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Publication Date: 
April 14, 1962
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APR 1 41962 " PHii;ADF Pill~ pA i ' $ULLETanltl'Led - ~pp~roved For,Release :CIA-RDP7 EVEt~Ii~(} 705,599 SUNDAY 694',768 A~'' 1 ~ 1962 ~ I t' ~ --~ .~.r~ound the .]Daa~s. By MARGARET Mc1tiTANUS ORS are nerv- tous, very nervous. Between .parts, if they spend a lot of (time around the house, they' ;usually drive their wives to the .brink of madness, not }mowing what to do with their -time, convinced they will probably ;never work again. James Daly used to be nerv- ous`""~4~'3'1~`ot`any more. He's reasonably conteYated puttering. .about his old, remodeled farm house in Suffern, N. Y., grow- ing his roses, breeding his, sheep and, now that it's -close to summer, taking his, 40 laps .every -day in his swimming pool. He is iry fact, so coif tented, it's 'lmost a :. danger- sous content and the explana= ;tion is simple-money.. For the past six years, Daly `has been moonlighting in a very lucrative way. He's the commercial spokesman for a cigarette company, which adds up to about. 30 :days work a year, a lot of dough, and gives him the privilege of taking only acting jobs which please him. Few actors in any community can make that claim. Daly Will be seen on teIevi- sion tomorrow in a drama which he considers worthy of people's time. "Give Us Barab- bas," the original religious. drama, written by Henry Den- ker, televised on Palm Sunday :last year on the "Hallmark Hall of Fame" series, will be repeat- ed, 6 to 7.30 P. M., NBC-TV, ~ ~ ,,,,..o.a.,,,,,,,. ,~,@,LY' S'I'f~,~r~s?13~~abbas, thc' murderer whose life is p~t"e"d'^tvhen Christ is con- ', demned; Kim Hunter -plays ' M th wh ara,e womano loves liim, and Dennis King plays "I .know it's corny, to sa CPYRGHT Daly to Star as `Barabbas' ' In TV Drama Palm Sunday ut I like a la ge, sai a y, i e a part man of the WAFs, in Dover, ith meat and substance so Delaware.. hat the audience comes away While he was a student at :: ith something to think about. Cornell College in Mount Ver- hese liEtIe frothy entertain- non, Iowa Dal ~ s ' rig ~ you lus, s~ ere several other occ~pa-~' want to pass time, but when tions, including writing ,and the curtain .comes .down, so teaching, He said he' had in- what?" sufficient patience- for writing Ja,~es,~Daly,made his finest and . he immediately decided , . sucr~ess o'ri Droadway in the against teaching after he took " roles of Job in Archibald Mac- some education courses: 8 LeisM's Pulitzer prize-winning He decided to become an ac- ' draw, "J. B." He also co- for after he was discharged starred with Helen Hayes in a from service and his first ~ ` revival of "The Glass Menage- Broadway job was understudy :~ 'rie," at the City Center, and in - for Gary Merrill as the news- .1957 he went to Berlin to act . paperman in the Judy Holliday the world premiere of Thorn- hit, "Born-Yesterday." He sub- ' n Wilder s'Bernice." stituted for Merrill in 40 per- has done all of the better tele- preference as to whether he is '~ +~~- ~a series, including working in the movies, the ,i . Court Mal?tt? ell" and the ~ rse drama, "Lee good "Omnibus" theater or m television. y Adams,",;`.:.The "~'he only thing important ~' o " of Billy Mitch- t me is the part, he said. "I think I'm less nervous doing at Gettysburg." `a ~ ? JAMES Firman Daly~44y,was born m ~sconsm ? Rapids, Wis., the son of Percifer~ Charles Daly and llorothy Eth- elbert Hogan Daly. His grand- father operated a lumber raft on the Wisconsin. and Missis- sippi rivers and his late father was in the fuel business in Wis- consin Rapids, where Daly grew 'up and graduated from Lincoln High School n~ s---~t~:- t ie . entra"'~ ~ntg~Iligence"7~gen- ing#o'h~":'~Ie has two sisters, one rid the other; Major Mary E1- television than I am perform-? ing for ahalf-full" theater of a couple hundred people. Whq 'can visualize an .audience of 6,000,000 people? It's just a figure. It doesn't mean any- thing." JJ This man of independence 1 is married to the former Mary Hope Newell, a college class- mate, and an actress who, in ~ her own way, is just as inde- i pendent as he. 1 The Dalys have four chit- dren, Pegeen, 19, & student at Bennington; Ellen Tyne, 16, who wants to be . an actress; Mary Glynn, 13, and James Timothy, six. ~ "We do not lack for activit around the house,"'said DalyY ~ Ah, the joys of an actor.with a commercial subsid ! CPYRGHT ?CPYRGHT, Sanitized -Approved Fore Release :CIA-RDP75-000018000.300090004-2