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November 11, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 10, 1998
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Publication Date: 
April 14, 1962
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NEW YORK, N.Y. : WORLD-TELEGRAM AND SUN Sanitized - Approved For, Release : CIA- EVENING 448,828 FOIAb3b Most actors. are nervouq,. written by Henry Denker, very nervous. Between parts, fclevised on Palm Sunday last if- they spend .4 lot of time year on the Hallmark Hall of 4round. the house, they usu. .,Fame ' series, will be re- ally drive their wives to the fi~cated tomorrow , 6 to 7:30. .brink of madness, not know. p.m., NBC-TV. t to do with their PYI~I"Y~ ?. Big Demand; time, convinced - they .will,He stars as Barabbas, the probably never work again. 'criminal whose life is spared Jan lv ed to be new when Christ is condemned; otf Hea, not anymore. He's Kim Hunter ' lays Mara, the reasonably contented putter-. woman who loves 'slim; and ing about his old, remodeled Dennis.' King Plays Pontius farm house in Sufferns N. Y., Pilot. George' Schaefer, the growing his roses,, breeding producer-director, said it was his sheep and, now that it's-'decided to give'the'play a sec- close to summer, taking his and showing because they re- 40 laps every day In his swim- ceived more mail commend-. n1ing pool. He is, in fact, so ing the program than has ever contented, it's almost a dan- been received by any other gerous content and the ex- show in the 11 years the'Hall- planation is simple-money. mark series. has. appeared on' For the 'past six years, television. Daly has been moonlighting "I know it's corny, to say, .in a very lucrative way. He's but I like a play. With a mes? the commercial spokesman for sage," said Daly. "I like a part starred with Helen Hayes In a- revival of "The Glass Menag. erie," at'the City Center and in. 1957 he went to Berlin to act in the world premiere of Thornton' Wilder's "Bernice.". On television he starred in the series, Foreign Intrigue, which was filmed on location in Paris and Stockholm and he has dotie all, of the better television drama series, in, eluding three notably good: Omnibus shows, "'.Henry 'I Washington. He has twAdams," "The Court Martial o sis-," tors one married, living in of verse drama, itc" and the Los Angeles, and the other,. -Billy ' bur e dr"LLeeee At Gettys?. 1 Major Mary Ellen Daly is sec. Native of Wisconsin. 1 and in command of the "Several times every day I WAFs, in Dover, Del. .decide to give up acting and: While he was a student at open up a store some place," Cornell College in Mount Ver- said Daly, "preferably back non, Iowa, Daly said he con- in Wisconsin where my roots sideredseveral other occupa- are. I sincerely believe I mean tions, including writing and this, until a good part comes teaching. He said he had In. along. Acting, for the sake of sufficient patience for writing' adds up to about 30 days work that the audience c o m e s acting, means nothing to me and he Immediately decided teaching after he a year, a lot of dough, and - away with something to think at all. I like to believe in what against gives him the; privilege of tak about. These little frothy :en-, I'm doing and if I have a part took some education courses. ing only. acting Jobs which : tertainments are all'right if A hat means something. fhovi After he graduated from please nim..N'ew actors in any' you just want to pass . time, community.: can make that, but when the curtain comes claim. down, so what?" Dhly Twill' be seen on tole- James Daly made his finest vision in a drama which he success . on Broadway In, the considers worthy.`of' people's, role of Job In Archibald Mac tjme., "Give Us Barabbas," Leish's Pulitzer prize-winning the original religious drama, 'drama, "J. B." He also-. the whole picture changes. . -8U 113 11 1, ne enlisted as ` love acting-and I an infantryman in the United i Then I State A Then s rmy, later transferred be doing anything else' wouId't io the Army Air Forces and for any amount of money.". .? before World War II ended he James Firman Daly, 44, was was an ensign in the Navy, born in Wisconsin Rapids, ; which may indicate 'that Daly Wis., the son of P e r c i f e r ;? is something of a restless Charles, Daly and Dorothy`' spirit. Ethelbert Hogan Daly. His ,4 He decided to become an ac grandfather operated a lum tor after he was discharged ber raft on the Wisconsin and from service and his first Mississippi Rivers and his. 'Broadway job was understudy late father was in. the, fuel' for Gary Merrill as the news- business in Wisconsin Rapids, i paperman in the Judy Holli. where Daly grew 'up and. clay hit, "Born Yesterday.".He 1 graduated from Lincoln High f .,. or His mother now works for ,?' Lill n ~ a~~ lington, D-. C. and a brother, David, who, works for the . ,FBI, also l,i v e in elease : CIA-RDP75-00001' Performances of the Garson Ifanin play. Daly said. he has really no preference as to whether he is working in the movies, the cigaret company, which with meat and substance so