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Sanitized - Approved For- Release :
JUN 2 9 1964
Study of `Hidden' .Arms of Government
YRGHT ' B. Ross, Random. $5.95
0o is an a. emp , Until to concluding chapter, .a,.
say its authors, "within the reader of this hook receives the "'Graduates of Columbia ands
bounds of national security, to re- impression that nearly everything Yale, respectively, they are too)
veal the nature, size and power the "Intelligence community" at sophisticated to mainl.ainthat the,
of the Invisible Government, It is 4e;t.atington does is bad. Coinci- citizen has an unrestricted right-i
not intended to . be an 'expose, ' dent with such an impression one to-knitw, They do claim that
although much of the material can point to ovei?stalenient hero, secrecy in government is ipso
has never been printed anywhere gratuitous castigation there. And tI fncto evil, and proceed to focus al
else before
It is- an attempt to though the authors disclaim any scarin
ht on , What, they'
describe a hidden American insti- attempt at an "expose,"- the list; allege to he some of the results'
tution which the 'American people,, on,page 245 of telephone numbers of that evil.
who finance it, have a right to for 4m branch 'officers around --o--
know about." 1 the country smacks of not hind . They assert, for example. that'
The writer's define' the "In) so much as those 'confidential" 14 be President's briefings from the;
visible Government" as those Fed books put out a few years ago by Intelligence community-on which'
era] agencies which dperate sub-i another pair of journalists.. The he bases decisions of international.
stantially beyond the.ken of public.; present` reviewer detected an his. significance-reach him .. throughl
awareness, such ' as the Central torical inaccuracy . concerning the funnel of one mouthpiece only.
Intelligence 'Agency the most' Army Intelligence. United States that of the director o~ CenttaY
important component, in their officials have informed him that Intelligence, They regard it as
opinion, of the Invisible Govern-,the volume contains approximately t dire that the academic world is;
'ment-the Atomic Energy Com- 250 other errors of/greater or less t lending, its brains to Washington:
.mission, the most free-wheelingimagnitude and, in7their opinion, at. on a contract basis. They look'
component; the National Security least 100 bistances of breach of back in anger at the spectac'le'of
Agency, the?most ' secretive; the security within the meaning of taxpayers voluntarily coatrihut:1
new Defense Intelliget)ce 'Agency the Espionage Act of 1917, - as ing to. "Freedom Radios" hrnarh'
(whose deputy director was until
recently a( Maryland r, Lt. Gene
Williagt W. Quinn, b Crisfield),
and-'several others. The function
and. potential of these govern-
meritnl bodies, the authors feel,
"raise tiro question of how far
a free society, in attempting to
preserve itself, can emulate a
closed society without becoming
indistinguishable from It."
This question is a crucial one,
The- authors-Mr. Ross' is a mem-
ber of the Washington ' bureau of
the Chicago Sun-Thies? Mr. Wise
j is chief off the New York Herald-
t Tribune bureau there-proceed to
a , reply in the ' manner of their
E.joint :"The U-2 Affair" (1962.),
;: That manner is compounded of
'superior journalistic style, osten
sihly exhaustive inquiry, a veneer
notes, an index), and- a "ton; of
amended. These are ? grave., casting overseas which are a
charges. ready subsidized by government;1.
The problem posited by all such? They groty.;white-lipped over thou
spokesmen for the: public ?cbn-j mongy allotted. to selected face'
science is the nature ' of `. then t.ions in foreign countries friendly`
public's right to knowledge.Toj to the United States. They pinj
what degree may a citizen in-) point, instances pf bureaucratic,
quird into, the mechanism of his,. evasion, ineptitude, and ignorance.:
government's conduct, of foreign, They do all these things reads
affairs? When does' a cotistitu-' ably' and persuasively. If they;
tional right-which. is has`ic and; chew over much that has been-''
general-merge into, a privilege- chewed before (such. as the. Bay;
which is discretionary and Stec of Pigs,' or Vietnam), they ,alsct
cial-and how is the boundary JinP4 serve till several new side dijshem
marked off? Such queries would* for tasting. , And they conclude
be-academic if the United States : with' a chapter of such sedate;,
were not confronted by a massive', well pornlered recommeudatinnx
and malevolcrjt enemy- whosa LJtat we are left to wonder: just:
policy is so. st rUctrired as to look ti hew much, of what went :earlier
upon. this .problem not' as ? the was thrown !it for shock efleof
worthy dilemma of a mature;'Here is a book ?wnrth reading 'one
,civilization but as a symptom' of growing irritated at. There 'lt#
notional weakness, Mr. Wise 'en i I"
lcm, a _spectexi::, .... I.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001'R000300'090021-3