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Lowy ,(y2bd 5 * proved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001 Circ.: M. 24,399 JUL 17 19" Front Edit Other Page Page Page Date: JUL 17(1951 Intelligence Specialist Visitor: Satellite Work .Hasn't Cut Aircraft Development, cp,A% CPYRGHT Russia 'hasn't 'ceased its tier experiences urn Schoolmates search for improved aircraft" years of ' intelligence work even though its plans invoiv- "with the armed services. A graduate of the Univer ing conventional aircraft have :-F' She said at the present time sity of California, Miss Dane become obscured by that na- Russia is planning. to devote met Mrs. Wilson while they tion's rocket and satellite test- one-third of its aircraft out- were both attending Pamona ing. put during the next 5 years College, and has visited her This. point was mad e clear to transport type planes. here frequently. The holder of a Master's Do- t ali t lli b n i s n gence - y a e , All Types closely connectedr with Aircraft capable Russian affairs, who is visit- ing in Lincoln. Miss Ruth Dane -V 'Wash- ington, f , w lE 4 `is'" isit ng Mrs. HowardC:Wilson of 1230 Crestdale Rd., c o m rn e n t- and Diane, sity this spring ed about the Current -Soviet t aimed mainly by the Russians ho will be a seni r at S ith p o m at 'idmg imbringing themun _,__- n < --, , , College this fall. of operat- ing froth all types of airstrips once school in Paris, France. are, being developed to make Listed as-her favorite hob- pt ~ jle their use in small un- by is,. raising -children. S lie d 11 .loped nations. T h e P4 pilzpose, of operating trans has 2 adopted daughters: De borah, who graduated from ports in the lesser nations rs ` nation plans to put on the ?with more scratches t h a n market within 2 years planes spots, due to his continual can' also soon be expected to is her Dalmatian dog, Randy, rival the West, the trunk; of which she 'said, "Ile may routes of the asb thati soon be the only Dalmation the explained that Russia Also prominent"in her life y g .p . el 1 about 350'commercial aircraft anc of power 'a riol%g nations under Army control, manned -f the Army and in the by basically c o in m e r c i a l policy mobilization area for crews, within 24 hours if it f the Air $'or_ce directorate of ever becomes necessary to use plans. them. that of any aircraft yet "I join the Central Intelli- planned by the West. ehce fAgeney for months, { The Soviet planes can betjust before. WWI, under.--the expected to be available atprompting of a friend," Miss a highly competitive price, she ;Dane said,, "and have stayed noted; to make them attrac-!in the field for~'16 years." tive to other nations. Before -beginuling -her work Miss `Dane, also told of aid- with the Air Force as an fin- ing in- the setting up. of a telligence, she 1'a `te r worked changes in the bal- r o r am which would ut stud in 1 i Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000300090014-1