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Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 CARRIER SUITABILITY DEMONSTRATION SP-15b4 NAVY review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R0003001900 tt ~~,, // ,~/ ~ .-- - .~.e?I'9lGlIP~~ ~x~~ UI1;1~~"lL~t~~~d Ai~aANCE~ DE1/ELOPA+IENT PROJECTS Q i l {"2 B A N K r A L I F Q R N I A REPQRT NO. ~ 6P-~~~;. MODEL u2-r-, DATE COPY NO ~~R SUI3'ABILT~'Y~ Dr~TsTSTRATIO~i STAT C. D. Joh{~son VfeQ PrcaEfdent Advanced Deve? went Pro~eets APPROVED BY REV[SIONS STAT Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 SP-1564 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Page 1 The carrier suitability of the U2-R was demonstrated aboard the USS America in November of 1969. Two landin s a li htwei ht and a hea STAT g , g g vyweight takeoff .were accomplished by Immediately following the two demonstration landings, four operational pilots from the 1130th ATTG each made four landings in the same aircraft. Only two arresting cables were used and all arrestments but one were on the ~1 cable. Two go arounda for missed cables due to hook bounce were experienced. The hook bounce resulted from the liquid spring in the hook down mechanism losing its charge. There were no wave offs given by the LSO or elected by the pilot. Minor aircraft damage caused by hook bounce and repeated arresting cable whip were experienced. The damage was experienced on landing only so it would not compromise an operational mission. The U2-R was tak?n below to the hangar deck to demonstrate that it could be done for servicing and transporting. It is concluded that the U2-R meets the model spec. (SF-1125) and can be operated aboard a "Kittyhawk" class carrier. Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 sP-15~.~+ Pale i TABU' OF COT~`1'ENTS Sint, terry Introduction Description of Tests 1 2 3 PiJ.ot Training Conf i~tarat i on Deployment Landint, Demonstration Runout 3 3 }} 7 Go Around 9 Heavyt~i~ht Takeoff' 9 Movix~; Aircraft to anti frar~ Ha.n~as Deck IO Aircraft Dame 12 Conclus3.ons and Recar,~nendatians P_~..lats Report F-~ lure Index Phata~raphs and Drawings 15 "~6 I~3 19 thr~; 2~ Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 SP--1.564 Page ii REFEFtEAFCES 1. SF-152$, "Carri?r Suitability Test on Land", 1 Oct, 1969, STAT Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001 ~`i~'~~ Pam 2 ~Tt3.UDUCTI017 STAT A pro~rau~ with the U2-R eras conducted aboard the aircra~ ca~~^rier America ~CVA 6G} oza 21, 22 and ?3 I+taver~ber 1~6~:. Purpose oi' the pro~r2xt2 wa.s to clomanstrate ~che casr3er suitability oa' the U2-R and to ohecl; out and aualii'j four operational pilo-~s. 's-'he pro~rarz tra:, liven the unc? assified nay Blue C~zi].l V. The I~.3o-Uh ATTG from Edwmrds Air Farce Bare provided raaintez~zee, opera;ionw and lo~i:.tics support. I,ocSthee$ ADP was responsible fur the suitabilit~~ demonstration axed the ll3t)th ~~as ro:~pon.7ible for the operational gsil.ct checrtiouts. Thais repor'c z~~ili deal prizasrily ~rlth the suitability deznons?~rativzz and till refer to the chectiout pro~razi3 ozaly drhere it is pertir~n4 to the aircrai't operation. The I13?~~tSz ATTfi under the corrt2d o;'I ~hP,d a z~ll or-:azr .. ~ , . is ed staff' both aboard the carrier and a-t -che chore station. Their excellen~, sugpQrt functions made it possible to acconpiish the pxo~;razn s~'ely and e.:- pad it i[xzsly. Thz: America wa,c under the coznrn~szd of Capt. R. .:. Runble, U~TS. His r,.cen interest in the pro~,raai:z and hiW desire t~ operate the shzp as re~uirc~d to optimizo conditions for the U2-A, contributed ~estly to uhe success o~ the pro~;resu. Tr,+e deraonstrat:;.on landins and talseoi'f Mere zntzde by 1 STAT Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001'~1-i5~r P~,e''e 3 Ds'~'~CI~CPTIO~I C~' TESTS PILOT TR~.II~PdG Prior to ~oirtg aboard ship ~.rith -che Er;?-R, all pilots zrere liven carrier qualification trainiz~ at Pensaeala and ire qualified in ttze T2 aboard the USS t+asp. Vane of the pilots :uzv?lve~ 1n Blue Gull V had tal.en vlze U2-G aboaa~d rt carrier. The LSO assi~led to the Zl34th ATTG uor'~ed frith the pilots at Ldtirards Aix Force Base, I~ar~th Base on a serieU of U2-R T~Iirrox Lsnndirt Practice flights. Bach pilot had six T~'3,~' flights within i:wa ~eks of the actual. carrier landings. CO~'ICUF~ATION 1ST0 U2-R aircraft were prepared ~'or the proLrazi. Sep ia3 nu~tber 055 was clesi~2ated .~rirzary at~.d 051 t~r4.s the baeku7,. Arresting hook lsit T3:Y-ZO( was ins?cal.led an each aircraft. The kit consists of a boat: asse~tbly, hoop covax assembly, tail ~eax cloox deflectoro acid a ta.iJ_ wheel defector. T~;ain 1_andirt~, less strut F~5-9 :~ro,s instaa.].ed in both aircraf~:. This strut. had been proven by ~~ests to have better e_zerLy absorbiz~; characteristics artd is sehcd.uled as a change to all U2-R's by Service Bulletin i~'7S- Oasnera~, ware installed oi~ 055 for the initial. arrest::~tzts. :t;:~:ert~al po~.c were ~,nstal.led to phato~xaph +:he e~,a.irz lanc:ir~ gear, the hook and tai]. ~~ , and the caxrisr dccls. All unnaceUsa~,; e:Lectronic u;~ster-eu ~~rcre removed ~`ra2~~ the ui~.?cra~'t and it was ballasted far a zero fuel wei,ht oi' 18,:35 pounds. The apart bgttreen the coz~cetors an the r~rxesting cable is 10'-~ feet and flea tJ2-R ~~rixt; sr~n is 1.03.5 Poet. Thi6 requires the aircrafv beir~ close to elect:. centerline to avoid dares if a tip hit 3 the elect: alzc~ac~. of file cable. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001"~ 156 Purge ~ CON~'It~iJI~1TI4N Cont. ) To preclude 'che possibility of damaging the wing tip a spriz~ steel de- flector (RG~7~ was designed and i:lstalled. This temporary installation was made as a precautionary safety item far the test pro,~ram. Time c?id not permit designin;; and fabricatin; a "no drag" device for this purpose after the need was reco,+,~nized. 1~#::PTAYP~IT The equipment required aboard ship was air lifted to Tdorfol?: lYaval Air Station and placed aboard prior to the sailing date. A mfl.,~or itez~ in- cluded prior to sailing was a fuel. trucT; serviced with certified spec. compliance JP- 5 fuel. Altho ~, i the Jl'- 5 fuel on board ship shvu_ld have been satisfactory, it appeared advisable to have separate fuel because the America zras 3ust coming out of a ten ~!onths ley up in the ship yard. The i~ersonnel and shore based equipment were airlifted to Wallops Sta,, Virginia on 19 Sovember 1969. The two U2-R's were ferried to Wallops Sta. on 20 November 1168. Personnel vaere ferried out to the via C-lA's from Wallops Sta. early on 21 Sioveraber 1960. The equipment already an board wa..7 placed in nositian, line: Tor positionizzg the U2-R on the deet~ and elevator trere laid out a~ painted and the U2-R started ~nakin~; to*.a approaches in early afternoon. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190~.11~~~ Pa~c 5 TANDIi~t~ I7r~QNS`1'RI~TIQN The aircraft arrived over the ship Frith sufficient, xuel to make low ,passes and establish a pattern technique. The Breather was not ideal i'or a first lancing test. TY~e sett eras causing some deck Hitching but it was not noticeable to the pilot. Tficr' fires moderate turbulence end varyir~ uind:~. The captain was tr~ring to hold 25 knots relative wind dam the ar~.~;le deck. frith the ship held on a constant heading; and speea the wind eras varyint; bett~en l' an{3 33 Y.nots and 3o de~ees right and left of the six;,]_e decks ce~xterline The pattern wau flown at, 70 knata plus :? !:not for each l0~ gallons of fuel on board. TPae turbulence tiros severe a,t tir~a. It was causnn; a plus anc~ minus 30 knotty i'luctuation in airspeed but aircraft con#:rollability teas Uatisfactory. One very noticQable diiferonce in i'lyiz~ t;he nn;ttern on the ship from the P~SLP`s ws.v the burble behind the ship. The air::raf~~ z~ri.ll lose a~.titude and speed as it approeches the then regs,in it as tlxe fetri- ~ail is passed. The tendency for the pilo~ as to add pour as the aircraft steats to sink. i~ze aircraft has a.I.reacly started 'cc rise before the power responds so the t~owor mast be recuced im2nediatel,y. Oa the go grounds the ul~ drai`t fro~z the :intersection of tl~e araglo deck rind the .stx-ai;;~t decd; caused a sudden firing drop 'out it ua.u easily controllable. After sev+aral law passes the fuel load teas dawn to where; touch goo , could be started. No x~roblems Fire encountered durirk; the touch anc ~:~3 so ;> 1 and ~~ arresting cables ~rerG strop for the firs~c During 211 flying; an 1130th ATItG navigator on board the A~.neriea ~.c~ii~cored shi?~ position and con- tinuously updmted "Bingo I'ue1" (~ninit~ur~ fuel necessary for sate rt?tul^n to an airport) and heading for the pilot. The landing approach required a 5 to 10 de,~?ee lea"t drift correction. After the I,St3 gave tixe cut it wa.3 necessar,~~ to a3ake a correction to the right tea line up w' the angle deck centerline. This caused the lalu~ii~ to be r;ade Frith right tiring; down. .Cho wind; tip def3.ecor hit first, follo'a?Qd b;~ the tail Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 SR 1 `ji~~ Pa?e I,.4NDTPtG DI'.,bdONSTRATIpFi {Cont. gear and riuu~in gear. The touchdo~m was smooth with no bounce or left wins; drop. The 71,-1 cable was hooked and the aircraft stopped. The pilot re- ported amild deceleration. Runout tra.s 1~3 feet. Fuel load at landing was ~T16 gallons. Wind across the deck was varying considerably but was record- ed a~t 2G knots at the Lnoment of arrestment. After the landing the hook was latched up and the pilot taxied forward over the arrestin cable. The cable Sras retracted and the pilot shut the engine down. Hoc rer~s,ined in the coc~~pit chile the aircraft ~;-as towed ba,ek into nosi~cion for 'cateoff. Startint, point was ,just forward of the ;,~: cable station. The aircraft was not refueled bet~reen i'lights. After engine start t12e sump tank level remained at the ~8 - 50 gallons (~ucboard tanl.) transi'er J_ev~l. This gave assurance that the tanks containing fuel were feeding the .pump. The takeoff was made on the straight deck. Po~;os ~rere not used so the air- craft was balanced b;~ a man at the right win; tip. Lateral control was effective as soon as the aircraft started rolling. Takeoff distance ~~ 150 - 200 feet. Fuel load was X00 gallons. The second landing-; was much better than the first one. Althou,h the same conditions were encountered on fines, approach, the winos were held level at landing and through the runout. On both landir~s the aircraft was steered Frith the rudder pedals during runout. t-'in~t speed at arrestment was 30 ',snots an the second landing. Ax`ter the second landing it was ar~;reed that the U2-R z~s carrier qualified and was ready for the operational. pilot checkout program to start the follow- in~, day, Saturday 22 November 19ba. The pilot checkout pro{;ram want quite satisfactorily. The fir:~t c~ay the sea was smooth and the air conditions i~rez~e much srwother in the morning than the Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 ~P- l j ~~ 7 Lt~IDING ~L~~NSTRA.TI OISt (C ont . day' of the first landings. Twa pi3ots mace four landings each and one gilot made two landings before oparations were ceased in the 1a?t~) Lt1ND3:NG Nix FUEL raw. k~IPtD ~~s ATRCRlLF"r Rt1P10UT f-~ x+.Nr~s 1 ~r16 26 163 Hit rt. tip first, no bounce ~ 3~ 3~~ 162 Good, one bounce, no nose ~iip 1 t~~0 21 183 Good rotation, smooth 2 535 17 ~~4 Good 3 ~~ 191 Good ~~ 42 -~ 1? 176 Good 1 360 1;' 183 Slight bounce, mild nose clip ~ 530 25 217 Caught ;''2 wire Frith power on, one bounce, more dip 3 476 24 1~4 Good ~+ 3~`~ 2IE 173. Good 1 3&'O 24 1y0 Bounced, dipped badly; nose Ir)'~ flrom deck 2 546 25 13`.i No photos 3 31~+ 33 163 Slight bounce 4 516 36 luc Perfect 1 3~ 2~? 1g5 Caught cable in air, bad dip 2 470 31 17:) Caugh~ cable in air, mild dip 3 370 33 161 Caught cable in eir, bad dip 4 288 33 161 Bounced at hook up. dip Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 sP-15(~- Page 9 RUNOUT (Cont.) the ramie to Qxpect i'ar the i12-R. In one case where ~r.he pilot hissed the ,~l cable due to hook bounce, he advanced the throttle to go around and caught ?~ cable. The power response uas o rapid the aircraft h~~.d started to fly again as it caught the cable. Thi., caused the main gear ~to ;darn dawn. and the aircraft pitched around the rain gear. - The nose dipped below horizontal but sti7? had adequate deck clearance. Th~.s "pour oiz" arrestnent gave the lon,+;est deal: runout of 21'( Peet. 111 err ~agoznents were w'~thin ts~ro feet of centerline. There t~rere 4'tro go arounds caused by missed cables. Otherwise all e2~gager~enL-s were with the ~l cable. It is believed that all cable hisses were caused by a hoot=. snubber ~a3.- fux~ctian. This is discussed in detail cancer Aircraft D~~nag;e in this repot. wring the landings, the pilots learned cleat the aircraft can be steered easily d.urixi runout. The ease of steerin and the tihor ; runout: measured indicate that all four cables can be used if desirod. Fir~ure -'L shows runout an all "Kittyliawk" class carriers. The s-r:.nE; tip position va~?ies slightly due to deck angle differences. G4 ARUUPJA In both go around cases the throttle eras advanced after the I~ilot eras cure he had rLLissed the cables. The throttle vas advanced frcui cut ~u~sii;ion (idle) b~~t the engine had not fully unwound to i@lo. Power response wah excellent and the aircraft lifted oPP with plenty of deck to ;pa~~e. ~~r~zr=xT TA~o~ The heavyweiht takeoff was dettonstrated at the completion of the pilot queliiicatian prograu~. Fuel load Par the takeoff was 2,0&3 ~;allans. It was distributed by filling; the uti~xnp tank, both outboards anti 750 r~allons i~z each inboard. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 SP-15e~~ Pace 10 H~JLLVYt?I.~GiiT 'I'AF~OF'F' (Cont. R:ri:re~ie care was used to balance the fuel lead laterall~r and maintain tring3 level while waiting for takeoff. In spite o~: tY~ue precautions the left tirinG was heavier on takeoff. Tills was a minor probleu on a1.1 talteoffs aboard ship. It is believed that ship heel in turning and or wind off of the island tend to cause this problem. +~henever.the aircraft has partially filled tanks this can be e.~cpected to sore degree. ~? full potrer takeoff on the s?trai ght deck was made with 30 l:not:~ wind across the deck. S`cartin~3 point zras dust ahead of the ;r~ cable location and take- off point eras even with the end of the slant deck. The takeoff distance was 1+3a feet. The riuYlt pc~ro fell clear with?_n 104 feet of roll and slid for appxoxir~ately 140 feet. The Left po~a re:::ained in ton er because of the z~rin~ heaviness and fell clear in about: 244 feet and slid another 150 feet. The aircraft lifted off abruptly and cliral:yed out steeply. Laren if the deck had been pitching, the aircraft would net have touched the deck after the initial Lift off. PiaVING AIRCRAFT TO AND FROP-i HANGAR DECK At the completion of the first days lfin,~;, the aircraft Sra,s placed on the ~~~ elevator and taken below to the hangar deck. Thy size of the U2-R :Wade precise positioning of the aircraft on the elevator important. Prior to deployment, measurements of the 1)SS A~.zerica elevator and bulkhead openings were taken and handling drawinGs revised. Ply~?rood bulkheads to simulate the openill.G to ?the llan~ar deck k*ere cut out and sent; to ydwards Narth Base. An elevator was laid out on the rump, bulkheads positioned, anal soveral practice runs were made with the U2-$, Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 SP-1 ~6~ Page 11 1~SUYTDiG .AIRCR~T fi0 AND FRC~i HANGAR Di~K {Cont. } Figures ~ and 5 show how the aircraft is handled. The main and tailgear are rotated Q degrees and the aireraftt is pushed sides-rays onto the elevator. The lines on the deck anal elevator positican the airer~t so that it clears the bulkhead opening by approxinmtely 2 feet at the nose and 1 foot at the tail. bianu,al msnr'ement is easiest in thesc~ close quarters. t~dith the landing gez!r ~? feet 6 inches frog. the outboard edge of the elevator, one entire ~? panel is out over the water. To preclude arty sudden mvve~~ent of the aircraft the ship must be slo~red down or headir.~ changed to cancel out the wind across the deck. This eras done and the operation conducted in relatively-calm air. Another important consideration is fuel balance. To assure the lateral CG favoring the declt side the inboard trim, i+ras kept low ? by 25Q pounds oi' shot placed near the tip. This caused the fuel to run to the lc~w side and eventually the tip was so low that the ~,ri.n? could not be lifted by the crew. flue aircraft was pushed onto the elevator by rnanpc~*er quite easily. ~xeept for the heavy vin; the aircraft came off cif the elevator and through the bulkheads onto the hangar dock easi]~y. Once onto the liar deck the gear tras turned sufficiently to guide the aircraft around to where an adequately wide pascagc~?ray or "fire lane" exiuted in the harWr~.r deck. This whole operation took 55 minutes. In returning the aircraft to the flight deck the procedure eras reversed. Prior to moving, fuel tress trarisferrecl to level the win s. The shot bags were placed on the inboard win; but the wing was held level by manpower. Once on the elevator, awing tip stand was placed antler the ~.rin~7 and the win;; secured to the elevator by a chain at the pogo. This hold the wings level enough to prevent fuel running toward the outboard tirir~3. After the elevator reached the flight deck it was de~texgnined that the inboard win; eras the heaviest prior to releasing the tie dorm chain. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 SP-15 ~~. P~Ue 12 mC7VING AIRCRP~T TO !~D FROM H1~NCd~tR D~K (C ont . ) f The fuel moverient prableru going down eras a {food lesson to everyone. It shoz~redrioRa urirlan~eable the aircraft would be if the fuel roved outboard ~-rhile goin; on or aff of the elevator. It is conceivable that the air- craft could roll overboard and no one cL>uld stop it. the return 'co flight status on the fli~;lzt deck was uneventful anc3 requirod approxima.toly the same brie ~zs going down. It apj,~ears that this :ove~~ent could be reduced to ,~0 minutes each tra,}r as a routine operation. AIRCRAT~"P 1~21A.G As predicted from earlier arxestmerrc tests, there teas sorac~ r~inor c~arla;;e to the aircraft. Cable trhip dalx~{;ed the .~'t~;e~zr claors and door actuator rods. Aoolc bounce danced the underside o? the fusela~,=e. `1^he I~lastic hook fair- ings were also dar,~,.ged. Ai ~ gear door deflectors are pa~:~~ of the RX 107 kit. Purpose of the de- i"1.ector is to keep the cable a~;ay from the door during engar~;euent t~rhip of the catale. Althou ;h the deflector takes uos~t of the blotir, -the cable still hits the door sli ;fitly. The load ~,ai:sn bar the deflector is tran:~~kit'ced through the door to the actuator rod. Failures Ntart t~ritki rod am": bracket bendin;-;, then door craekin~ and f inal]y rad failure. Figure 7. the failures S.~re progressive anci did not create c. probler:~ after just one arx~estinent. Ti~is -type fa~.lure should riot compromise P.n operr~.~tional t~~i3sion. A study of the hir;h speed f i1~;~~ of the laa.diriF;s shotirs no tendeYicy for thz taut cables to come up hi~a enough. to hit or catch on the c.ircra.; t. All dama~~: zs done by the cable after I;he hook picks it up. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 ~TRCRAFT DAPf~4CxE (Cont. ) SP-1~~+ Page 13 It appears that the deflectors afford some protection to the doors and should be installed for operational ~'li~;hts. However, if the deflectors and tail gear doors were retuoved for training pro~ams, there should be sufficient clearance for cable whip and no aa~e should result. 1}esiunge to the underside of the fuuela~e ~.~s ri:inor but did require a re- pair after the program was completed. The dau~sge is cau.~ed by the hook hittir~ the structure either at initial arrest~nt or when the hoop bouncev up from the deck. E~igure 8. Hi{;h speed photos chow one' case where the honk hit~the deck and bounced up aainst the fusela;e and apparently missed hooking the ;~1 cable. Figure g. The hook bouncing did not start- until aitQr seven arrestrlents. The liquid spring hook damper was found to have lost its charge when checked at the corspletion of the pro~?am. The lack of darnpii~r was not noticeable to the men manually cocking the hook an the deck.. It is assumed that the damper lost ~.ts charge somotime prior to the eighth axrestment. The damper had bean serviced prio:c? to the runway test:. at L~zl.ehurst in September l~C~. IJu.rir~ the Lakehurst testa it was subjected to ten taxi arrestments and two landing arrestments. H~aging speeds in the Lskehurst casts tirei?e rsuch higher than those on the carrier. Friar to deployment to ~dallops Sta. the dami~er tras checked and found to be satisfactory and did not reguire resezYvicing. Pictures taken of the hook cn the first lanclin,s shot: it staying "glued" to the deck sroia initial contact until it pict;ed up the cable. The damper is under investigation and appropriate cox~reetive action will be ta~:en. The- plastic fairings around the hook and the pls.etic cone arc cif the hank were damaged -the first day=. They were rer:.oved and 'not replaced. The damage is caused by cable ~dhip also. 'i'bis damage to cheap replaceable parts occurs a:c landin{; and -therefore will not cor~?~romise a,n operational t~issa.on. Figure 1). Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 ~P-15'v~~~ Pa`e 14 AIRCRA~"P IlAt~iA.~E (C?nt. } The wind; tip deflector t~ras bent srnne on the first laxiditag. It is estimated that a tip load of 740 - 800 pounds caused the 'bending. The wing is de- uigned for a tip load in excess of 1,000 mounds. Ro dama~?e ~co the wind; tip attachment could be detected. The wing tip deflectors touched the deck aheetd of the ctable several titters duriz~; the prom. It appears desiresble to revise the tip skid leading ed,e shape so that it gill slide up over the cable connector or pulley. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 sP-15~+ Pa e 15 CONCLUSIC3IP~ n1tD R~QR14~,~NL~TTONS 1. The U2-R can be safely operated from an aircraft carrier. Because of the lamer ?levator and opening at the hangar deck, only the "Kitty- hawk" class (CVA 63 and above should be considered. 2. ~Jind across the deck between 20 knots and 35 knots for landir~ is satisfactory. Arresting gear settir~ should be 20,000 pounds. At normal. lasldir~ weight, runout will be bet~reen ZGO feet and 225 feet depending on relative wind velocity. 3. All four arrestment cables can be used by the U2-R. If the pilot land of'f centerline he can steer to the safe side during runout. /~. Takeoff performance on either angle deck or straight deck is sans- factory. Pogos should be used for heavy takeoffs. To preclude Fresnel Lease damage by a pogo, heavy takeoffs should be made on the straight deck. For future training operations the aft gear doors and hook fairings should be xemoved. This will allow su.ff~.cient clearance for cable whip without dalr~eging the aircraft or fairns. h. Z?dZen fueling aboard a carrier for a heavyweight takeoff, obtaining fuel balance is more difficult than on land. The wings should be secured to the deck in a level position. If possible, the ship should be ballasted level and held on a straight course between thc~ fueling period and the takeoff . 7, The RX 107 kit should include a device f'or the tip skid to slide up over iarotuberances on the deck. ~. Extreme caution must be exercised a.n maintaining lateral balance of the aircraft while vn the elevator. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 SP-156!+ Page 16 PILOTS SPORT Date : 21 Doyember 1~a6~3 A/C Serial : {~ Pilot : 'Teat: Carrier Landing Demonstration Weather: Scattered clouds with gusty winds. Ten miles visibility under the clouds with moderate turbulence. Wind varying Zg - 33 knots 30? left and right of carrier slant deck centerline. Deport: I toots off from Wallops airport and headed directly for the ship at S,OC)Q feet. The ship was spotted fifteen miles out and the pattern was entered at ~-~30 feet to the right of the shig on the ships heading. I flew three minutes beyond the ship and made a left turn onto the dawn wind using 20? 'bank angle. e-~eral low passes were made in order to finalise the pattern and burn o~.?t some of the 1,2{`'0 gallons of fuel on board. The turb-~lence eras extremely bad, however, lateral control was no problem in the pattern. The burble effect from the rear of the ship eras quite noticeable, During the final, stages of the approach the air- craft loses airspeed and sinks, then the pcxwer must be added and just as the power takes effect the airspeed is increasing; and the aZt=_tude is increasing as the approach end of the deck is Grassed. On ~;o around at the crotch, where the at~;1e decd: meets the straight deck, there is a tremendous up draft alonta with a rapid left wing drop which ~s easily controlled. Chi the first arrestment I was holding, from ~ to 10? d_*'ift correction dawn the final approach and the airspeed was fluctuatir~ ? 1{"> l.nots during the mast turbulent periods. The usual b~Zrble effect was encountered and after the L4O gave the cut I had to make s. correction to the right to line up with the centerline of the angle deck. The touch down was made right wing first then tail wheel then raa~.n ;,ear. The touch down was smooth with a very mild deceleration on the run out. Steering corrections were made STAT Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 SR l56?- Pabe 1? Report: Cont. throughout the roll out to r.~aintain just sli?htly right of center line. After the e~.ts po~*ar was left at idle throughout the runout. C?n the PTo, 2 lamming the same ~ - l0? left drift cori~etion eras held on final, the same burble ef'f'ect was encountered, and after the cut an this landin?; a sl~.ght right t~.zrn. was made to line up with the angle deck center line. The touch down t~ras two point and the wings remained level throughout the r~uio~~t. The right rudder was used to ,Meer the aircraft t;o the right during the runout. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 SP-1.5t~r?- Page 1~ FIGURE II~'DL~: Fib;. PTo. Title Page FJo. I Seccnd T.,sndfng Pho~i;os 2 Second Landing Photos (Cont.) 3 Low Nose D~::p Laxlciing Photos 1,. Land9_ng Runout 4n Carr_er. 5 Elevator and Hangar Deck Layout o 7 Ai rp7_ane Handl ~ On Carr:: ers Tail~;ear Door Da~~e 3 Fuselage Dames-,e to IQ Hoof: Bounce Photos Fsfrfng Damage Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 FI G. 1 SECOND LANDING Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 FIG, 2 SECOND LAIVD I NG CONTINUED Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 SP I r;-i Ya ~_ ~~ Z ! FIG. 3 LOW' NOSE DIP CAUSED ICY CABLE HOOKUP ON BOUNCE Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 FI G. 7 DAMAGED L. H. TAI LGEAR DOOR Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 5P- L'~n?~ 1'a~,c 1.7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 DENTED SKIN ANI) RING STA 608 Fl G. $ FUSELAGE DAMAGE Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 SP- 1 564 Pa~c~ Z6 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 0. 0 5EC~ FI G. 9 HOOK BOUNCE CAUSED E3Y DEFLATED HOOK SNUBBER Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 {j-} ,; Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP74B00836R000300190001-7 SP _ 1 56