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April 22, 1965
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP CPYRGHT "HE IS THE WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS SPY" By Ulf Nilson FOIAb3b New York, (Expressen) - No, that business about James Bond is only. nonsense: The world's most dangerous spy is not 007 but William F. Raborn, 59, a cold, reticent and almost totally unknown admiral in retirement. The other week Raborn became the chief of CIA, U.S.A.'s Central Intelligence Service, so powerful that it sometimes is called "the invisible government." The CIA, which came into being'when the experiences from the second World War were being digested and it was found that the Ameri- can espionage system as a rule was deficient, has grown-into a ter- rific colossus. It has more than 20,000 employees, of which of course the major- ity are quite ordinary clerks and secretaries. From agents all over the globe (Sweden included) it receives more than 2,000 top secret messages per 24 hours. Spy-satellites are sending pictures of Russian rocket-sites directly from space to CIA's "subsidiary" the NIA outside Washington. The central archives include more than 50 million documents, and one of the world's largest data processing machines has been "hired.!' The retiring Chief was John McCone, a thick-skinned New York banker, who had run-ins with too many of the 00's within the CIA to be able to remain. Before him the spy-central was ruled for many years by Allen Dulle.s, a legendary master spy, who for instance holds admiration (professionally) for a certain Colonel Wennerstrom. FLOW OF-INFORMATION Raborn was chosen to his post of spy-chief mainly because-he is an enterprising boss. The modern spy does not go looking for secrets: he organizes, compares, and analyses. It is far more important to the U.S. to have good enough experts on the capacity of Russian production than it is to know the name of Kosygin's mistress (though it is en- deavored to have current knowledge of both). It is more important to be sure of a constant uninterrupted flow of information than it is to succeed in single brilliant coups. Looking only superficially at the business of espionage then, it seems to be a job for men behind dusty.,-, desks - a rather commonplace occupation. The retired admiral was chosen exactly for this reason. He is no a Romanticist, not colorful;, he is an organizer. His, biggest military achievement has nothing to o with battle; he.was the one who organize the production of the Polaris rocket. He came to the CIA from a large company in California, where he also worked with weapons production. The only information about his private life that so far has leaked out is that of Texa~ar~itpiiet' Appro a ~"odr 41W ash : i~' 15 ~~'F200~ '603?6t'!$~'- ?se ? CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000100080045-0 Raborn's main jcb'b is to keep Lyndon Johnson informed about what goes on in the world. At night, when the President sleeps, the admiral is in constant contact with CIA's immense and well guarded glass- and steel-complex outside Washington. A select group of men and women read and work on the cirsis cables constantly arriving. One checks data, asks for explanations, weighs the reasonableness of the conclusions drawn. Finally the whole collation goes to one single man, who around 6 a.m. sits down behind a typewriter - yes, actually an ordinary type- writer - and writes a report about twice the length of this article. TO THE WHITE HOUSE _ At 7.30 he puts the report in his portfolio which he locks. A Government car drives him over to the White House where they have been alerted of his exact departure time and where he hands over the port- folio to General Chester V. Clifton, the President's personal military advisor. The General carries the report up to the-President's bedroom. "We try to give it to him before eight," says General Clifton to Expressen. "We want him to read it before he listens to the morning news." It is the retired admiral's duty to see that the report is correct, and that it is written in a language that the President likes and understands. Johnson is impulsive, intolerant and complaining about details. If Raborn's almost legendary organizational ability does not soon spruce up the intelligence service - which has been in- adequate, particularly in Viet Nam - he will not last long as the Chief of the "Double Noughts." Sanitized - Approved For Release :.CIA-RDP75-00001 R0001 00080045-0 CPYRGHT EXPRESSEN FOIAb3b Sanitized - Approv o r R~ele w e..: Gi 045-0 APRIL 22, 1965 CPYRGHT :4v ULF NILSON xpressen - : lNej, Oct dar me James Bond ar bara trams: Vairldens farligaste spion Hr inte 007 utan William F Raborn, 59, en kylig,.tillbakadragen och nastan totalt.okand ami- ral i pension,, Raborn blev hiiromveckan chef for CIA, USA:s centrala ur.dorriittelse- tjiinst, sA maktig att den J l nd kal- lar. sig "den o.ynliga re c ri tp;en". CIA, soon till'tom nar in -v bOrja- de smiilta erfa renheterm. av andra dsrldskriget, dir det edeerikanska sp-onaget som re.gel var itndermAligt, hcir,vuxit?till art fruktansviird koloss. ? Den liar over 20 000 are til llda, av vilka de fiesta naturligt,9.t lie helt vanliga kontorir>ter ocli ';t(kretcrare. ? Fran agenter over help jordklotet (even Sverige) mottar man over 2000 toppheinliga meddelander, per dygn. Spionsatelliter sunder bilk r av rys- ka raketanlaggningar tlirekt fran rymden till CIA:s "dotterbolag" 50 miljoner dokument, och man har "anstallt" en av viirldens storsta da- tabehandlingsmaskiher. Den avgAngne chefen var John McCone, en hfirdhudad. Now York- bankir, som stotte sig med litet for manga av dubbelnbllorna inom CIA for att kunna yard kva . Fore ho- nom regerades . isplonc tralen I mAnga Ar av Allen, Dulles, en legen- darisk masterspioni som bl a (yrkes- 0 Inf ormhtions- flade Sanitized - Approved" For Releas gschef. Den mor7erne storspionen CIA kom han fran ett stort foretag. okar inte efter hemligheter: han ganiserar, sammanstaller och ana- serar. Det it mycket viktigare for SA att underrattelsetjansten her uktionskapacitet An att man vet amnet pA Kosygins Alskarinna (fast information an att man gor en- ka, briljanta kupper. Ser man' yt- precis den enledningen. Han Or e romaniker, inte fiirgstark; han 'organisator. Hans storsta militara med vapenproduktion. Den enda uppgift om hans privatliv, som hit tills sipprat ut, Or att han. -spelar- hammondorgel. FavoritlAt:' "The. Yellow Rose of Texas". Raborns framsta uppgift Or att hAl-' la Lyndon Johnson underrattad. om, vad . som hander i varlden. Om 'nat- terna, nar presidenten sover, stAr amiralen i standig kontakt med CIA:s valdiga, valbevakade glas- och stAlkomplex utanfor Washington. En utvald grupp man och kvinnor laser och bearbetar de kristelegram', som 'kommer in. Man'kollOr data, ber om forklaringar, prover rimlig- heten av de slutledningar som gore. Till silt gAr hela sammanstallnings- uppgiften till en ensam man, som vid 6-tiden ph morgonen slitter sig bakom en skrivmaskin - ja, faktiskt en alldeles vanlig skrivmaskin - oth skriver en rapport ungefOr dubbelt sA lAng som den Mir artikeln. '[] Till Vita huset Klockan halv 8 lagger han rappor- ten I en )Portfolj, som hen IAser. Han tar en tjanstebil Over till Vita huset, som underrattats per telefon om exakta avgAngstiden, och lamnar portfoljen till general Chester V Clifton, presidentens personlige mi litare rAdgivare. Generalen bar rap- porten upp till presidentens sovrum - Vi brukar forsOka ge honom den' fore Atta, sager general Clifton till Expressen. Vi viii att han skull lase den innan han hor morgonnyheter na. Det Or nu den pensignerade ami:. ralens uppgift att se till att rappor ten Or korrekt, att den Or sicriven pi ett' sprAk som - presidenten gillar och forstAr. Johnson Or haftig, into- lerant och grinig med smAAsaker. Om. Raborns nastan legendariska organi-. sationsfgrmAga inte mart setter spratt PA undcrrattelsetj5nsten, som vetdt. otillfredsstallande into minst i Viet-' nam - blir han into gammal sqm'