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Document Release Date: 
January 14, 1999
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Publication Date: 
April 29, 1965
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%HLRALD 'I'RII~UI`~I); Sar~i~~~dG~pproved ~~~ F~e~e~~~ :CIA-RD FOIAb3b TIII; COMMISSION that makes him directo f h ~T Aasoofatea Pies ~ ~? n t C Acba.:,i.;.w.;..N:w.w.~..e.:atw;+;au ~ a..,Fe..Y'.:_..?'''?c' r~ ."'w7^,,r, _-'tss , ' ~~,c$ ., s' ,~ s,F' a~, r o e entral Intelligence Agency is accepted by Adm. WilliameF. Raborn jr,z left. Sworn, ae deputy director was Richard IIelma, center, whose.coi->Imission is held ~by the F!resident. ~ ~ ~ ~By David Wise i Was no explanation of .why 'have the Central Intelligence `paper stories as CIA men.. But Washington Bureau Chief 'the list was made public. ' Agenay," The purpose oP the. i it also listed others ' whose ' WASHINC3TON. ~ Ad)n: Rabor47 succeeds John CIA, he indicated, is "to strive .names, have )Yeve.? ecn made " Presid"ent Johnso"n swore in .A. McCone, who was named for an orderly, lust and peace- ~ public before, altho~gh it did Adm. Wiliiatn F. Raborn as ICIA. dlrector by President Pul world:' the new director of the Cen- '~ Kennedy. and who served a1- He had high praise, for Adn). 'j as tCIdAentlfy theta specifically , tral Intelligence "Agency yes- most three and a half years Raborn, father of the Nav s personnel, terday in an unusual Cabinet .in the post. Mr. Johnson also Polaris missile, and or ~, Among "the_ mare or less Roam cercmouy _that looked ~ swore, .in Richard M. Helms, McCone. He said Adm. Ra- have taj~pcar dsin fife names like a convention o! secret ;'a carer CIA oilicial, as dep- ;barn. is "a team-builder;- and besides Mr, McCune nod Mr, agents. uty dlrector, succeeding Lt. , he is a-teem-player," a phrase Hems-were John) A. Ilross, a Among the more than 7q_; Gen. Marshall ~. Garter, that suggested to some that persons who lammed into the ~ the President may sdek closer I deputy to the CIA director,:- Cabinet J~,ooth were some oP I VIGILANCE ?~awrencc Houston, the .the nation's .top CIA and ~--?-?----~ co-ordination and ail end to. , iother intelligence oi1(icials, in- ~ In a short speech, Presi- n'ivalry, among the various ,. agency s general counsel; Ly- ' eluding several who normally dent Johnson said the Unitde Federal intelligence agencies, man Ii. Kirl~patrick, execu- ahun States would 'dishonor" its Intelligence of~ieials were" h tive director; Albert D. public .ceremonies'and standi_ng._Ohreri___dees~_in__the.;,Whf~elan, CIA's top scientist, appearances. Reporters were commitment to freedom and ? .and. R,ay Cline, deputy direct- handed a "guest list" for tide Peace "if we were not every ~ room, ? Tl)o - mimcogrnphed t br Por.~ inte111genCe; ceremony by the White' ~Iotise hour of every day vigilant ; "guest list" given to nrwsmen. ~ ' - ' press orilee that rea g~ ins '1~ ~@ ~r~? Ipp~.7~0001 ROOOc1tOt~I~88iD10-8 ''Who's Who in CIA~~, ~i~Z~~~~ 1vgfe ~~tfte717elicb opcratiYes ; ' ~ ~_ - _riranin.Yat,. ~a....ua__. ... ..s AT RABOgiI\T S~F.AI~-Il9T ~b0'S ~~~~~ ~?~ SPYING Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP75-000018000100080010-8 ~CPYRGHT sa on hand were FBI': chief J. Edgar Hoover, Secret , ' ,Service chief James J. Row- `. ley, former CIA director Al- len W. Dulles, Lt. Gen. Joseph i ? .Carroll, head of the Defense ' Intelligence Agency, a rival oP CIA,; Lt. Geri. G?rn?don A. '~ Blake, 'head of the ultra-se- cret National Secuitity Agency, which makes and breaks , !' codes; Thomas Hughes, di- rector of t3tate Department intelligence, and Washington attorney Clark Clifford, chair- ` nran of the President's for- eign intelligence advisory ? board. ' President Johnson noted " that both Mr. Dulles and Mr. 'McCone were Republicans, ,.but said "I have never in- quired into the admiral's ;politics." Adm. Raborn, 59- ; year-old foz'mer vice-press- ' dent of the Aero~et-General , Corp, of California, supported.. ;Mr. Johnson pubjicly in the 1964 campaign. Tuesday night, in a White House reception not an- . pounced -until yesterday ; ,:'morning, Mr. Johnson awarded the National Secu- rity Medal to Mr. McCone, the ; "12th recipient since' it was ? established in 1953 for out- ; standing contributions in the ' intelligence field: The citation ;.praised Mr. McCone for his_ "distinguished leadership,'' ?' his "inspiration and idealism" a,nd' "his unchallenged integ- ' Pity " ' The Chief Executive, iri the? Cabinet ,Room ceremony yes- terday, called ~ Mr. Helms, a , , !former newsman, one of .the ' most "highly respected" ca- Peer ofiicials in government. ~ Mr. Helms had been deputy director for plans (seFret op- erations) ~ at CIA until Mr: I ,lohnsbn named him deputy ~! ~? director of the entire agency.! !ie successor in the key poet? o: plans director has not yet Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP75-000018000100080010-8