NIMBUS 3084 & 3085

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25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74B007766RR000100130001-5 Nimbus 3084 & 3085 1. Mission 3084 was originally scheduled for a 0609402 launch. However on a flight made on 27 June an auto pilot problem was encountered (rudder would kick intermittently). summer replacement) worked on it. Another test hop 25X1A flown 29 June with some problem plus pil press fluctuation 44..45 PSI observed. Pilot reported engine slightly rough on a third test flight 3 July.oil press fluctuated 46 + 3 PSI plus moderate engine viberation above 84% - heaviest at 88%. A fourth test flight flown PM 3 July to check oil press fluctuation. Eng vibration was the same or slightly worse. At this time it was decided that the engine should be changed. Unfortunately no replacement engine was on hand. Hqs stated a 0-124 would bring one in the evening of 3 July. Engine actually came in 4 July 1900L, The maintenance section worked around the clock and the test hop was successfully flown PM 5 July. Hqs delayed another day primarily due to the engine arriving lEit?so a training mission was flown 6 July (full fuel & all equip) to check out performance. Mission was good except for anotherA.P. problem (wings would not level after turn). The A.P. male'. was found and the acft was considered in commission for Mission 3084. 25X1 A 2. When 25X1A 25X1A original planned departure, prior to our said there would likely be a problem on the housing & vehiclesjpossibll none. I messaged Rigs requesting that requirements laid on. They came back with an order to send a "recur e this A-1- i 1 45- 25X1A tr a---- R.cer d oop ow Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74B00776R000100130001-5 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74BO07- %me 000100130001-5 3. Det departed Edwards 7 July 0730 PDST in C-97. Arrived 25X1A -220 CST. Hqs Comoro people were already there and ready to go to work as soon as they received the Commo field safe which had the cryptographic material. All personnel were housed in the BOQ. 4. WX came in early PM 7 July and we were all set well ahead of the time for a 08/0930Z launch. It should be noted that the new SSB emergency code received from Hqs the day before we left was cranked in. 5. The ferry mission came in on schedule and the msn (3084) was launched on schedule. The local WX was good & forecast to remain good. 25X1A 6. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A the msn pilot, aborted after penetration approx :30 due to "D" light going out. As a result he arrived back at 0 approx two hours early. I had given the tower my quarters phone and requested I be notified if he returned early. We recovered the aeft with no problem. There were numerous descrepancies on the aeft (nothing to cause an abort) besides the "B" maif. Unfortunately, 1ruel was insufficient to return to Edwards without .re-fueling. So we refueled and launched back home for another try in 48 hrs. It auto pilot compnents do not work wither Od#f A.P.)in all cases since the recent modification. 7, Mission 3085 was set up for a 10/0935Z launch. The ferry flight came in on schedule and everything seemed to be going smoothly. The mission was identical to 3084. Unfortunately, during the preflight 411 inspection,~Maint found4 ignite plug inoperative (one of two). After considerable checking it was determined that the problem was a. bad Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74B00776R000100130001-5 Approved For Rase 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74B00776R000100130001-5 25X1A 25X1A ignition excite# box. This required engine roll back, I decided that it was undesirable to say the least and unsafe to fly the mission with only one !G plug. Decided to launch the bird home for repair. Hqs & agreed. Launched 10/1200Z on the return ferry. Due to the engine roil hack and a test hop afterward, Mission 3085 was delayed 48 Hrs. 8. Mission 3085 was rescheduled for 12/09302 launch.. Ferry flight came in on schedule. The mission was launched on schedule and flown as briefed. The local -weather was good for T.O. & landing. The acft landed with cabin heat having been full hot for the last 1+30. Maint changed the cabin temp by-pass valve &. amplifier and if this had been the problem, re-launch would have been on schedule. Unfortunately the problem remained. Naint finally changed the control switch in the cockpit & it was cleared up. The ferry msn then launched to Edwards. 9, We plan o launch the C-057'& T.33 that evening but the c-97 C/bs3 had a red oaree.condition. Number 3 prop would not feather/unfeather, This problem was discovered that noon but the work order was late in getting to SAC Naint. They estimated that it would be fixed in 2-3 hours so T decided to launch the C-97 that evening as soon as it was fixed. Finally, at 2200L they decided they needed parts & special tools. The C_97 pilot called his home base requesting same & another acft pick us up. I had told Hqs previously that we had a problem and they had said they would get us another acft if necessary. I called Fqs early the next (y'ri) AM, asking for another acft. Also 25X1 10. 1 & I left in T..33 809 rkiday AN. Another C-97 returned the remarPv&d ?Ag FaPp03/01/24 : CIA-RDP74B00776R000100130001-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74B00776RR0000100130001-5 General: (1) Housing & vehicles were no problem. The motor pool did pick up our two vehicles Mon (9 July) i,rithout warning. I visited I that same day. Both interviews were congeni4l. stated that SAC could. not help us on got our vehicles back for us. He would like a letter or meg on our requirements so he can obtain more vehicles. I told him one should be in the mill from higher Hqs. I borrowed the 4428th mobile control - no problem. (2) The 3-ton airconditioner motor burned out the day before we left. We brought back the motor for exchange. Recommend an additional one-ton unit be installed in the Comma garage. The 3-ton job doesn't quite hack it. Do not feel that insulating the garage would be practical due to cost., An evaporative cooler could be us9d instead, but this type cooler is not too offi.cient in that area. (3) I sent in a message requesting Hqs desires in case of a. hung pogo on mission launch. They answered: abort. (4) I recommend that other Det Cmdr leave their quarters phone with the tower operator, in case the bird comes back early. On 25X1 A msn 3084, 25X1A had called the SSB at Edwards Commo with an ETA showing an early return and an unsuccessful mission, They took no action to notify anyone. Hence I got up telephone alert at 1To insure that they know what to do in the future, prepared a form that covers the code words, hours of SSB monitor and other instructions in detail. The form would be filled in for each NIMBUS Operation. Major, USPPproved ase 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74B00776R000100130001-5 Operation Officer 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74B00776R000100130001-5 REE'UELING SINMA.RY OF UEADQUARTEHS MISSION 3065 Tanker departed Edwards 2/0825 Receiver departed Edwards 20835 Tanker arr Primary rendezvous (DLF RBN) 2/1035 Rece?'er arr Primary rendezvous Laughlin I3,BN 2/1050 Receiver experienced difficulty joining up Departed on course 21109 5 contacts made in normal all disconnects 1 made in override 600 gal transferred Arr Secondary orbit (Corpus Christi) 2/11382 Made one 360? turn Departed Control Point 21145-z completed refueling 2/1149 Receiver departed 21151 Contacted at II and advised to close up 2/1216 Approved For Release CIA-RDP74B00776R000100130001-5 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74BO07Z 000100130001-5 TIGHTLIP EXERCISE 30 JAN THRU 3 FEB 62 1. Timing sequence: a. U-3A departed EDW 30/0525L arrived BIF 30/0925L departed BIF 30/1415L arrived DLF 30/1615L b. T-33 departed EDW 30/1015L arrived D/M 30/1145L departed D/M 30/1330L arrived DLF 30/1530L departed DLF 03/0950L arrived D/M 03/1330L departed D/M 03/1450L arrived EDW 03/1730 departed DLF 03/1255L arrived D/M 03/1430L departed D/M 03/1530L arrived EDW 03/1700L c. Article 3431 (departed EDW on Msn 31/0035L arrived EDYT 31/0810L departed EDW on ferry flt 02/2145L arrived DLF 03/0045L Article 3421 eparted EDW on Msn 02/0035L rrived DLF 02/1220L eparted DLF on ferry fit 02/1830L rrived EDW 02/2120L Article 3431 eparted DLF on ferry flt 03/1900L rrived EDW 03/2210L d. Two navy Aid acft were diverted from ED'tI to DLF for transport of take. Number one aeft departed DLF with take 02/2323Z (1723L). 2. Sequence of events: a. During the flight in to Biggs, the U-3A Number one tachometer went to zero and remained that way thru engine shut-down. We carried a new tack generator and instrument so we requested the base maint to make repair. Unfortunately, these items were not at fault. The airman assigned had no previous experience with U-3A's and was very slow. He did, however, finally establish that the wires leading into the tach gen cannon plug were loose and broken. It worked OK thereafter. b. On arrival at DLF we set up a maint mee I for the next morning (Wed) before departing Biggs I called EDW and advised of the WX delay. arrived ahea o us, as already in bed but we got him up. c. Thurs morning after coordinating the GCI, I land I monitored than 20 in the mobile from 0430L to 0730L. assed overhead on schedule at 0500L and obtained his radius c earance. We never did hear from the tanker during the time we were on the air. At 0712L (1312Z) I Icalled "Mike Control" stating that he had been unable to extend the receptacle and was returning to EDW. I immediately called Hq. with this info. Isaaid he had Joe's phone number and would call him right away. o d to be sure he called EDW promptly as Joe would have to get things set up. I then called et al, and cancelled the prior coordination. Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74B00776R000100130001-5 Approved For lease 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74B007 67 8000100130001-5 d. Thursday afternoon when the next msn was set up we again coordinated the maintenance support. Contacted for his support and OSI to handle =-qent to bed on schedule. I shoo mention that the main runway at LF is closed, undergoing extensive resurfacing. The outside runway is being used exclusively except the N-S runway can be used in an emergency. The main problem is the long taxi distance for landings to the SE. Fortunately, winds were very light or calm. We landed 0 to the NW. After pogo in- stallation parked him on the run-up area adjacent to 13R which is also __ I to his house and kept him there close to 13L. F until the next day. passed overhead on schedule - I had already coordinated GCI. We hacil in the cockpit ready for a 0615L (FRI) 1215Z T. 0. Kept him on the hose and ready to go until the KC 135 called in that we were released. We left the acft in position for another hour. Then pup it in.hangar one which was empty. The base WX people busted their forecast as low stratus came in early Fri. morn, in 342 landed on schedule. Again we were able to land to the NW and taxi him to hangar one. The acft was immediately pulled into the empty hangar. with help from own- loaded the config. The over-all handling of the take took longer than anticipated - approx 3 hrs from msn landing to launch of the A3D. This was due tol orking mostly by himself. T. We launched 342 0 at 1#330L and 343t 1900L. 342 had an engine driven fuel boost pump putting out only 16 psi. We decided not to take the time to change it as 16 psi is in the normal operating range and O was going back low. 343 still had a full load of fuel from the night before - we did not want to d.efuel it until after 342 landed and we were released. Then the maint. people were too busy. 3. Recommendations (and comments): a. The trng command had high density traffic during daylight hours - four acft shooting touch and goes at the same time. Traffic pattern has been changed. U-2's now break to the south (over the base) and the trng command breaks to the north. b. Recommend the KC-135 and U-2 not get a radius clearance over the same radio fix. I overheard SA Center querrying the DLF dispatcher: "What are you doing, refueling U-2's, now, you've got a U-2 and a KC 135 over the RBCN - The U-2 is descending and the KC climbing?" The dispatcher denied any knowledge thereof. c. told me thati ha.d briefed the 4028th on the details of c ec ou' a and his man overseas. Pat said that erei been so many rumors about these items that the Col called 2AF and got permission for the briefing. Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74B00776R000100130001-5 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74B00-R000100130001-5 d. Recommend something be done to whow our appreciation for really fine assistance. He was with us from 1I arrival with until we launched on the return ferry. He did a really fine job. e. Another outstanding performer was He was most helpful as a legman in addition to his regular PE duties. His attitude is ex- ceptionally fine and he is thinking all the time. He did many little things without being told - like renewing trip tickets, helping carry baggage, obtain a spare recorder and set it up. He was most helpful. f. One final item. Maint should add to their checklist that they carry blue painted hatch covers for installation when the acft lands. We did borrow a set initially but they weren't of the right color. As it turned out we didn't have to use that set. g. Recommend that we land the U-3A at El Paso International and Tuscon Municipal airports in the future. They will have 91 octane fuel and better maintenance available. All you can get nowadays at AF Bases is the high octane fuel - this will foul up the plugs over a period of time. Also, rental cars and commercial acft would be available at the civilian fields. All we need is AF contract fuel available. Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP74B00776R000100130001-5