who want to give infor-
spy tricks. can volunteer to' be a spy. mation.
The. CIA requested Heise's Otherwise, undercover
The hardest part of his l service b e c a u s e his back- -agents strive to.be inconspicu-
"traini training, Heise said, was ground indicated that he could,,ous. "A spy's goal Is to be
learning that good does not be useful to thew. 'the little grey man' that no
necessarily win out over He was a graduate student one notices," Heise said.
day's work. Uuringlunch he agent and suddenly couldn't-
had meetings with other remember which identity he
agents. Later in the day he' was supposed to be at the
other places to sec. informa- giving information about him-
tion. self until the other agent men-
Heise calls his spying expe- tioned the nathe of the person
ditions, that took him all over whose identification he was
Europe, "business trips." He using.
and traveled extensively by
plane and rail.
Comparing his experiences
to those depicted in James
AFTER NINE years Heise
felt that he could no longer
continue living by the moral
r Bond movies, Heise comment-'system a spy must use.
.ed, "I never saw women like "The intelligence agent al-
James Bond sees!" ways gets hurt," Heise said
His nine years in Germany emphatically. 'T h e whole
were not, however, without ro- process of spying works
mantic experiences. He was through controlling people who
once caught visiting a woman, c a n be blackmailed. The
in female military barracks. agent b e c o m e s the supply
source for drug addicts or
uses perverts, poor people and
THE WOMAN was his wife women in love to their advan
who was also working as a Cage'
CIA agent. The CIA had asked When asked if he ever wore!
the couple to serve in Europe a big trench coat. Heise ex-
but requested that they pose,plained that the raincoats are
y s
andard equipment.I
mentality." His work required as single persons[ Heise said ,
that he lie, steal and cheat. , the bizarre arrangement led They are used specifically]
evil. ' at Georgetown University ~ To be a spy you must do
many and Heise speaks the 'mal types imaginable."
counter a James Bond - type language fluently, the CIA
experience. "When a case is hoped that the modern Eu?
'.i4 b dt when he was contacted. Since,the most n o r m a 1 seeming
RARFT V DID Heise n_ ' his family comes from Ger- ],things among the most abnorx
going smoothly, it s routine, ropean history student might
monotonous, boring," he ex- be able to pass as a German
plained. Since James Bond en- citizen.
c o u n t e r s so much action. fl Heise did impersonate Ger-
Heise concludes, "he must be i mans, and he said that gain-
the Russians left him impress- {{
ed with their competence. He
called them " n1,1 -1-1
ing, serious and idealistic."
Noise added "Their whole phil-
osophy is to subvert others
to their wcy of thinking."
Two of Heise's children
were born while
ermany. Not until this vear
did the children know their
father had been a spy.
Heise's son was, of course,
greatly impressed by his fa-
t h e r 's previous profession,
and he would like to follow
in his father's footsteps.
Heise's son may turn out
to be more of the James Bond
taking an intelligence test ~ While
school he was assigned a test
booklet which, of all things,
was numbered 007.
t send out of
a pretty lousy spy." ing the fluency of a native
As a spy, Heise had some- German without any trace of
what of a daily routine, simi- accent is no easy task.
lar to that of a businessman. While in Europe, Heise was
He got uo around 7:30 a.m'. assigned to 19 different Identi-
went to his office to ,re- ties in his work. One of the
port on previous events anti most tense moments came