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CPYRGHT PHILADEA* 6VdFor Releas 2000108/24: CIA- NEWS ~PYRGHT EVENING 283,195 APP FOIAb3b novan Finds Luck .of Irish Helps in Dealing wi B HARRY F: y F ;,;;CSON NEW YORK (UPI) .-Jame freedom train for person imprisoned in Cuba, has been losing two things recently sleep and money. The Brooklyn lawyer. wh negotiated the release of the Bay of Pigs prisoners an more recently nine America skindivers, told in an inter- view today about the phy- sical and mental strain of negotiating with Fidel Castro. "They work at night down there," he said. "One night I got three hours "leer, an- other time two hours and a third night none at all. Once Castro pbo ed me at 2 in the rilnr'nir! nole w( CPYRGHT CPYRGH 6+- y4Le did, too iCans held b,, Castro and Do- So far,. hey is con- novan hopes -to negotiate erned, la *Ws estfgate Do- for them in about a month. ovan has Icst TJM,000 in ! How does he establish con- egal fees because 3Fhis work tact with Castro and go about Cub H n a. e is ..counsel for getting into Ci11a? ee and serves Without pay. . NOT THAT he is about to ome a pauper. because he s a member of ^ firm that a, nt e as 18 lawyers on its staff. a phone call to Havana to a ut he has ;nad s b t e u stan ial ! person who is a sort of in- nancial sacrifices ever since I termediary down there. I e was named by the Brook- had PUUt it i rJ znd :'ridgy yn Bar Assn to defend the afternoon I t-lot word that evict spv, Col. Pudolf Abel. clearance had come thro'inh. ho was later traded for U-2 '?I didn't make a reserva- ilot France Lion but I went t t gu o Idae- That led to the dozen trips wild Airport and Eot a c a; > e ha s A) 12,0c, to tuba , lid on are Easter33 Air Lh-v_s jet W1,0rI~ - not fiy,iShEd ~;tt I )r %liaini. I always fly down there at night. At Miami I went to a hotel and register- ed under an assumed name. You have to be careful to choose a name that matches the initials on ycur baggage and I use Davis a lot of the time. "I only carry one bag con- taining tropical clothing and a briefcase. From the hotel I phoned a restricted area of the Miami airport and got in touch with Pan American, which provides a small plane for the flight to Havana. I asked them to get clearance for me to fly across the Cu- ban anti-aircraft batteries. It came through pretty fast this time and we took off fr,r Havana. `SEVEN MEN, well armed and wearing black :ilk suits, met me at Havana. I didn't j have to show a visa or a passport or anything. I guess my face is pretty well known by now. Three of the men got into a car with me and the other four into another car and we drove to one of the four houses maintained "WELL," he Friday, Maro federal court.?"HOC-7*hA want to ?o to C$b ' JA\`LS h. Lta:~6~C:'L.`. night t{.arrlfvr the Cuban Ministry^ of .xternal Affairs. rtverythine as ready for me there and put in a call for Castro. Sometimes I get to see' astro right away and some- imes there is a delay of ours. I started `talking with l im on Saturday and con- Milled through on Sur, day T arch 17. "Saturday he took me for an automobile ripe and we p+: negotiating. He is al- very courteous and cor- r et and he gave me a good I'll-11 of fruit cup, chicken ern Approved For e lease 2 00/0 0370061-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP75-00001 R000100370061-0 CPYRGHT soup, red snapper, salad and coffee. Also ancellent cigar. t:y "By Sunday I 'could sense that the negotiations weren't tting vet far, so I decided o try the Iuck of the Irish. I said AT Castrc 'Look, do you k11t vvhaL day this Is? This ls'St. Patrick's bay fnd St. Patrick t3 nw patron saint."11 ey_3 _ -painting a green line down. `Fifth Ave. In New York and getting ready` to have a pars 11100 - 'YOUJ KNOVW= one of the Sig heroes f South Americs is? ?erhar O'Hig- gins is his name It' bad luck ai to deny arl~ hin to art Irish=' man on St Patrick's D'a -XI and w- at`s nore -you have' two Amx women" in pri- sonn ne of them' Is nam eal: So j't `? to Donovan's surlir . -_ is Celtic appeal away bile and then returrie a , , sft he was re- Ieasing e Lwo wore efl, Ger- dine cha ff to and Martha at of jail ey came T l 416 wearing thel Im prison clothes andW ovate. View back to Miami with them on Sunday. ` Mo ay" t i ing," Dono- van "I was back in federa court and the judge looked at me sort of surprised a i c l d ` W e wl e ve you een and ivliat s `n W?? D NO Y ANS successes in Cuba have caused rufriors Cei rya % M Ma' ua y sf Working in behalf of the U. S. State De- partment in an attempt to negotiate some sort of diplo- I matic accommodation be- tween-Washington and Ha- `10ovan says that if some- thi g plus in a diplomatic sense 4`othes out of his work he wi b glad, bit hE ut- lye he was work for tie' or the State Dc' part "I"have never even met Secretary of State ..Dean Rusk," he said. ,`,Ti e' only contact I ever ha'vfth -the State Departm*1~1 t I contact..them to aain~is- imy ~,cti t P "wYitt1d be In any zy' Inconsistent With our national policy. if they ever said no, I wouldn't make the trip, but so far they haven't. "I HONESTLY couldn't tell you ?right--now What- oiur offi- cial national policy is toward Cuba" When I first event dontthre Castro would ask me about Washington's in- tentions toward Cuba and I always told him I Wasn't there to represent the U. S. I was there on a private hu- manitarian mission." What is it that keeps driv- Ing him on missions that in- volve danger to his health and a financial sacrifice? He thought about that for a while and then said: "Well, you're at the Ha- vana airport standing be- side the steps as the prison- ers get on the plane. There is-~ fear on their faces and they are white with prison pallor. "After the plane takes off, i. they begin to relax. Some- t times when they see the coast of Florida they smile. Those smiles are reward enough - - - .,,Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP75-00001 R000100370061-0