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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 13, 1961
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00001R000300260004-3.pdf61.99 KB
Approved Forelease 20 9% : CIA-RDP7~ 4 JUI 131961 Area Man to Cairo, Egypt, Posj.j CPYRGHT U.S. Information Agency Names Glen Moore James Halsem of, ashing- tan C., anen Dore has , been appointed Inf ion Of cer for to Amext an.F,m sst' in E He will be in charge of public affaig for the American Consulate at offices lo- cated in Cairo, Egypt. ? He, his wife, the formes Alice Cleveland of Devon, and their six children have departed for their new assignment and are looking forward to locating in their new home, exploring the Nile River and making new acquaintances. Halsema, former Manila news- paperman and later correspond- ent for The Associated Press in Southeast Asia, joined the over- was killed in an air raid. in Halsema served as chief of the Baguio Bureau of the Manila Bul- ' letin from 1940 unt ' he was in terned by the Japanese on Dec- ember 27-U"-,During his three ygars.Af.?interment, he published' both an open and .underground) daily news sheet. Immediately; upon liberation, he joined the Associated Press as correspon dent, first in the Philippines and) later in Indonesia. Returning to, the United States in 1948, he got an M. A. degree at the School of I Advanced International Studies in Washington, D. C. He h as re-; ceived his B. A. from Duke Uni- versity in 1940, and took his pre-' college training at a prep school!, and served as an information offi-!, in the mountains of Luzon where, cer in Singapore, Manila and:! his father was yst sistant director for Far East of-jj~{' frig oflefd requests. fairs, then Deputy Planning Di-IThe International Press Service rector since 1959, director of plan-I is engaged in telling the story of ning. America and the free world'' al War College, has been the U.S. Information Agency's deputy as- Born in 1919 in warren, Ohio, I through newspapers, magazines, Halsema spent most of his first pamphlets, leaflets, picture storiesi and displays to audiences in: mare than 80 countries of t he world. While he was near t he Government for 30 years until he' Burma - Thailand border he dis- -- World,, a magazine published b~,r the U. S. Information Agency for the use in the Far East. It was'published in to languages and reached an estimated five million readers. While in Washington, Halsema and his family spent many week ends on their farm in Walla twp., near Glen Moore. 17 years in the Phillippines where his father was an engineer and public official for the Philippine Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000300260004-3