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Approved Foilrlease006/0313 : CIA-RDP74B0083i 00010006013-0 SECRET 25X1 25X1 Copy 10of 12 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Plans Request for Assistance in Investigation of Loss of U-2, 8 September 1967 1. Preliminary conclusions regarding the loss of an IDEALIST/TACKLE U-2 in Che-chiang Province, eastern China Mainland, on 8 September 1967, indicate that the aircraft was most probably brought down by Chicom surface-to-air missile fire. The approximate coordinates where the loss occurred are 300 38' N, 1200 25' E, and approximately 65 miles southwest of Shanghai. 25X1 25X1 ILLEGIB 25X1 25X1 CARL E. DUCKETT Deputy Director for Science and Technology Attachment: 1 (as stated) 25X1 25X1 NSA, USAF reviews completed GROUP , p~ E..Nd.d from awomo~~c pproved For Release 2006/0 gc!`(?l1-RDP74B00836R00010006001 do og.cding NGA. Review Completed. Approved. Fo lease 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74BO083 000100060013-0 SECRET 25X1 D Page 2 Director of Special Activities INTEL/O/OSA,1I nlm (3 Oct 67)(Rev Distribution: #1 - DDP (w/att) #2 - DDP (w/att) #3 - D/OSI (w/att) #4 - D/OEL (w/att) #5 - DD/S&T Chrono (w/att) #6 - DD/S&T Registry (w/att) #7 - DD/S&T Registry (w/o/att) #8 -.D/SA (w/att) #9 - D/O/OSA (w/att) #10 - IDEA/O/OSA (w/att) #11 - INTEL/O/OSA (w/att) #12 - RB/OSA (w/o/att) EO/SA 5 Oct 67) 25X1 GRO1 , 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03 RDP74B00836R000100060013"??? 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 Approved F*okelease 2006/03/15: CIA-RDP74B001 8000100060013-0 25X1 Copy J of i/ 2 2 SEP 1967 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Science and Technology y ss on C297C CCe.l SUBJECT : Anal sis of TACKLE Mi i 1. This memorandum is for information only. 2. This study results from an.exhaustive analysis of all available data which are pertinent to the loss of Article 373 on 8 September 1967, and represents the coordinated views of the Office of Special Activities, Office of Scientific Intelligence and the Office of ELINT. 3. Facts: 25X1 a- The mission was flown in response to coverage, on an urgent oasis, o seventeen inese Communist (ChiCom) airfield targets. b. The mission aircraft departed ,on 8 September. The route was designed to cover six of the 17 highest priority. targets. The mission aircraft penetrated ChiCom territory at approximately 0302Z at a point on the China coast approximately 45 nautical miles northeast of Shanghai. Attachment 1 depicts the planned route of flight, and the actual route of flight c. Within the twenty-four hour period prior to mission launch, and again shortly after loss of the mission aircraft, NPIC completed a detailed SAM search 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1- 25X1 25X1 25X1 GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic Approved For Release. 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 downgrading and declassification 25X1 Approved Fdlease 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B008000100060013-0 age 25X1 25X1 of all available photography of the area within fifty nautical miles of the last reported position of the mission aircraft. With the exception of the previously reported SAM sites located at Shanghai, NPIC was unable to detect any new SAM sites. (Attachment 2). On 19 September 1967 the Imagery Analysis Staff of DDI reported discovery of a probable SAM site at Chia Hsing Airfield. Their report was based on an extensive examinatio of KH-4 photography dated with 25X1 special emphasis on the Chia Hsing Airfield. A copy of their report is included herein as Attachment 7. 25X1 25X1 ~pproved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 Approved F~ lease 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B008000100060013-0 b. TACKLE overflight operational missions will be suspended until these modifications have been accomplished and satisfactorily flight tested (approximately six weeks for critical items). c. Upon resumption of TACKLE operational missions, and until the threat is better defined, mission routes will be designed to keep the mission aircraft at least fifteen nautical miles from high priority ChiCom Airfield targets. d. An examination of present will be conducted to determine if assignments can provide better data for subsequent post-mission analysis. e. Efforts will be made to withhold mission information from all except those who have a confirmed need-to-know. 25X1 -age 25X1' 25X1= PAUL N. BACALIS Brigadier General, USAF Director of Special Activities 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 Approved For%Mease 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00838it000100060013-0 I I age 1. 9 5. Route Map NPIC Report of SAM Search Resume of Activity OSI Assessment of om Proposed Modifications to 7. Top Secret Message - Cite Director of Scientific Intelligence cc: Deputy Director for 'Intelligence IDEA/USA/ aea (21 Sep 67) #1, 2 DD/S &T 3, 4, 5 D/OS I 6, 7, 8 D/OE 9 DD/S I, &T R i t eg ry s 10, 11 D/SA 12 IDEA 13 RB/U 14 DDI /USA SA 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 25X1 25X1 proved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74480093SMUG100060013-0 25X1 25X1 Copy 8 September. 1907 M0RANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBYECT; Resume of LT IC Searches for SAM Sites in China in Support of OSA 1, WIC and OSA have Ion ha.d formal a.rraalgements for NPIC searches of photography to locate SAN: sites in Communist China. On 23 March 1967 a revised Memorandum of-Understanding entitled "SAM Search Procedures for IDEALIST/TACKLE Missions" was approved Jointly by the Director of Special Activities, DD/S&T and the Director, National Photographic Interpretation Center. This procedure calls for NPIC to be given advanced notice of planned routes for DU-2 flights. NPIC uses these canned routes in the conduct of a search of all photography as it Is received. The spotting of a SAM site during this search is instantly reported. 4nien OSA specifically takes steps to launch a U-2 mission, the Center is advised.NPIC quickly double checks to make sure that all photography was in fact searched upon its receipt and, an advisory cable is sent from NPIC to OSA before the "go" signal is given:' NPIC is normally given ;word of a pending flight from 30 hours to 12 hours in advance of mission takeoff time. NPIC undertakes to insure that a search of all available photography had been carried out in areas 30 NM on either side of planned route and within a 50 M4 radius of the principal targets and suspect SAM areas specified by OSA..'NPIO rechecks "suspect" and interest areas indicated by OSA. 25X1 21 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 25X1 25X1 TOE. S - E~ 25X1 25X1 25X1 SUi3J CT ' Resume of NPIC Searches for SAM. Sites. in China in Support ,.r, ncti Chronology - C297C a. Canned route 1058 received 31 August 1967 b. 1600, 5 September 1967 - Mission alerted fo11owinh weather briefing. c, 1620, S September 1967 - NPIC alerted to conduct SAM search of cflxuzod route 1058 (C297C) d. 2111, 5 Sep .ember 1967 Nona al cable request for SAM search received by NPIC from O.A. f. 1600, 6 September 1967 - Go-No-Go briefing attended by NPIC. Overlay of coverage searched was provided OSA. to OSA. Copy attached as Tab 1. - / e, 1224, 6 September 1967 - Results of search sent b cable 24 hours, No furti' was required. y . g. 0215, 7 Se :ember 1967 - Mission alerted and dela ed h. 1400, 7 September 1967 - Second Go-No-Ga briefirz at erode 25X1 by NP1:C. I. U300 September 1967 NPIC advised by Phorse e- 11 from j. 0420, 8 September 1967 -1' Search starters by PAC; ?r-,-cnnnA7 ,in personnel to check area. of shoot down for SAM site. COSA) of shoot doi,m and requesting that NPIC call 25X1 Approved For-Remise 2006/631155'-: -CIA=RDP74B00836R '9b& -0 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For RetSe 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836 2 Page 3 11111,11 SEC RE's' i Ices nm of NPIC Searches for SAM Sites in China i.n, Support of 4SA 25X1 25X1 25X1 after receipt of news of the 8 September shootdown, OSA rtl ?5h o . y asked NPIC to undertake a new search of areas believed to be related to the incident. NPIC has completed this renewed search and remains unable to identify a SAM site in the specified areas, 4, r ^a h used for this search. was from a KH-4 mission and t the is dated The scale and resolution may preven Center's en . -ca z M. This would be particularly true if deceptive measures such as camouflage were employed to conceal or other- wise disrupt a visible pattern. It is of course, possible that a SAM position was deployed some time after the date of latest 25X1. coverage. hould lee ;ode clear. The Chinese Corr nunist SAM site t i s n of xne po is unlike the Soviet or Cuban.. It lacks fixed signatures Meager SAM resources are deployed with great mobility. Identification of a Chi.Com SAM site in photography, particularly at M-4 type of resolution is difficult. Mobility means that a SAM site, spotted as each and seen to be operational one day,, may be vacant the next. s are researched by NPIC following .,~ h r~ ortra h p y e c t ctan ~___ .. _ _ - the 8 &pte-ember shootdow]t. A e ws.w+.ti} w ..? circled areas have been thoroughly searched l h arge, e in detail. ot~m of t by two separate teams, each taring having; searched the entire area. The smaller circled area has been thoroughly searched four times', each time, ative ne ted . g , by a different analyst. The results were, as sta 25X1 E. H. Ki oc e National photographic Interpretation Center . Attacbnent : Tab 1 - Cable., Overlay Routo .Distribution; . Copy i. DDI Y PSEN` Approved For Release'2006/01 00010006 25X1 25X1 ~y ca r. Fi "P 11 i }. r ft,.. T IAT P~61,G24E CITE. op 6 16.402 25X1 25X1 A. C297 CANNED ROUTE 1058) B. 1200L 6 SEPT C. SHANGHAI SAM, SITES 13-36 AND A-02 ARE LOCATED WITHIN 0 Nei OF Tx25X1 CANNED ROUTE. B-.36 WAS p ED ON S A-02 WAS OCCUPIED ON K O H ACTIVITY 25X1 INDICATED ON THE PHOTO COVERAGE a WAS OBSERVED WITHIN S0 NM OF THE CANNED ROUTE OWING SEARCH OPERATIONS CONDUCTED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING RECEIPT OF THE MOST RECENT PHOTOGRAPHY. Irv PHOTOGRAPHIC MISSIONS WHICH HAVE 10 PERCENT OR LESS CLOUD COVER ,.: ONLY ARE PLOTTED ON THE PHOTO COVERAGE OVERLAY FORWARDED UNDER SEPARATE COVER. HOWEVER, ALL PHOTOGRAPHY IS SEARCHED TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY. A SEARCH OFTHE AREA WITHIN A 50 NM RADIUS OF THE FOLLOWING POINTS HAS.-,BEEN COMPLETED WITH NEGATIVE -RESULTS d,iV l4LVUU"r(SmC.. t1ilC.rly+ SHANGHAI 3.14N 12123E (SEE "C" ABOVE) ' 3 C 15 N HANG OHOU I201 CAE CHIA HSING.', S044N 120 2E LU CHI AO 2834N 12125E LIEN CHIANG 2614N 31.s'3OE Frr CHOU ' 26C0N I1919P: ~73~,4N i S rE LUNG CTIEN THESE POINTS ARE ALSO INDICATED ON THE PHOTO COVERAGE Approved For Rabase 2006/03/jS,,,M1 QIA-RDP74B00836F ''Approved Far. Release 2006/03/15: Cl4-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 ~1?~'rt? . 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 TOP S1CR1T OSI ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT SAM THREAT 1. We believe that the Chinese have fielded at least one, possibly two modified versions of the SA-2 system, although the available evidence suggests that as many as three separate ChiCom versions may exist. All versions appear to employ substantially the same missile -- the Guideline Mod I and a Chinese production copy of it All the om modifications have been observed in 25X1 the 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET GROUP 1 _tuded from automatic downgrading and decjassificati~? i Approved For Release 2006/03/15: CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 Next 15 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 5X1 . Approved For Release 2006/03/15: CIA-RDP74B00836R000Ab66Vj' & 7 3 TO 25X1T P S: C P E ?r 25X1 RD :9 2Z C;: T 1 r'RIOR: T 1` OtF'C;E'N ttDS 'k ADDS E) THE FQ:.. IS FROM ` T}-f.~E~ . ~ CIAf7 ACsE ..t{Y (1# ~t S:~:5 S ,.~z.. ~R V.~~... C'iitEA" L ~.,'sa~~:. 1. A NEWLa IDENTIFIED PROBABLE SA--2 S E IS LOCATED AT IRFIrELD , CHINA', p AT 30--A2-445N I. 35E I APPPOX MY7^TL d LY 4 t,~ CAq .5 (MILES (NM) SOUTHWEST OF CHIA HS .NC t'JD APP POXIMATELY 52 NM :U zlf'EE;' ES 0 F SHANGHAI v CHINA 2. THE SITE T"-' LOCAsED AT THE NORTHEAST END OF THE AI IF i:E i.,' A. AND AROUND EXISIT1NG AIRCRAFT Rs VETMENTS., TWO LAUNCH APPARENTLY BEEN INTERSPERSED AMONG THE AIRCRAFT REVETMENTS,, t.!N aDENT -- FIED EQUIPMENT IS VISIBLE IN THESE TWO P,'OSI:TIONS. Sin ~~`;rs"psy A4. rRCRAFT REVETtMENTS IN WHICH UNIDENTIFIED EQUIPMENT IS VISIBLE MAY tiLSj REP- LAUNCH POSITIONS AND/OR STORAGE POINTS FOR ASSOCIATED EQUIP- GE MENT 34 ON THE HARD SURFACED RUNWAY SERVING THE AIRCRAFT REVETMENTS, AND CENT RALLY-LOCATED W IT H RESPECT TO '.t; HE:M. i HERE IS UN IDENTI.F 1ED EQUIPMENT ARRANGED IN T HE L-SHAPED PAT TERN TYPICAL OF THE GUIDANCE 0 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836R000100060013-0 25X1 Attachment 7 Approved For Ruse 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP74B00836RW6100060 ,O 2 IN-524 72 T O P S E C R Z T I PA13 2 25X1 AREA AT C1' INESE N S~rT ESe A POSSIBLE VEHICLE PARK WHICH MIA Y' ALSO B . ASSOCIATED IS ?DJACam.IN! TO THE TAXIWAY. THIS AC IW"IT - CAN Ds, Oi S.:F~VED FOR THE FIRS! TINE ON AND WIN] BE NE fir :3'DI IT W A S LAST OBSERVED 5 A TO DATE q }3E COVERAGE OF THIS SITE IS LIMITED TO S iAL..L-SCPLE KH-4 PHOTOGRAPHY OF FAIR QUALITY, THE SITE CONFIGURATION CANNOT 3D}E1ti IN" ITLEY BE DETERMINED AT THIS 1111f IT DOES NOT CONFORM TO USUAL SA-2 PATTERNS?q BUT BEARS SOME SIMILARITY TO XUANG.,CHOU SA-2 SAM SITE B27-2, AS OBSERVED 6. THIS IDENTIFICATION IS CONCURRED-'".1N BY NPIC. PHOTO GRA PH? T O P S E C R E T TOR: 2019332 SEP 67 Approved For Release 2006/03/1b : (C]AAROP71' bA0SAR0b0100060013-0 25X1